Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

the outer actions of turning the Presidential Office into the 'Oral Office' or putting feet up on all the historical heirlooms only display the deep inner hatred and disrepect that the lefties hold for America....

when the office holder himself openly disrepects the trappings of the Office......there are reasons.....and they deserve no respect in return...

would you like pics of other past presidents doing it as well?
to call you people children is an insult to children. You all know better about this topic, and just choose to ignore reality because are dishonest people.
How can you demand respect for a man who called a President "Unpatriotic" for an action that he turns around and does even more of?

the outer actions of turning the Presidential Office into the 'Oral Office' or putting feet up on all the historical heirlooms only display the deep inner hatred and disrepect that the lefties hold for America....

when the office holder himself openly disrepects the trappings of the Office......there are reasons.....and they deserve no respect in return...

would you like pics of other past presidents doing it as well?
to call you people children is an insult to children. You all know better about this topic, and just choose to ignore reality because are dishonest people.

The left really did...They posted stupid pictures of him and made fun.

What do you expect??? People on the other side are going to attack what they don't like.

Left Logic. Do what I say...not what I do. :up:

Does that make "It's ok to be a fucking child because someone else did it first" "Right Logic"?

you are right of course, Demorcats have this nation spirling down wards into oblivion. a few of us on the right is kind of saying now watch it burn, but a few are trying to fight back and the only way now to do it is play by the democrats rule book.The Adults in Washington left back in the 90's this country now for the most part is run by the late Baby boomers and generation X. and they suck. God help us when generation Y gets in power.
Has nothing to do with the office...everything to do with the moron occupying it.

And of course when a republican is president, it goes back to being respect for the office.

Partisan inconsistency is the bane of American politics.

Just like how the left claimed dissent is patriotic under Bush and now claim it is disrespect and racism.
My cousin, way more liberal than I am, met Bush and shook his hand. I have no problem with people calling out Presidents on their policies. But when you emphasize middle names (Hussein), and claim that the President ordered the killing of Americans (Benghazi); then that's completely disrespectful.

With Bush, the left made it personal.

And now the right is giving as good as they got.

When we go beyond portraying the president being assassinated...we may have stooped lower than the left did during the Bush years.


Did any of you guys actually bother to see that movie, rather than just getting "outraged" at the premise?

It's not about what you guys seem to think it is.

I won't try to deny that people on the left called Bush all kinds of names. But it wasn't anything new then, either.

All those people on the left were saying the same thing people in this thread are saying now:

"You guys called Clinton all those names, and claimed he killed a bunch of people and sold drugs, so it's ok for us to do it too".

I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

I lived through the Carter years, the Reagan years, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and now Obama.

I had never seen anything like the vitriol the left bombarded Bush personally.

The left was angry that Clinton was impeached.

Clinton was impeached because of Clinton's actions, not because of the right.

Clinton shouldn't have been lying about Flowers, shouldn't have been messing around on his wife with an Lewinsky, and definitely should not have lied about that under oath.

Bush? It all stemmed from election 2000, he didn't have any policies yet, and the left hated him.

If Obama had been president, and he when to war with Iraq, we would have never heard a peep about it from the left.

Just like we aren't hearing a peep about the Patriot Act now that their guy is the one spying on them.

The left are a passel of hypocrites.

That's the truth and you and I both know it.

Their politics are the politics of destruction...and it worked.

Why should we not turn that weapon back upon them?
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the outer actions of turning the Presidential Office into the 'Oral Office' or putting feet up on all the historical heirlooms only display the deep inner hatred and disrepect that the lefties hold for America....

when the office holder himself openly disrepects the trappings of the Office......there are reasons.....and they deserve no respect in return...

No "respect" for Gerald Ford then, right?


Or Bush:


What about Reagan?

I don't know about you, but my mother wouldn't let me get away with a bullshit excuse like that.

"Mommy, Timmy did it first!!!!!"

The left really did...They posted stupid pictures of him and made fun.

What do you expect??? People on the other side are going to attack what they don't like.

If the Left jumped off a cliff, would you?

