Do Eagles eat at night, or dusk or dawn?


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?
they eat when theyre hungry and food is available,,,
HAd an Eagle buzz me at shoulder height on his way to grab the dead rabbit on the road 20 yds away at about 2pm bout a yr ago
I’m not certain when they feed. I suggest you make your cat a house cat, and never let it outside.
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?

They have set up web cams at several eagle nests in the area (they reuse yearly). I have watched lots. never seen them hunt at night.

I am sure a cat is right sized.

Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?
they eat when theyre hungry and food is available,,,
Oh good Lord! Thanks!

I just brought her in!!! :eek:
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?
they eat when theyre hungry and food is available,,,
Oh good Lord! Thanks!

I just brought her in!!! :eek:
jus expect if you see them they are hunting,,,
Eagles do not hunt at night. They are not a nocturnal animal.
they do hunt in daylight. As others have said they hunt when they are hungry. Unfortunately they have a high metabolism so they are hungry often. They will eat fish or almost any mammal. Yes your cat would make a nice meal for an eagle. Their time hunting increases if they are feeding young.
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?

They have set up web cams at several eagle nests in the area (they reuse yearly). I have watched lots. never seen them hunt at night.

I am sure a cat is right sized.

I just can't watch the ones where they catch or kill cats!!! :(

But I just watched one With 3 eagles eating a large fish, with a small Orange kitty that thought it was a tiger, closing in on them..... So cute!!! But BAD KITTY! :eek-52:
As Progressive Hunter mentioned. they eat when they are hungry and food is available.

However, you described conditions that suggested the close proximity of river(s) and mixed terrain.
Eagles prefer fish and small waterfowl if available.
Hunting in your yard would not be as productive or safe for them as elsewhere close by because they are large to start with.

You might be fine letting the cats out to play under supervision, as you would also be a deterrent to the eagle.
Otherwise, keep them inside, because there is the possibility.

We have a shitload of those thing around here. Only time I've ever seen them eating is when they're fighting over some roadkill with some buzzards, on the side of the highway. It sorta ruins your image of the eagle as being our national bird, when you see them eating roadkill like a buzzard.

But I wouldn't put it past them to snatch a cat if they had the opportunity. Coyotes are the worst though. I hate those things and always take a shot at one when I see it. Sometimes a pack of them starts yipping at 3 AM, so I go outside and yell at them. That usually shuts them up.
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?

I had family that lived out in the desert in Arizona (Lake Havasu City). People learn real quick not to leave their dog or cat out after dark because they frequently go missing.

Coyote chow.....
I saw one right by my house take a rabbit in the middle of the afternoon. I see them feed on deer carcasses on the shoulders of highways, catch fish from lakes all during anytime of day. Don't believe they are nocturnal hunters, but owls sure as hell are.

Watch your kitty cat.

We also have plenty of coyotes to worry about.
Do eagles eat at night? Do they hunt?

I'm a little worried about my kitty cat.

Okay, we have a pair of Eagles that own this territory surrounding my house.... mostly forest area, with one big, as in really big, river and two Brooks which look like rivers to me, but what the heck do I know.... that cross this 5 mile square area....

A few years back I got the best ever pictures of them!

We've seen them just two times since then close up, and two times at a distance, on the other side of the meadow....and once, 1 of them in the meadow, he had a fish in his talons that he dropped and then swooped down and was eating it.... tearing it apart with his or her? beak.

Well, Matt's still unemployed, since April1st, so he and I have been doing projects at our house..... we've been lucky and got a warm front for the past 3 days after already having a few inches of snow on election day! So, cuz it's warm he decided to rip out any wood rot on the remaining window sills he didn't get to in the summer, fill it with plastic wood, shave, sand, then paint them before the next snow...and while we are in the 60s...

So, he's on the ladder working on a front window, right across from the meadow before the trees and brook, and he hears a really loud sound, he described it to me as if it were a bull, getting ready to charge making this HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF HUFF sound, getting louder and louder.... He looks up just as this eagle flew over his head and our house, flying towards the big big big river that's a couple of miles away... He says an 8ft wing span, huge!

So, I get worried and ask him, do you think the eagle was big enough to grab and pick up our beloved kitty cat, and he says "Heck YES! That thing could pick up ME!!!"....mind you, Matt is 6'3 and 210lbs!

My cat is outside ON the deck....the patio table and chairs have not been put away for the winter yet, so there are some obstacles that she can sort of get under or stand by, but eagles have good eyes, so likely could sweep down and grab her, if they even eat cats? I know my neighbor down the way, lost a cat to an owl that swooped down and hauled it away..... :eek:

So my question is once again, Do Eagles eat or hunt at night and have you heard of them eating cats?

They only hunt in the day. But still watch out for owls.
Maybe you need to build a "Cat Run"?

I've heard of large eagles flying off with small lambs and watch out!


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