Dims have tried to impeach every GOP President since Eike

The Dims have tried to impeach every GOP President since Eike.

From Wiki

1. Nixon. Nuff said

2. Reagan. On March 6, 1987 Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair, leading to the joint hearings that dominated the summer. A special prosecutor was appointed.

3. Bush Sr. On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died.[18] Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21. Both bills were referred to the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law March 18, 1992, where the efforts also died.

4. "W". Due to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush and other officials were targets of impeachment efforts. None of these efforts advanced past the hearing stage.

5. Trump. Within weeks of taking office, members of Congress had declared that President Trump may have committed impeachable offenses in relation with Executive Order 13769.[25]

On May 17, 2017, Representative Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Representative Green and Representative Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.

Representative Steve Cohen, one of six[27] Democrats introducing five articles of impeachment, said on November 15, 2017, "[H]is train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end."[28] The five accusations were "obstruction of justice", "violation of the foreign emoluments clause", "violation of the domestic emoluments clause", "undermining the independence of the federal judiciary" and "undermining the freedom of the press".[27] Many Democrats opposed this action.[28]

The first vote on the subject was held on December 6, 2017, when a second privileged resolution (H.Res.646) was tabled by a vote of 364 to 58 with four voting "present".[29][30]

The second vote on the subject was held on January 19, 2018, when the third privileged resolution offered by Representative Green (H.Res.705) was tabled by a vote of 355 to 66, with three voting “present”[31]

Several Chairs of certain House committees have promised hearings on impeachment-related issues starting in January 2019. The first of several resolutions presenting articles of impeachment was introduced as soon as the 116th congress was convened.[32]

Well, they're apparently not very good at it.
1st post
Here's where Democrats have got you. We know it was Ike, not Eike. And we know it's 'Dems', not dims. Unless you were trying to be witty, but wit requires intelligence. What's your excuse?
With the efforts against each president, Democrats have gotten more vicious and a bit more hysterical. The actions against Trump won't end with Trump. They are just getting started.
The Dims have tried to impeach every GOP President since Eike.

From Wiki

1. Nixon. Nuff said

2. Reagan. On March 6, 1987 Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair, leading to the joint hearings that dominated the summer. A special prosecutor was appointed.

3. Bush Sr. On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died.[18] Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21. Both bills were referred to the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law March 18, 1992, where the efforts also died.

4. "W". Due to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush and other officials were targets of impeachment efforts. None of these efforts advanced past the hearing stage.

5. Trump. Within weeks of taking office, members of Congress had declared that President Trump may have committed impeachable offenses in relation with Executive Order 13769.[25]

On May 17, 2017, Representative Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Representative Green and Representative Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.

Representative Steve Cohen, one of six[27] Democrats introducing five articles of impeachment, said on November 15, 2017, "[H]is train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end."[28] The five accusations were "obstruction of justice", "violation of the foreign emoluments clause", "violation of the domestic emoluments clause", "undermining the independence of the federal judiciary" and "undermining the freedom of the press".[27] Many Democrats opposed this action.[28]

The first vote on the subject was held on December 6, 2017, when a second privileged resolution (H.Res.646) was tabled by a vote of 364 to 58 with four voting "present".[29][30]

The second vote on the subject was held on January 19, 2018, when the third privileged resolution offered by Representative Green (H.Res.705) was tabled by a vote of 355 to 66, with three voting “present”[31]

Several Chairs of certain House committees have promised hearings on impeachment-related issues starting in January 2019. The first of several resolutions presenting articles of impeachment was introduced as soon as the 116th congress was convened.[32]

Proof? Link?
Who in the fuck is "Eike"?

The OP misspelled Eisenhower's nickname. I think they meant to say "Ike".

But, it seems that crap like that is par for the course when it comes to some of the conservative posters on here. Sometimes I wonder if they are Russian troll bots because of their bad spelling and grammar.
The Dims have tried to impeach every GOP President since Eike.

From Wiki

1. Nixon. Nuff said

2. Reagan. On March 6, 1987 Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair, leading to the joint hearings that dominated the summer. A special prosecutor was appointed.

3. Bush Sr. On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died.[18] Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21. Both bills were referred to the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law March 18, 1992, where the efforts also died.

4. "W". Due to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush and other officials were targets of impeachment efforts. None of these efforts advanced past the hearing stage.

5. Trump. Within weeks of taking office, members of Congress had declared that President Trump may have committed impeachable offenses in relation with Executive Order 13769.[25]

On May 17, 2017, Representative Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Representative Green and Representative Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.

Representative Steve Cohen, one of six[27] Democrats introducing five articles of impeachment, said on November 15, 2017, "[H]is train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end."[28] The five accusations were "obstruction of justice", "violation of the foreign emoluments clause", "violation of the domestic emoluments clause", "undermining the independence of the federal judiciary" and "undermining the freedom of the press".[27] Many Democrats opposed this action.[28]

The first vote on the subject was held on December 6, 2017, when a second privileged resolution (H.Res.646) was tabled by a vote of 364 to 58 with four voting "present".[29][30]

The second vote on the subject was held on January 19, 2018, when the third privileged resolution offered by Representative Green (H.Res.705) was tabled by a vote of 355 to 66, with three voting “present”[31]

Several Chairs of certain House committees have promised hearings on impeachment-related issues starting in January 2019. The first of several resolutions presenting articles of impeachment was introduced as soon as the 116th congress was convened.[32]
Since who?
5th post
Republicans are the only ones to file impeachment charges in 150 years

They chose to do so over a blow job
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Consensual sexual activity

“I did not have sex with that woman”

Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Got it, you've never had one.
Actually, if you think she wouldn't be a virgin after a blow job then it is you who's never had one my inexperienced friend.
The Dims have tried to impeach every GOP President since Eike.

