CDZ Do Democrats want Open Borders? poll

Do Democrats want Open Borders?

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Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Do Democrats want Open Borders?

Simple question....

Simple poll.........

Yes or No will do real need for a big discussion........This is a poll and that is the intention of this thread.
They will SAY they don't want Open Borders, but they will admit they want AMNESTY. As Amnesty is an incentive to come here ILLEGALLY it is the same as Open Borders. So yes, the Democrats want Open Borders, and essentially the destruction of U.S. sovereignty. the current debate..........This is the only question that matters to me. It is crystal clear to me that they want Open Borders. Everything else is a show and nothing more.
They will SAY they don't want Open Borders, but they will admit they want AMNESTY. As Amnesty is an incentive to come here ILLEGALLY it is the same as Open Borders. So yes, the Democrats want Open Borders, and essentially the destruction of U.S. sovereignty.
And to piggyback on what you said, democrats want to call illegal immigrants "undocumented immigrants". Thus, if they can find a way to get here, democrats treat them the same as legal immigrants with all the benefits everyone else gets. In NY and CA there is talk about giving illegal immigrants free health care. Democrats want defacto legalization of illegal immigration.

let me get this right now lol

I voted yes

Demonrats absolutely want open borders .....they need the votes and drugs.....etc....
And to piggyback on what you said, democrats want to call illegal immigrants "undocumented immigrants". Thus, if they can find a way to get here, democrats treat them the same as legal immigrants with all the benefits everyone else gets. In NY and CA there is talk about giving illegal immigrants free health care. Democrats want defacto legalization of illegal immigration.

"Undocumented Immigrant" is the most moronic description I ever heard. It is just another one of their lies. As Immigration is a legal process, that REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION there can be no "undocumented immigrants". It is a lie from Democrats to make it seem like these illegal aliens aren't all that bad, nor illegal after all.
And to piggyback on what you said, democrats want to call illegal immigrants "undocumented immigrants". Thus, if they can find a way to get here, democrats treat them the same as legal immigrants with all the benefits everyone else gets. In NY and CA there is talk about giving illegal immigrants free health care. Democrats want defacto legalization of illegal immigration.

"Undocumented Immigrant" is the most moronic description I ever heard. It is just another one of their lies. As Immigration is a legal process, that REQUIRES DOCUMENTATION there can be no "undocumented immigrants". It is a lie from Democrats to make it seem like these illegal aliens aren't all that bad, nor illegal after all.

It has always been about more Democrat voters. Any other explanation is a blatant, bald faced lie. If any Democrat says different, kick his ass.
The only logical conclusion is Democrats want the existing wall REMOVED. Walls don't work right? They are medieval and cruel. Walls are immoral right?

Then lets see the Democrats grow a pair and stand up for what they really want:
Do Democrats want Open Borders?

Simple question....

Simple poll.........

Yes or No will do real need for a big discussion........This is a poll and that is the intention of this thread.
No, but every brainwashed rwnj I will vote Yes for us because that's what Hannity told them.
Not according to Cellblock2429

“[Obama] called migrants who were turned away at the border before entering the US as deported.”

Stats show that Obama deported record numbers of illegals. Cellblock says they were stopped at the border—those record numbers. So apparently Democrats are not for open borders.
"Do Democrats want Open Borders?"


The notion is a ridiculous rightwing lie.

But you want AMNESTY. Which is.....wait for it...….OPEN BORDERS as it incentivizes coming here illegally with no penalty, just citizenship. What about all the people that waited in line, and went through the legal, immigration process?
Do Democrats want Open Borders?

Simple question....

Simple poll.........

Yes or No will do real need for a big discussion........This is a poll and that is the intention of this thread.

This isn't a simple yes or no proposition. Democrats only "want" one thing. Power

If AOC thought that opposing brown people would get her into the White House, she would oppose brown people.

I mean remember these are people who can't order lunch without running a poll to decide what to order before hand. EVERYTHING is a calculated political move with them. They don't follow ANY principles. Instead merely relying on the stupidity of the average American to keep them in power regardless of the fact that they have done nothing to improve the lives of Americans since being in office.
Dems take positions on issues only for the purpose of gaining votes. They would shut down the border tomorrow if that became politically advantageous.

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