Do German's View Themselves as The Smartest?

Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim, are a Jewish diaspora population that formed in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium CE.


Wrong, only a small amount of two tribes surveyed destroying of Jerusalem by Romans in thirty years after Jesus crossing.
I'm talking about Judah and Benjamin because another ten had disappeared five hundred years ago


The remaining Jews fled mostly to North Africa and a small part to Europa
Any country that let you look up the dresses of pretty young girls can't be too dumb.

Wrong, only a small amount of two tribes surveyed destroying of Jerusalem by Romans in thirty years after Jesus crossing.
I'm talking about Judah and Benjamin because another ten had disappeared five hundred years ago


The remaining Jews fled mostly to North Africa and a small part to Europa

If it makes you happy to be so intense about it, so be it.
Your English is nowhere near the required standard for you to hold a mature discussion here .
And frankly you are about the last person needed to argue the case on behalf Germans .
it is like asking your hero , dear Uncle Adolf , to present a lecture on kindness and compassion .

luiza: You and the Nazi "plumbpriest" (Bleipriester) and others support the war of Putin against Europe in the Ukraine which will in a worst case scenario produce an absolutelly deadly nuclear world war which will perhaps be able to wipe out the only really existing life in the whole universe. So what about if you - and other anti-Germans here - would really start to say something instead only to be the worst brainless idiots who do not live in fear of god?
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Do you have IQ-20, any conversation with you is a collection of insults and malice?
Ashkenazim Jews are Fake Jews, they had never to do with Abraham and another Semitic peoples.


They are sooner sons of Chinggis Khan due to their Turkish Khazar origin, but not of Jacob

They language is Yiddish and former home country Khazaria, an area somewhere between Russia and Ukraine.



Der Mensch soll sich nicht genügen lassen an einem gedachten Gott; denn, wenn der Gedanke vergeht, vergeht auch der Gott. Man soll vielmehr einen wesenhaften Gott haben, der weit erhaben ist über die Gedanken der Menschen und aller Kreaturen.
Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)


Man should not be satisfied with an imaginary God, for when the thought passes away, the God also passes away. Rather, one should have an essential God who is far above the thoughts of men and all creatures.
Meister Eckhart (1260-1327)
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luiza: You and the Nazi "plumbpriest" (Bleipriester) and others support the war of Putin against Europe in the Ukraine which will in a worst case scenario produce an absolutelly deadly nuclear world war which will perhaps be able to wipe out the only really existing life in the whole universe. So what about if you - and other anti-Germans here - would really start to say something instead only to be the worst brainless idiots who do not live in fear of god?
The more you scribble , the more I begin to suspect that you are Litwin using a second account .
Because of training I automatically mentally analyse posts by vocabulary , composition and intelligence - or the lack of it . etc etc
Conclusion -- there cannot be two so similar dimwits on the same site spouting identical nonsense .
So Nazi Winkle 2.0 , Be gone .
The more you scribble , the more I begin to suspect that you are Litwin using a second account .
Because of training I automatically mentally analyse posts by vocabulary , composition and intelligence - or the lack of it . etc etc
Conclusion -- there cannot be two so similar dimwits on the same site spouting identical nonsense .
So Nazi Winkle 2.0 , Be gone .

Why do you say such a stupid nonsense and what do you like to hear now?
peopöe Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or Ashkenazim, are a Jewish diaspora population that formed in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium CE.


"Holy Roman Empire" = "Germany". Ashkenazim = German [speaking] Jew. By the way - also the "Spanish Jews", the Sephardic, have a lot to do with Germans. Andalusia = (V)andalusia = Land of the Vandals. It's not clear when the Germanic Vandals (much better people and warriors than their reputation had been) left their Arian Christian faith and became Muslims.
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Do you want a list with home addresses so you can go administer a test? YOU are stupid.

So you very clearly never met any real German in your life. You live in your own empty phrases but not in a real life.

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