Do we agree that a fundamental difference between the right and the left is...

Golfing Gator

Show me the prominent members of the right that support taking people's taxes to pay for the healthcare of foreigners living here illegally.
I can show you a lot of pseudocons on this forum who believe we should all pay higher tax rates and borrow trillions in order to give tax credits, deductions, and exemptions to corporations.

Much easier to find leftists who want to give handouts to illegal aliens for literally no reason.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
The right makes lotsa noise about that stuff but doesn't really want it.

What the right wants is control of everyone and everything under the thumb a few wealthy individuals and companies.

The left wants freedom. Freedom to be who they want, freedom to love who they want, freedom from the perils of wealth inequality including but not limited to healthcare, housing, and enough to eat...

You get the picture.
I'd like the freedom to get a plastic straw and not step in human shit on the sidewalk in California.

How's that working out?
See "wealth inequality*.

I can't with the plastic straw.

You suffer from information inequality
I'm sure you think that means something.

You're wrong.

As usual.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
I wish I could agree. But the difference I’ve seen is a preference for who is holding the reigns. Many posters whom I admittedly like, and agree on in many areas; still demonstrate a proclivity for a strong government that exerts pressure on free men. It seems the petty details are what’s most quibbled about...
It gets you less evil than picking the greater of two evils.

Yep, it gets you Ted Bundy instead of Jeffrey Dahmer...what a win! :113:
ROFL! So you think the people who voted for someone other than Hitler were voting for Jeffrey Dahmer?

See what an imbecile you are?

Godwin prove right once again.

If this is only spending of money that matters then what is the point of the thread?

My OP was clear, or so I thought:

...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
Well, there's your problem. You started with a totally false premise.

Look at the complete and total silence of the pseudo-Right in the face of Trump's record spending and doubling of the deficit.

Now do you see the giant hole in your premise?

Trump requested $4.75 trillion for FY2019, the biggest budget in the history of the Universe. Far and above Obama's worst year of spending.

That was not the Democrats' request. It came directly from Trump himself.

Now here's the important part: Not one peep from anyone on this forum claiming to be a conservative.

I wonder what kind of serious mental warps you must have to believe $4.75 trillion means right-wing ideology is "small government" without your fucking head exploding.
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It gets you less evil than picking the greater of two evils.

Yep, it gets you Ted Bundy instead of Jeffrey Dahmer...what a win! :113:
ROFL! So you think the people who voted for someone other than Hitler were voting for Jeffrey Dahmer?

See what an imbecile you are?

Godwin prove right once again.

Godwin is a leftist who is trying to discredit the obvious similarities between the Nazi party and the Democrat party.

He's a douchebag, just like you.
Golfing Gator

Show me the prominent members of the right that support taking people's taxes to pay for the healthcare of foreigners living here illegally.
I can show you a lot of pseudocons on this forum who believe we should all pay higher tax rates and borrow trillions in order to give tax credits, deductions, and exemptions to corporations.

Much easier to find leftists who want to give handouts to illegal aliens for literally no reason.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is about $50 billion a year.

The net cost of tax expenditures is $1.4 TRILLION a year.

You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.
Golfing Gator

Show me the prominent members of the right that support taking people's taxes to pay for the healthcare of foreigners living here illegally.
I can show you a lot of pseudocons on this forum who believe we should all pay higher tax rates and borrow trillions in order to give tax credits, deductions, and exemptions to corporations.

Much easier to find leftists who want to give handouts to illegal aliens for literally no reason.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is about $50 billion a year.

The net cost of tax expenditures is $1.4 TRILLION a year.

You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is actually more than $120 billion/year. That's only the cost in government programs. It doesn't even consider the cost in lower wages and jobs take from American citizens.
It gets you less evil than picking the greater of two evils.

Yep, it gets you Ted Bundy instead of Jeffrey Dahmer...what a win! :113:
ROFL! So you think the people who voted for someone other than Hitler were voting for Jeffrey Dahmer?

