New Verb "Mileied"


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
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Argentina President Javier Miele ran on a platform of cutting back the State to free the Argentine economy. Elected in November, Argentina just realized its first budget surplus in over a decade.

Not since Coolidge has a Western Leader gotten it so right!

America need to same leadership here. We have entire Federal Departments who have attached themselves like zombie vampire leeches to the US economy and are bleeding it dry.

The Federal government needs to be Mileied.

Mileied, verb, the act of a US President eliminating unnecessary government agencies, departments, Military leaders, Intel Agencies and withholding appropriated funds
Good luck to him but it is just normal good housekeeping practises .
That is
Do not spend what you cannot afford to pay for .

If he is smart, he will encourage simple kids to start work at 10 and encourage old people who can still walk to carry on until they are at least 75 .Even order the lazy bastards to .
No sick pay or free replacement limbs .
Tough Love !
I was watching Jimmy Dore's commentary of CPAC. . . he noted that when Javier met Trump. . . the scene reminded him of this. . .

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