Zone1 Do you ever make decisions that may be more relevant to other religions "just in case"?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
For instance, I don't eat pork, haven't for years. If I see meat that is hallal or kosher, for moral reasons alone I will pay the extra money for the food but there is also a voice in the logic of my mind that says, "you believe in a Higher Power, but you can't say for certain which religion is most accurate so it is important to cover your bases". Am I alone in this broader approach to religion?
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For instance, I don't eat pork, haven't for years. If I see meat that is hallal or kosher, for moral reasons alone I will pay the extra money for the food but there is also a voice in the logic of my mind that says, "you believe in a Higher Power, but you can't say for certain which religion is most accurare so it is important to cover your bases". Am I alone in this broader approach to religion?

Not sure what "moral" reason you could have for eating hallal or kosher if those aren't your religion. They are largely processes that get them the stamps. A lot of common crap food is kosher just because food processors like to be able to mark their packages that way. Doesn't mean it is particularly good for you.
For instance, I don't eat pork, haven't for years. If I see meat that is hallal or kosher, for moral reasons alone I will pay the extra money for the food but there is also a voice in the logic of my mind that says, "you believe in a Higher Power, but you can't say for certain which religion is most accurare so it is important to cover your bases". Am I alone in this broader approach to religion?
I don't eat anything that is not kosher but I don't follow man's religion. I follow the 10 Commandments.
Not sure what "moral" reason you could have for eating hallal or kosher if those aren't your religion. They are largely processes that get them the stamps. A lot of common crap food is kosher just because food processors like to be able to mark their packages that way. Doesn't mean it is particularly good for you.
A BLT once in a while is actually good for you.
Not sure what "moral" reason you could have for eating hallal or kosher if those aren't your religion. They are largely processes that get them the stamps. A lot of common crap food is kosher just because food processors like to be able to mark their packages that way. Doesn't mean it is particularly good for you.
Well, it is about the manner in which the animal was killed, certainly with hallal meat. Whether it is or not in practice is difficult to know, it does bother me to eat meat in general at times and I eat far less than in my youth.
While I come from a long line of Roman Catholics, I'm an Atheist about the only religious thing I do, is light a candle for my late wife, when entering old Catholic Cathedrals for photography purposes overseas. She was very devout and while I didn't attend services with her, on losing her, I felt the need to do this.
While I come from a long line of Roman Catholics, I'm an Atheist about the only religious thing I do, is light a candle for my late wife, when entering old Catholic Cathedrals for photography purposes overseas. She was very devout and while I didn't attend services with her, on losing her, I felt the need to do this.
Such honours are important. Sorry for your loss.
It's good for your mental health to eat something delicious. Why would your God care what you eat?
I've exposed myself to different religious texts and health information. Pork, especialy if overcooked, is not good for ones health and is carcogenic. Let me give you another example, I learned this from a Jewish guy I used to hang out wth, wash your hands before every meal and say a small prayer before each meal, even if just an apple. Not too much to ask if we have a Creator, no?
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For instance, I don't eat pork, haven't for years. If I see meat that is hallal or kosher, for moral reasons alone I will pay the extra money for the food but there is also a voice in the logic of my mind that says, "you believe in a Higher Power, but you can't say for certain which religion is most accurate so it is important to cover your bases". Am I alone in this broader approach to religion?

I mean I don't know if you're alone in your approach but I also do not know any honest Christians who do this. I think it's not uncommon to have moments of doubt. But to go so far as to base food choices on it, or to practice the laws/rituals of other religions?
I mean I don't know if you're alone in your approach but I also do not know any honest Christians who do this. I think it's not uncommon to have moments of doubt. But to go so far as to base food choices on it, or to practice the laws/rituals of other religions?
The fact is , noone knows the truth and I dont care who they are, we.simply dont. We have few years on this earth, so it is incumbent for me to at least consider other beliefs snd approaches. There is nothing wrong with saying a prayer before a meal, Christians do those too. I say several prayers a a Christian in fact,.when walking, in the shower, wherever. It is easier for me I suppose, because I went from.a.Sunday School kiid, to an Atheist as a young adult, to Agnostic and then Christian. I've considered many different views in my lifetime as a natural course.
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For instance, I don't eat pork, haven't for years. If I see meat that is hallal or kosher, for moral reasons alone I will pay the extra money for the food but there is also a voice in the logic of my mind that says, "you believe in a Higher Power, but you can't say for certain which religion is most accurate so it is important to cover your bases". Am I alone in this broader approach to religion?

