Do we still need Sign Language?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Sign Language has been in place for over a hundred years as a means for deaf people to communicate.
Technology today puts a computer in everyone’s hand

It is easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know sign language to communicate with a deaf person through text messages.
Voice recognition has advanced to the point where a deaf person can convert spoken words to text. Why do we still need someone signing on the sidelines?
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.
No matter how skilled you may be, sign language cannot capture the nuances of the written word.

Only a small percentage of the population can use or understand sign language. Using phone apps to communicate opens a deaf persons ability to communicate with everyone.

I see sign language going the way of shorthand.
Sign Language has been in place for over a hundred years as a means for deaf people to communicate.
Technology today puts a computer in everyone’s hand

It is easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know sign language to communicate with a deaf person through text messages.
Voice recognition has advanced to the point where a deaf person can convert spoken words to text. Why do we still need someone signing on the sidelines?

Because it’s ....
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.
No matter how skilled you may be, sign language cannot capture the nuances of the written word.

Only a small percentage of the population can use or understand sign language. Using phone apps to communicate opens a deaf persons ability to communicate with everyone.

I see sign language going the way of shorthand.

Actually sign language captures more nuance than the written word, for the same reasons spoken language does. Emphasis. Tone. Inflection. And certainly more than spoken language where the speaker cannot be seen, e.g. telephone.
Sign Language has been in place for over a hundred years as a means for deaf people to communicate.
Technology today puts a computer in everyone’s hand

It is easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know sign language to communicate with a deaf person through text messages.
Voice recognition has advanced to the point where a deaf person can convert spoken words to text. Why do we still need someone signing on the sidelines?

Because it’s ....

Actually the graphic is redundant. The presence of a Noo Yawk Wankees cap already denotes "ghey".
Having a sign language interpreter is a very important function when someone is giving a speech.

They should also require a Farsi sign language interpreter, a Swahili sign language interpreter, a Portuguese sign language interpreter, and someone who can sign in Pig Latin.

Having a sign language interpreter is a very important function when someone is giving a speech.

They should also require a Farsi sign language interpreter, a Swahili sign language interpreter, a Portuguese sign language interpreter, and someone who can sign in Pig Latin.


Cult of Ignance inna HOUSE.

Falo português. E você?


Well then, that's gonna isolate you even more, isn't it.
Sign Language has been in place for over a hundred years as a means for deaf people to communicate.
Technology today puts a computer in everyone’s hand

It is easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know sign language to communicate with a deaf person through text messages.
Voice recognition has advanced to the point where a deaf person can convert spoken words to text. Why do we still need someone signing on the sidelines?

Sign language is cheap and easy to carry around with you, computers does have that capability you described, but can't work at barbecues, parties, camping, backpacking/hiking, swimming and more.

My Parents decided I was better off being mainstreamed to be able to communicate with the general public, than be stuck in a sign language world, where few people exist in. Thus underwent speech therapy that lasted for15 years, wore hearing aids, no sign language at all.
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.
No matter how skilled you may be, sign language cannot capture the nuances of the written word.

Only a small percentage of the population can use or understand sign language. Using phone apps to communicate opens a deaf persons ability to communicate with everyone.

I see sign language going the way of shorthand.

Nearly all people around the world understand some sign language, even babies-
Having a sign language interpreter is a very important function when someone is giving a speech.

They should also require a Farsi sign language interpreter, a Swahili sign language interpreter, a Portuguese sign language interpreter, and someone who can sign in Pig Latin.


Cult of Ignance inna HOUSE.

No more ignorance than believe someone making jazz hands is actually saying something. I bet most of them are faking...

Having a sign language interpreter is a very important function when someone is giving a speech.

They should also require a Farsi sign language interpreter, a Swahili sign language interpreter, a Portuguese sign language interpreter, and someone who can sign in Pig Latin.


Cult of Ignance inna HOUSE.

No more ignorance than believe someone making jazz hands is actually saying something. I bet most of them are faking...

Of course you do. You're the Cult of Ignance.

sure we do.

when we're all separated by an inch of glass I'll have to summon the waitress somehow.....
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.
No matter how skilled you may be, sign language cannot capture the nuances of the written word.

Only a small percentage of the population can use or understand sign language. Using phone apps to communicate opens a deaf persons ability to communicate with everyone.

I see sign language going the way of shorthand.

Nearly all people around the world understand some sign language, even babies-
View attachment 312824
That kid will go far
Sign Language has been in place for over a hundred years as a means for deaf people to communicate.
Technology today puts a computer in everyone’s hand

It is easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know sign language to communicate with a deaf person through text messages.
Voice recognition has advanced to the point where a deaf person can convert spoken words to text. Why do we still need someone signing on the sidelines?

Voice to text still needs work.
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.

The Amish don't use telephones because they believe in fairy tales.
Sign Language has been in place for over a hundred years as a means for deaf people to communicate.
Technology today puts a computer in everyone’s hand

It is easy enough for anyone who doesn’t know sign language to communicate with a deaf person through text messages.
Voice recognition has advanced to the point where a deaf person can convert spoken words to text. Why do we still need someone signing on the sidelines?

Voice to text still needs work.
Tell it to Alexa....she never gets things wrong
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.

The Amish don't use telephones because they believe in fairy tales.

Actually I know the Amish. Have spent time with them. Amish are friends of mine.
Poster, you're no Amish.
You can't be serious.

PERSONAL communication, the key word being 'personal'.

It's like the reason the Amish don't use telephones --- because it cuts off the visual cues of face-to-face communication.

Communication is far far deeper than words on a page. This site alone being a sterling example. Body language, intonation, cadence, eye contact, intensity ALL work in concert.

Fun fact: Sam Phillips, of Sun Records fame, grew up with a favorite and high-spirited aunt with which he continuously engaged in stimulating conversation. All through sign language.

ASL ability is to be envied as much as any other language, for the same reason. Gives a unique window to an entire set of people.

The Amish don't use telephones because they believe in fairy tales.

Actually I know the Amish. Have spent time with them. Amish are friends of mine.
Poster, you're no Amish.

I don't believe in fairy tales, so no, I'm not Amish.
Tangent Alert: Watching the people signing beside these politicians when they are talking about the CaHuna Virus is hilarious. Their facial gyrations crack me up. Can't help it.

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