Do new-age Liberals love war and military conflict? Do they like us flexing our military muscle?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Didn't they used to beg our government to avoid conflict at all costs?
Didn’t they used to hate our expansive military?
What happened to peace, love and hair grease?
Make love not war?
But of course! Bogus illegal endless economically cannibalizing wars of aggression and profit, empirical global occupations and "interventions", 1000 military installations and bases across the globe are utterly bipartisan endeavors which never result in any questioning of costs or blowback.
Do new-age Liberals love war and military conflict? Do they like us flexing our military muscle?

As long as Trump is anti war the dems will be hawks with bloody fangs...that's how insincere a democrat is....let the light shine down on the world can get a glimpse....
Didn't they used to beg our government to avoid conflict at all costs?
Didn’t they used to hate our expansive military?
What happened to peace, love and hair grease?
Make love not war?

Trump accomplished something their leader was sworn in to accomplish, but did not have large enough sack. He even got the peace prize, time to ship it to Donald J. Trump.
War Turkey.jpg
I tole ya. I tole ya and tole ya and tole ya.

I tole ya Trump would have all you pseudocons follow him into the far left cave like the cut and run Democrat Pied Piper he is.

Did you listen?


Remember how you all screamed and screamed for 13 years that Hussein had WMDs? Trump changed your tune on that, didn't he.

Remember how you all snarled that "Bush kept us" safe for eight years? Well, not quite eight years. There was that 9/11 thing, after all... And now Trump, who wanted Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office (for lying about WMDs of all things!) has you all trashing Bush's name every chance you get!

Remember when Trump said Obama "created ISIS" by drawing down our troops in the Middle East? Now he has you all howling that Obama didn't withdraw enough troops, and he has you not giving a shit that ISIS is back on the loose!

Remember how you hated commies? Now Trump has you surrendering the entire Middle East to a KGB thug.

I swear, I feel just like Cassandra in Greek mythology around here sometimes.
August 2015:

The GOP got control of Congress because of low voter turnout, but they are so retarded they think it means they are doing something right.

Trump is showing them just how wrong they are. He's showing them America is becoming more and more sick of both parties.

He's showing them the Republican party is followed by idiots, and he is their pied piper. "Look what I can make them go along with! The retards will follow me anywhere I lead them."

I wonder how far Trump the pied piper can lead these rubes. Will he get them all the way into the cave?

This is fascinating to watch.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

I tole ya. I tole ya and tole ya and tole ya.

I tole ya Trump would have all you pseudocons follow him into the far left cave like the cut and run Democrat Pied Piper he is.

Did you listen?


Remember how you all screamed and screamed for 13 years that Hussein had WMDs? Trump changed your tune on that, didn't he.

Remember how you all snarled that "Bush kept us" safe for eight years? Well, not quite eight years. There was that 9/11 thing, after all... And now Trump, who wanted Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office (for lying about WMDs of all things!) has you all trashing Bush's name every chance you get!

Remember when Trump said Obama "created ISIS" by drawing down our troops in the Middle East? Now he has you all howling that Obama didn't withdraw enough troops, and he has you not giving a shit that ISIS is back on the loose!

Remember how you hated commies? Now Trump has you surrendering the entire Middle East to a KGB thug.


Haha..WTF are you all spun up on?
The question in the OP is...
Do new-age Liberals love war and military conflict? Do they like us flexing our military muscle?
Do you have an answer for that?
I tole ya. I tole ya and tole ya and tole ya.

I tole ya Trump would have all you pseudocons follow him into the far left cave like the cut and run Democrat Pied Piper he is.

Did you listen?


Remember how you all screamed and screamed for 13 years that Hussein had WMDs? Trump changed your tune on that, didn't he.

Remember how you all snarled that "Bush kept us" safe for eight years? Well, not quite eight years. There was that 9/11 thing, after all... And now Trump, who wanted Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office (for lying about WMDs of all things!) has you all trashing Bush's name every chance you get!

Remember when Trump said Obama "created ISIS" by drawing down our troops in the Middle East? Now he has you all howling that Obama didn't withdraw enough troops, and he has you not giving a shit that ISIS is back on the loose!

Remember how you hated commies? Now Trump has you surrendering the entire Middle East to a KGB thug.


Haha..WTF are you all spun up on?
The question in the OP is...
Do new-age Liberals love war and military conflict? Do they like us flexing our military muscle?
Do you have an answer for that?
You are attempting to project your own hypocrisy onto the left. But it is YOU who have changed sides. You have moved to the far left, just as I predicted all of you would.

You're all Obama Democrats now.

"Cut and run! Cut and run!"
Liberals have never really been against a justified and measured use of force to protect human life. Sometimes there are horrible people that need killed. What the left has always been against is stupid wars that waste lives and money just to protect some rich man's bottom line. ISIS needed to be destroyed, there was never much argument on this point. We spent much blood and money on this effort and now it's for naught.
This opposition to Trump's colossal fuckup in Syria is bipartisan. It's not a Left thing. It's an EVERYONE thing.

