Do It For Denmark! | Spies Rejser


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Due to the huge islamization of country ( every second boy is named Muhammad ) Denmark try to amplify the birthrates of Danes.Hopefully it is not too late.

Love Denmark, but you reap what you sew. Can't bring in cheap foreign labor as with arabs and Muslims then expect em to bugger off when you're done exploiting them.
Due to the huge islamization of country ( every second boy is named Muhammad ) Denmark try to amplify the birthrates of Danes.Hopefully it is not too late.

What's all this bullshit about havving more sex on holiday??

fucken hell. It's about the unwillingness to have babies, not the unwillingness to have sex.

If a 20 year old woman is in a relationship, and doesn't take contraception, she WILL get pregnant.

Why do we have to BULL shit about every single fucken issue?
Love Denmark, but you reap what you sew. Can't bring in cheap foreign labor as with arabs and Muslims then expect em to bugger off when you're done exploiting them.
Who is exploiting whom? You may have backwards, as large numbers of those peace loving and most tolerant Muslims, are on government assistance. This is true throughout Europe.

I suspect that liberal brainwashing you have endured and accepted, prevents you from seeing the truth.
Due to the huge islamization of country ( every second boy is named Muhammad ) Denmark try to amplify the birthrates of Danes.Hopefully it is not too late.

What's all this bullshit about havving more sex on holiday??

fucken hell. It's about the unwillingness to have babies, not the unwillingness to have sex.

If a 20 year old woman is in a relationship, and doesn't take contraception, she WILL get pregnant.

Why do we have to BULL shit about every single fucken issue?

Getting to the point you have to teach people about sex or somethin' huh. :)
Love Denmark, but you reap what you sew. Can't bring in cheap foreign labor as with arabs and Muslims then expect em to bugger off when you're done exploiting them.
Who is exploiting whom? You may have backwards, as large numbers of those peace loving and most tolerant Muslims, are on government assistance. This is true throughout Europe.

I suspect that liberal brainwashing you have endured and accepted, prevents you from seeing the truth.

Muslims are only in the Scandinavian countries because the Scandinavian countries brought them in for labor. They liked it so much they brought their families. Reproduced, and now are out reproducing the local population. Can google it, not a secret or anything.
Love Denmark, but you reap what you sew. Can't bring in cheap foreign labor as with arabs and Muslims then expect em to bugger off when you're done exploiting them.
Who is exploiting whom? You may have backwards, as large numbers of those peace loving and most tolerant Muslims, are on government assistance. This is true throughout Europe.

I suspect that liberal brainwashing you have endured and accepted, prevents you from seeing the truth.

Muslims are only in the Scandinavian countries because the Scandinavian countries brought them in for labor. They liked it so much they brought their families. Reproduced, and now are out reproducing the local population. Can google it, not a secret or anything.
They allowed them in their country, because their birth rates are very low. This does not mean they exploited them, as you naturally assume...being a silly leftist.
Birth rate vs death rate is equal.

Ethnic groups Scandinavian, Inuit, Faroese, German, Turkish, Iranian, Somali
Religions Evangelical Lutheran (official) 80%, Muslim 4%, other (denominations of less than 1% each, includes Roman Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Serbian Orthodox Christian, Jewish, Baptist, and Buddhist) 16% (2012 est.)
Denmark Demographics Profile 2014
Due to the huge islamization of country ( every second boy is named Muhammad ) Denmark try to amplify the birthrates of Danes.Hopefully it is not too late.

What's all this bullshit about havving more sex on holiday??

fucken hell. It's about the unwillingness to have babies, not the unwillingness to have sex.

If a 20 year old woman is in a relationship, and doesn't take contraception, she WILL get pregnant.

Why do we have to BULL shit about every single fucken issue?

Getting to the point you have to teach people about sex or somethin' huh. :)

Just depolitical correcting the video.

its Not as though the thought police will take kindly to it either way, so might as well say the truth instead of nonsense.
Love Denmark, but you reap what you sew. Can't bring in cheap foreign labor as with arabs and Muslims then expect em to bugger off when you're done exploiting them.
Who is exploiting whom? You may have backwards, as large numbers of those peace loving and most tolerant Muslims, are on government assistance. This is true throughout Europe.

I suspect that liberal brainwashing you have endured and accepted, prevents you from seeing the truth.

Muslims are only in the Scandinavian countries because the Scandinavian countries brought them in for labor. They liked it so much they brought their families. Reproduced, and now are out reproducing the local population. Can google it, not a secret or anything.
They allowed them in their country, because their birth rates are very low. This does not mean they exploited them, as you naturally assume...being a silly leftist.

" Denmark
Since the late sixties when Denmark joined the European search for migrant labor, the country had an almost unrestricted labor immigration policy for some time. It was completely stopped in 1974 and replaced by restricted allowance of family reunification. Nowadays Denmark has one of the strictest immigration and refugee policies in Europe. Between 1968 and 1990 the number of Muslim immigrants rose from 2,000 to approximately 60,000. They come from Turkey, North Africa, and Pakistan, and due to political unrest in the Middle East after 1980, they come from Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. The Muslim community is concentrated in and around Copenhagen.

Denmark is one of the biggest European producers of halal meat. Since the 1970s the representative of the Muslim World League in Copenhagen functions as the authority guaranteeing the halal status of meat, especially poultry from Denmark. The bulk of the production goes to different parts of the Muslim world, but it is also available in European supermarkets for supply to the Muslim communities, especially in countries were the restrictions are tighter."
Muslims In Scandinavia

Problem of their own making. Wanna be the biggest producer of halal meat gonna probably have some Muslims.
Birth rate vs death rate is equal.

Ethnic groups Scandinavian, Inuit, Faroese, German, Turkish, Iranian, Somali
Religions Evangelical Lutheran (official) 80%, Muslim 4%, other (denominations of less than 1% each, includes Roman Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Serbian Orthodox Christian, Jewish, Baptist, and Buddhist) 16% (2012 est.)
Denmark Demographics Profile 2014
Typical. You make an ignorant statement, refuse to recognize it, then change the subject. Why?

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