Dissent is expected. Why is that under Bush all the screaming name calling and death threats were patriotic dissent but under Obama it is disrespectful and racist?
your Republiteaparty friends have already done that.

You're missing the point. Bush was usually referred to as "chimp". I have not seen anyone refer to BO as "the monkey", ever.

You've never heard him referred to as a monkey??? Really?

I have not. You can look thru the posts on this board and do a "search" for "monkey", and IMHO there is no comparison to the number of times Bush was referred to as "chimp".
Just saying, the MSM and the Left can't whine about the opposition showing disrespect to the President.
Has nothing to do with the office...everything to do with the moron occupying it.

And of course when a republican is president, it goes back to being respect for the office.

Partisan inconsistency is the bane of American politics.

Just like how the left claimed dissent is patriotic under Bush and now claim it is disrespect and racism.

Remember when the right claimed dissent was unpatriotic? For 8 years?

At least Obama hasn't stooped that low :cool:
I have a name I call him!!! :mad: :up: Two-termer :cool: :rofl: :boohoo:
so was Nixon. And Nixon didn't hide witnesses after getting them to sign NDAs, Promote those who broke laws into other positions of power or start calling 5 Dead U.S. Citizens "Phoney Scandals".
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With Bush, the left made it personal.

And now the right is giving as good as they got.

When we go beyond portraying the president being assassinated...we may have stooped lower than the left did during the Bush years.


Did any of you guys actually bother to see that movie, rather than just getting "outraged" at the premise?

It's not about what you guys seem to think it is.

I won't try to deny that people on the left called Bush all kinds of names. But it wasn't anything new then, either.

All those people on the left were saying the same thing people in this thread are saying now:

"You guys called Clinton all those names, and claimed he killed a bunch of people and sold drugs, so it's ok for us to do it too".

I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

I live through the Carter years, the Reagan years, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and now Obama.

I had never seen anything like the vitriol the left bombarded Bush personally.

The left was angry that Clinton was impeached.

Clinton was impeached because of Clinton's actions, not because of the right.

Clinton shouldn't have been lying about Flowers, shouldn't have been messing around on his wife with an Lewinsky, and definitely should not have lied about that under oath.

Bush? It all stemmed from election 2000, he didn't have any policies yet, and the left hated him.

If Obama had been president, and he when to war with Iraq, we would have never heard a peep about it from the left.

Just like we aren't hearing a peep about the Patriot Act now that their guy is the one spying on them.

The left are a passel of hypocrites.

That's the truth and you and I both know it.

Their politics are the politics of destruction...and it worked.

Why should we not turn that weapon back upon them?
It's about time Conservatives fight fire with fire regarding this poor excuse for a "president". Liberals are under this false assumption that they alone are the smart ones, they alone are qualified to lead, hell, they think they alone are anointed to govern. But we all saw what 50+ years' worth of unchecked Liberal policy left us--Detroit.

Oh, and BTW, here's my salute to this pathetic little man-boy.

I don't know about you, but my mother wouldn't let me get away with a bullshit excuse like that.

"Mommy, Timmy did it first!!!!!"

It’s not ‘the other side did it first.’ That is a lame attempt to demonize the current vitrol while trying to ignore the past vitriol. The defense that people here are using is NOT a they did it too but that it is simply politics. There is nothing wrong with it in general. Period.

There is nothing wrong with brining the president to task when you think he has done a horrible job. Actually, that is totally incorrect. It is not just all right, IT IS OUR DAMN JOB TO CRITICIZE THE PRESIDENT. That is what oversight by the people looks like.

There are extreme examples (Truthers/Birthers) but the fringe is hardly a matter to complain about. The fringe is to be ignored.

Seeing as how that "fringe" makes up a good portion of the posters on this message board, it gets hard to "ignore" them.

And there is a difference between criticizing the President, and disrespecting the office.

Ya like calling the President a Chimp. Making a movie about assassinating him while he serves, declaring he lied us into war. To name 3 that you don't seem to recall at all.

Wanna know what is even more disrespectful? Claiming legit complaints about a President are racist. Claiming legit complaints about the President are disrespectful.

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