Disrespect for the office of the Presidency

If the Left jumped off a cliff, would you?

Dissent is expected. Why is that under Bush all the screaming name calling and death threats were patriotic dissent but under Obama it is disrespectful and racist?
it wasnt stop lying..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-MtumnVjTw]Hillary it is not only our right to disagree with an administration and debate them it is our duty - YouTube[/ame]

You lose, asshole.
If the Left jumped off a cliff, would you?

Dissent is expected. Why is that under Bush all the screaming name calling and death threats were patriotic dissent but under Obama it is disrespectful and racist?
Doctor this was the norm under Bush now you want to claim otherwise. As for disparaging the President that has gone on since our FIRST President. And in the 1800's got very nasty. You resort to the " he did it first" all the time and now claim we are. We are telling you that it is NOT racist to call this President on his blunders mistakes and accidents. It is not Disrespectful to call this President on his policies, his positions, his statements and his actions.

YOUR side Spent 8 years insisting personal attacks with no bearing on policy or fact were PATRIOTIC dissent. And have spent the last 5 claiming any and all complaints about Obama are racist.

Now you want decorum? Now you want it to stop? The only disrespect is from a Fringe element. Just because you claim everything is does not make it true or fact. Just because for 5 years you have screamed racism at every complaint no matter what the complaint does not make it fact.

You want someone to grow up? Talk to your buddies on the left.

I don't have a "side", nor if I did would I be responsible for what any of them say.

You know, it's called "personal responsibility".
the outer actions of turning the Presidential Office into the 'Oral Office' or putting feet up on all the historical heirlooms only display the deep inner hatred and disrepect that the lefties hold for America....

when the office holder himself openly disrepects the trappings of the Office......there are reasons.....and they deserve no respect in return...

No "respect" for Gerald Ford then, right?


Or Bush:


What about Reagan?


AS usual you miss the nuances.

Let's see if you can spot the difference here.
Dissent is expected. Why is that under Bush all the screaming name calling and death threats were patriotic dissent but under Obama it is disrespectful and racist?
it wasnt stop lying..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-MtumnVjTw]Hillary it is not only our right to disagree with an administration and debate them it is our duty - YouTube[/ame]

You lose, asshole.

that was a death treat? jesus christ you are motherfucking stupid. it literally must be a struggle for you.
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no i got his point....keep drinking

Yeah...he was being a hypocrite... right after berating others for doing the same thing.

Now pipe down and mind your own business if you can't even follow the conversation I was referring to. :rolleyes:

There's no hypocrisy in anything I said.

Nope not at all...:eusa_liar:

I don't know about you, but my mother wouldn't let me get away with a bullshit excuse like that.

"Mommy, Timmy did it first!!!!!"
Yeah...he was being a hypocrite... right after berating others for doing the same thing.

Now pipe down and mind your own business if you can't even follow the conversation I was referring to. :rolleyes:

There's no hypocrisy in anything I said.

Nope not at all...:eusa_liar:

I don't know about you, but my mother wouldn't let me get away with a bullshit excuse like that.

"Mommy, Timmy did it first!!!!!"

wow...just wow
Yeah...he was being a hypocrite... right after berating others for doing the same thing.

Now pipe down and mind your own business if you can't even follow the conversation I was referring to. :rolleyes:

There's no hypocrisy in anything I said.

Nope not at all...:eusa_liar:

I don't know about you, but my mother wouldn't let me get away with a bullshit excuse like that.

"Mommy, Timmy did it first!!!!!"

Reading comprehension might help you out a little.

There is nothing "disrespectful" about a President putting his feet up. Nothing to excuse.

Pretending that it all of sudden became disrespectful when Obama was elected is a better example of "hypocrisy" than your little attempt to "gotcha" me.
Anyone remember the routine insults the Left heaped on Bush? The Office of the President is fair game for ridicule now and forever more. That is now part of the job description.

My cousin, way more liberal than I am, met Bush and shook his hand. I have no problem with people calling out Presidents on their policies. But when you emphasize middle names (Hussein), and claim that the President ordered the killing of Americans (Benghazi); then that's completely disrespectful.

you always respect the office, I totally agree, I have defended obama when folks from other places have said or posted things from other countries denigrating him.

but there are always idiots who will take the low road as we have seen here, example- posters have pasted in pics of bush etc. getting 'disrespected', obama is not special, they all get hammered by dopes...

Oh and one thing I noticed your very valid point as to folks accusing him of purposely getting killed in bengahzi, wasn't on your top 10 list.

yet there was some that were just plain old politics, the debt ceiling, and whoever thought that the opposition party wants the other one out of office? please, those are silly, they have nothing to do with 'respect' .
Dissent is expected. Why is that under Bush all the screaming name calling and death threats were patriotic dissent but under Obama it is disrespectful and racist?
it wasnt stop lying..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-MtumnVjTw]Hillary it is not only our right to disagree with an administration and debate them it is our duty - YouTube[/ame]

You lose, asshole.

You know, I have been asking, every since screeched that speech, for proof of what she has said was true.

Not a single Lefty has every posted a single quote by any Republican or Conservative elected to office Governor or higher who said Liberals were unpatriotic or that dissent was unpatriotic.

All we have is Hillary screeching about some made up issue just as she made up the 'Right Wing conspiracy" when Billy Jeff was in Office.
no i got his point....keep drinking

Yeah...he was being a hypocrite... right after berating others for doing the same thing.

Now pipe down and mind your own business if you can't even follow the conversation I was referring to. :rolleyes:

that wasnt his point at all....wow.....its like you people keep getting more stupid

Yes, it was.


I love it when people bring up the "feet on the desk" argument.

Do I really need to bother finding pictures of Bush, Ford, Reagan, Clinton, and countless others doing exactly the same thing?
Yeah...he was being a hypocrite... right after berating others for doing the same thing.

Now pipe down and mind your own business if you can't even follow the conversation I was referring to. :rolleyes:

that wasnt his point at all....wow.....its like you people keep getting more stupid

Yes, it was.


I love it when people bring up the "feet on the desk" argument.

Do I really need to bother finding pictures of Bush, Ford, Reagan, Clinton, and countless others doing exactly the same thing?

again that wasn't his point....i bet you where a helmet when you sit down to go on the internet.

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