Only the worst of the Trumptards are defending his fuckup. They have gone full retard. They have gone full Obama Democrat.
A handful of American troops were PREVENTING military conflict, you stupid stupid stupid idiots.

That's not warmongering, dumbfucks. No more than our troops in Europe deterring Soviet aggression were warmongers.

You really do sound like 1960s comsymps right now.
Didn't they used to beg our government to avoid conflict at all costs?
Didn’t they used to hate our expansive military?
What happened to peace, love and hair grease?
Make love not war?

These same liberal assholes demanded that we bring our troops home. Demonstrates just how phony these assholes on the left are, everything is about political power they don't give a shit about the American people.
Didn't they used to beg our government to avoid conflict at all costs?
Didn’t they used to hate our expansive military?
What happened to peace, love and hair grease?
Make love not war?

These same liberal assholes demanded that we bring our troops home.
And now Trump has you all singing the same song.

I tole ya he would lead you all into the far left cave. I specifically remember you doubting me when I predicted it.

I tole ya. I tole ya and tole ya and tole ya.

I tole ya Trump would have all you pseudocons follow him into the far left cave like the cut and run Democrat Pied Piper he is.

Did you listen?


Remember how you all screamed and screamed for 13 years that Hussein had WMDs? Trump changed your tune on that, didn't he.

Remember how you all snarled that "Bush kept us" safe for eight years? Well, not quite eight years. There was that 9/11 thing, after all... And now Trump, who wanted Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office (for lying about WMDs of all things!) has you all trashing Bush's name every chance you get!

Remember when Trump said Obama "created ISIS" by drawing down our troops in the Middle East? Now he has you all howling that Obama didn't withdraw enough troops, and he has you not giving a shit that ISIS is back on the loose!

Remember how you hated commies? Now Trump has you surrendering the entire Middle East to a KGB thug.


Haha..WTF are you all spun up on?
The question in the OP is...
Do new-age Liberals love war and military conflict? Do they like us flexing our military muscle?
Do you have an answer for that?
You are attempting to project your own hypocrisy onto the left. But it is YOU who have changed sides. You have moved to the far left, just as I predicted all of you would.

You're all Obama Democrats now.

"Cut and run! Cut and run!"

You’re sadly mistaken. I’m still all for wasting those piece of shit ragheads and so are most with nuts. I’m not for staying in a hostile territory forever and playing the police for indefinite periods. FUCK THAT
I tole ya. I tole ya and tole ya and tole ya.

I tole ya Trump would have all you pseudocons follow him into the far left cave like the cut and run Democrat Pied Piper he is.

Did you listen?


Remember how you all screamed and screamed for 13 years that Hussein had WMDs? Trump changed your tune on that, didn't he.

Remember how you all snarled that "Bush kept us" safe for eight years? Well, not quite eight years. There was that 9/11 thing, after all... And now Trump, who wanted Nancy Pelosi to forcibly remove Bush from office (for lying about WMDs of all things!) has you all trashing Bush's name every chance you get!

Remember when Trump said Obama "created ISIS" by drawing down our troops in the Middle East? Now he has you all howling that Obama didn't withdraw enough troops, and he has you not giving a shit that ISIS is back on the loose!

Remember how you hated commies? Now Trump has you surrendering the entire Middle East to a KGB thug.


Haha..WTF are you all spun up on?
The question in the OP is...
Do new-age Liberals love war and military conflict? Do they like us flexing our military muscle?
Do you have an answer for that?
You are attempting to project your own hypocrisy onto the left. But it is YOU who have changed sides. You have moved to the far left, just as I predicted all of you would.

You're all Obama Democrats now.

"Cut and run! Cut and run!"

You’re sadly mistaken. I’m still all for wasting those piece of shit ragheads and so are most with nuts. I’m not for staying in a hostile territory forever and playing the police for indefinite periods. FUCK THAT
We have had troops in Europe (still do) since WWII deterring Soviet (and now Russian) aggression.

We have had troops in South Korea for almost 70 years deterring Nork aggression.

Just so with troops in the Middle East. And now far left Democrat Donald Trump is finding out why they were there.

They were PREVENTING military conflict, dumbass.
Didn't they used to beg our government to avoid conflict at all costs?
Didn’t they used to hate our expansive military?
What happened to peace, love and hair grease?
Make love not war?

These same liberal assholes demanded that we bring our troops home.
And now Trump has you all singing the same song.

I tole ya he would lead you all into the far left cave. I specifically remember you doubting me when I predicted it.


We won, you lost. Its still funny :auiqs.jpg:

I'm not kidding. Trump has you fools sounding EXACTLY like 1960s commie sympathizers.

He has you ready and willing to surrender the Middle East to Russia.

Goddam! I knew he was going to take you to the far left cave, but I had no idea you would be stupid enough to go this far!


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