Do people under 30 hate the republican party?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse

The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them.

In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of millennial voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 32 percent identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America. Sixty-one percent think racial diversity is good for America.

You can’t be racist confederate conservatives and hope to hold on to a majority
Trump won by 70,000 votes in three states and taking the electoral college. But he lost the election by millions.

Republicans seem to be saying that because they won the election they don’t need to increase their party.

Wasn’t the midterm the canary in the coal mine?
The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse

The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them.

In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of millennial voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 32 percent identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America. Sixty-one percent think racial diversity is good for America.

You can’t be racist confederate conservatives and hope to hold on to a majority
Trump won by 70,000 votes in three states and taking the electoral college. But he lost the election by millions.

Republicans seem to be saying that because they won the election they don’t need to increase their party.

Wasn’t the midterm the canary in the coal mine?
Social conservatism is just continuing to bleed out. It has been for hundreds of years now. It’s speeding up with increasing access people have to the free flow of information
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Do people under 30 even own a home and pay taxes or are they still living with Mom?

The share of young Americans living with their parents is the highest in 75 years

The share of American young adults living with their parents is the highest in 75 years
Of course. That doesn’t surprise me at all. Republicans cut taxes for millionaires by trillions under George Bush and they did it again under Donald Trump, but this time for needy billionaires.

Somebody is paying for that. That would be the middle class.

Democrats keep trying to come up with things to help these young people. Education that doesn’t bankrupt them for decades and healthcare and so on.

Republicans are just trying to screw them over endlessly.
Do people under 30 even own a home and pay taxes or are they still living with Mom?

The share of young Americans living with their parents is the highest in 75 years

The share of American young adults living with their parents is the highest in 75 years
Of course. That doesn’t surprise me at all. Republicans cut taxes for millionaires by trillions under George Bush and they did it again under Donald Trump, but this time for needy billionaires.

Somebody is paying for that. That would be the middle class.

Democrats keep trying to come up with things to help these young people. Education that doesn’t bankrupt them for decades and healthcare and so on.

Republicans are just trying to screw them over endlessly.

Once again Illinois has the 2nd highest property tax in the nation and 100grand a year plus local employees.

The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse

The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them.

In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of millennial voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 32 percent identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America. Sixty-one percent think racial diversity is good for America.

You can’t be racist confederate conservatives and hope to hold on to a majority
Trump won by 70,000 votes in three states and taking the electoral college. But he lost the election by millions.

Republicans seem to be saying that because they won the election they don’t need to increase their party.

Wasn’t the midterm the canary in the coal mine?
Social conservatism is just continuing to bleed out. It has been for hundreds of years now. It’s speeding up with increasing access people have to the free flow of information

Cherry picking....
Once again Illinois has the 2nd highest property tax in the nation and 100grand a year plus local employees.


Sounds about right...

For bed wetters like that piece of shit deanturd, "progress" would be Trickle Up Poverty. Everyone in a company makes a "living wage" say $20 an hour. From the fry cook to the CEO, they would call it "income equality".

That's not for the Commisars however... They would have to get paid much more "because of all the good they do" creating shovel ready jobs....

The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse

The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them.

In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of millennial voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 32 percent identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America. Sixty-one percent think racial diversity is good for America.

You can’t be racist confederate conservatives and hope to hold on to a majority
Trump won by 70,000 votes in three states and taking the electoral college. But he lost the election by millions.

Republicans seem to be saying that because they won the election they don’t need to increase their party.

Wasn’t the midterm the canary in the coal mine?

Good decent people hate the Republican Party.

Hateful, racist bullies support the Republican Party.

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The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse

The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them.

In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of millennial voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 32 percent identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America. Sixty-one percent think racial diversity is good for America.

You can’t be racist confederate conservatives and hope to hold on to a majority
Trump won by 70,000 votes in three states and taking the electoral college. But he lost the election by millions.

Republicans seem to be saying that because they won the election they don’t need to increase their party.

Wasn’t the midterm the canary in the coal mine?

The problem the libs have however, is that these "under 30's" will be over 30 in the none too distant future and will sober up.

Apparently, when someone turns 30, they become more family oriented and realize that there are only 2 sexes, male and female, and they want their kids to be normative
The Coming G.O.P. Apocalypse

The generation gap is even more powerful when it comes to Republicans. To put it bluntly, young adults hate them.

In 2018, voters under 30 supported Democratic House candidates over Republican ones by an astounding 67 percent to 32 percent. A 2018 Pew survey found that 59 percent of millennial voters identify as Democrats or lean Democratic, while only 32 percent identify as Republicans or lean Republican.

Seventy-nine percent of millennials think immigration is good for America. Sixty-one percent think racial diversity is good for America.

You can’t be racist confederate conservatives and hope to hold on to a majority
Trump won by 70,000 votes in three states and taking the electoral college. But he lost the election by millions.

Republicans seem to be saying that because they won the election they don’t need to increase their party.

Wasn’t the midterm the canary in the coal mine?

Good decent people hate the Republican Party.

Hateful, racist bullies support the Republican Party.

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From all the evidence, it does look that way to any outside observer.
I'm 35 and I don't like most of the Republicans in Congress. And I'm a registered Republican.

I'm vehemently opposed to regressive leftist authoritarians more than I am a republican. I'm more of a libertarian on most issues.
The problem the libs have however, is that these "under 30's" will be over 30 in the none too distant future and will sober up.

Apparently, when someone turns 30, they become more family oriented and realize that there are only 2 sexes, male and female, and they want their kids to be normative

For me it was when I was 18 and looked at my pay stub. When I had to pay my own rent and buy my own food, toilet paper, pot, and clothes, those taxes were a wake up call.

It never crossed my mind that someone else should give me that shit.
The Dems have become the communist party. And most of the Republicans are spineless worms. Thank God for President Trump.
I didn't believe he was going to be the guy who would roll back so much regressive policy, I figured him for the ultimate RINO and that we'd have medicare for all by now, an assault weapons ban, and a green new deal.

So far he's been better than I figured Ted Cruz would be.

The hate he gets from genetic garbage like Deanturd is just the perfect head on my beer.

You know what the difference is between people under 30 and people over 30? Wisdom.

You libtards can keep your morons. You're like a hand and glove.

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