See what an imbecile you are?

Godwin prove right once again.

Godwin is a leftist who is trying to discredit the obvious similarities between the Nazi party and the Democrat party.

He's a douchebag, just like you.

Golfing Gator

Show me the prominent members of the right that support taking people's taxes to pay for the healthcare of foreigners living here illegally.
I can show you a lot of pseudocons on this forum who believe we should all pay higher tax rates and borrow trillions in order to give tax credits, deductions, and exemptions to corporations.

Much easier to find leftists who want to give handouts to illegal aliens for literally no reason.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is about $50 billion a year.

The net cost of tax expenditures is $1.4 TRILLION a year.

You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is actually more than $120 billion/year. That's only the cost in government programs. It doesn't even consider the cost in lower wages and jobs take from American citizens.

And that's not even factoring in the damage mass immigration, legal or otherwise does to our culture
Golfing Gator

Show me the prominent members of the right that support taking people's taxes to pay for the healthcare of foreigners living here illegally.
I can show you a lot of pseudocons on this forum who believe we should all pay higher tax rates and borrow trillions in order to give tax credits, deductions, and exemptions to corporations.

Much easier to find leftists who want to give handouts to illegal aliens for literally no reason.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is about $50 billion a year.

The net cost of tax expenditures is $1.4 TRILLION a year.

You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.
The net cost of illegal immigrants is actually more than $120 billion/year. That's only the cost in government programs. It doesn't even consider the cost in lower wages and jobs take from American citizens.
We're at full employement, remember? Trumpies brag about it every day.

So much for the "wetbax steel our jobz!" argument.

The deficit was DECREASING when the GOP took over. Trump has more than doubled it to a trillion dollars. Even if I stipulate your bullshit $120 billion a year claim, that still leaves $880 billion of massive overspending by Trump.

So much for the "because Mexicans" bullshit.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?

The left supports individual good through common good (trickle up). The right supports common good through individual good (trickle down).

That is what it essentially boils down to.
$1.4 trillion a year spent on tax expenditures.

And your propagandists have you whining about Mexicans.

Textbook misdirection to keep you tards' attention away from the real thieves.
You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.

Not to mention, that when people see the term illegal aliens, they envision people sitting on their arses, watching tv, getting food stamps and generally being lay abouts. The majority of them work. Probably don't pay taxes, but their income is completely disposable. They pay rent, gasoline, food, utlities - all adding to the economy. Not saying they should not be documented and pay their taxes, but they aren't the drain on the economy most people think they are.
You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.

Not to mention, that when people see the term illegal aliens, they envision people sitting on their arses, watching tv, getting food stamps and generally being lay abouts. The majority of them work. Probably don't pay taxes, but their income is completely disposable. They pay rent, gasoline, food, utlities - all adding to the economy. Not saying they should not be documented and pay their taxes, but they aren't the drain on the economy most people think they are.
I've said countless times the GOP really screwed the pooch when it comes to immigrants. Immigrants, legal and illegal, are by and large hard working, deeply religious, and family oriented.

They are a natural fit for the Republican Party, but get their faces spit on by the bigots and the Right's propagandists instead.
You should be asking yourself why your bigoted overlords have you focused on the wrong thing. But we all know you won't.

Not to mention, that when people see the term illegal aliens, they envision people sitting on their arses, watching tv, getting food stamps and generally being lay abouts. The majority of them work. Probably don't pay taxes, but their income is completely disposable. They pay rent, gasoline, food, utlities - all adding to the economy. Not saying they should not be documented and pay their taxes, but they aren't the drain on the economy most people think they are.
I've said countless times the GOP really screwed the pooch when it comes to immigrants. Immigrants, legal and illegal, are by and large hard working, deeply religious, and family oriented.

They are a natural fit for the Republican Party, but get their faces spit on by the bigots and the Right's propagandists instead.

Most of the world is comprised of hard-leftists who also happen to hate white people and christian values and you expect them to change into friggin george washington when they set foot on magical American soil?

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