Nope, I don't use religion to make my choices for me. I use my own brain.
Nope, I don't use religion to make my choices for me. I use my own brain.
God doesn't make decisions for us. Can he guide us? I believe so abso!utely. He most thorougly understands us. We are all servants of G_d whether we appreciate it or not. Before the understading of Abrahamic Faiths what type of species were we? Very inventive, yes, but savages. G_ds guidance is invaluable. I am not trying to convert you, Ive been in your shoes. Be a good person, care for the truth and one another, this doesnt require religion. However, you will come to realizs one day and have Im sure already asked from time to time, "what is there beyond us, our origin, our souls fate"?
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I've exposed myself to different religious texts and health information. Pork, especialy if overcooked, is not good for ones health and is carcogenic. Let me give you another example, I learned this from a Jewish guy I used to hang out wth, wash your hands before every meal and say a small prayer before each meal, even if just an apple. Not too much to ask if we have a Creator, no?
All you need is to stick to the food pyramid. The way you learned it in grade school, no remodeling of the pyramid. If you don't like pork, no big deal. There are plenty of other meat options. The washing of the hands was of course sage advice from that Jewish man. I wished he would have met your mom long before you met him. Like seriously? That was news to you?
The fact is , noone knows the truth and I dont care who they are, we.simply dont. We have few years on this earth, so it is incumbent for me to at least consider other beliefs snd approaches. There is nothing wrong with saying a prayer before a meal, Christians do those too. I say several prayers a a Christian in fact,.when walking, in the shower, wherever. It is easier for me I suppose, because I went from.a.Sunday School kiid, to an Atheist as a young adult, to Agnostic and then Christian. I've considered many different views in my lifetime as a natural course.

Of course you can do as you please, I never said differently. I only said that in my years of growing up in the Christian church, and then my decades of being a born-again believer, I have not known anyone who practices Muslim, Hindu or Jewish rituals "just in case". That's not about truth...that's about a lack of faith. God loves to answer prayers on faith, btw. Pray for more faith.
The fact is , noone knows the truth and I dont care who they are, we.simply dont. We have few years on this earth, so it is incumbent for me to at least consider other beliefs snd approaches. There is nothing wrong with saying a prayer before a meal, Christians do those too. I say several prayers a a Christian in fact,.when walking, in the shower, wherever. It is easier for me I suppose, because I went from.a.Sunday School kiid, to an Atheist as a young adult, to Agnostic and then Christian. I've considered many different views in my lifetime as a natural course.

As an aside: your first posts in this thread were grammatically correct and with good spelling, etc. And then this one. I've noticed this pattern a lot, a wild swing in the coherence of your posts. I hope you're okay....I mean that
Maybe because God doesn't like His innocent sentient creatures being tortured, abused and needlessly killed, which later ends up killing us, since it was never meant to be food in the first place? Just a thought. :dunno:
If a pig isn't meant to be food than what is it meant for?
Of course you can do as you please, I never said differently. I only said that in my years of growing up in the Christian church, and then my decades of being a born-again believer, I have not known anyone who practices Muslim, Hindu or Jewish rituals "just in case". That's not about truth...that's about a lack of faith. God loves to answer prayers on faith, btw. Pray for more faith.
Yes, I do have a lack of Faith in Jesus as a prophet. I said it and I'm sorry. If you knew the details.of my life in my country, a G_dless country for the most part; you would thoroughly understand and i have made this plea directly to the Lord myself explaining why I have lost Faith. Now, even as a kid I prayed to G_d,. Even as a person of sheer science who was Atheist, I would pray, again, "just in case". There have been moments I've felt an angel.on my shoulder. It has just been few and far between and I feel that the evil around us is very strong and broad.among men. Even in my darkest days I prayed and believed but felt no relief. If there is a G_d he will guide all of his believers. If his will be done I am experiencing a very low point.

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