From Wiki

1. Nixon. Nuff said

2. Reagan. On March 6, 1987 Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez, Democrat of Texas, introduced articles of impeachment against President Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra affair, leading to the joint hearings that dominated the summer. A special prosecutor was appointed.

3. Bush Sr. On January 16, 1991, Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez introduced H. Res. 34, to impeach President George H. W. Bush for starting the Gulf War. The resolution was referred to the Judiciary Committee, where it died.[18] Gonzalez tried again with H. Res. 86 on February 21. Both bills were referred to the Subcommittee on Economic and Commercial Law March 18, 1992, where the efforts also died.

4. "W". Due to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, President George W. Bush and other officials were targets of impeachment efforts. None of these efforts advanced past the hearing stage.

5. Trump. Within weeks of taking office, members of Congress had declared that President Trump may have committed impeachable offenses in relation with Executive Order 13769.[25]

On May 17, 2017, Representative Al Green (D) of Texas called for impeachment of President Trump on the House floor.[26] Later, just under six months into Trump's presidency, Representative Green and Representative Brad Sherman introduced H. Res. 438, exhibiting one article of impeachment.

Representative Steve Cohen, one of six[27] Democrats introducing five articles of impeachment, said on November 15, 2017, "[H]is train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end."[28] The five accusations were "obstruction of justice", "violation of the foreign emoluments clause", "violation of the domestic emoluments clause", "undermining the independence of the federal judiciary" and "undermining the freedom of the press".[27] Many Democrats opposed this action.[28]

The first vote on the subject was held on December 6, 2017, when a second privileged resolution (H.Res.646) was tabled by a vote of 364 to 58 with four voting "present".[29][30]

The second vote on the subject was held on January 19, 2018, when the third privileged resolution offered by Representative Green (H.Res.705) was tabled by a vote of 355 to 66, with three voting “present”[31]

Several Chairs of certain House committees have promised hearings on impeachment-related issues starting in January 2019. The first of several resolutions presenting articles of impeachment was introduced as soon as the 116th congress was convened.[32]
Since who?
Actually, the OP meant since Reagan, but in typical conservative fashion, he fucked up his own thread.
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Consensual sexual activity

“I did not have sex with that woman”

Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Got it, you've never had one.
Actually, if you think she wouldn't be a virgin after a blow job then it is you who's never had one my inexperienced friend.

You aren't very good at this son. Is a blow job sex?
Consensual sexual activity

“I did not have sex with that woman”

Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Got it, you've never had one.
Actually, if you think she wouldn't be a virgin after a blow job then it is you who's never had one my inexperienced friend.

You aren't very good at this son. Is a blow job sex?
I know the answer to that, but I'm pretty sure you don't based on your posts.
Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Got it, you've never had one.
Actually, if you think she wouldn't be a virgin after a blow job then it is you who's never had one my inexperienced friend.

You aren't very good at this son. Is a blow job sex?
I know the answer to that, but I'm pretty sure you don't based on your posts.

...and you think a stupid post aimed at obfuscation is a cool dodge eh?
IS a BJ sex?
10th post
Both Nixon and Reagan had it coming
Neither was impeached

The Bush’s and Trump have not been close to impeachment

Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job

Silly, he was impeached over perjuring himself before Congress, which would cause any of us to be thrown into jail.

As it was, he finished his term cuz he was special.

Republicans are the only ones to file impeachment charges in 150 years

They chose to do so over a blow job
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Lewinsky was not 19 at the time. Do you ever get anything right?
19 and a half?....she was 19 when she first work as an intern in the white house...she interned there for 3 years....I guess 20 is okay with you?....
Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Got it, you've never had one.
Actually, if you think she wouldn't be a virgin after a blow job then it is you who's never had one my inexperienced friend.

You aren't very good at this son. Is a blow job sex?
I know the answer to that, but I'm pretty sure you don't based on your posts.

...and you think a stupid post aimed at obfuscation is a cool dodge eh?
IS a BJ sex?
I am not contributing to the delinquency of a minor today.

Look it up on your own.
Got it, you've never had one.
Actually, if you think she wouldn't be a virgin after a blow job then it is you who's never had one my inexperienced friend.

You aren't very good at this son. Is a blow job sex?
I know the answer to that, but I'm pretty sure you don't based on your posts.

...and you think a stupid post aimed at obfuscation is a cool dodge eh?
IS a BJ sex?
I am not contributing to the delinquency of a minor today.

Look it up on your own.

(smile) You're a coward kid, nothing more. You lose pussy.

Fellatio is an oral sex act involving the use of the mouth or throat, usually performed by a person on the penis of another person. If performed on oneself, the act is called autofellatio. Oral stimulation of the scrotum may also be termed fellatio, or colloquially as teabagging. "
Both Nixon and Reagan had it coming
Neither was impeached

The Bush’s and Trump have not been close to impeachment

Republicans impeached Clinton over a blow job

Silly, he was impeached over perjuring himself before Congress, which would cause any of us to be thrown into jail.

As it was, he finished his term cuz he was special.

Republicans are the only ones to file impeachment charges in 150 years

They chose to do so over a blow job
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Lewinsky was not 19 at the time. Do you ever get anything right?
19 and a half?....she was 19 when she first work as an intern in the white house...she interned there for 3 years....I guess 20 is okay with you?....
Dumbfuck, she wasn’t 20 either. You just can’t get anything right.

Silly, he was impeached over perjuring himself before Congress, which would cause any of us to be thrown into jail.

As it was, he finished his term cuz he was special.

Republicans are the only ones to file impeachment charges in 150 years

They chose to do so over a blow job
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Consensual sexual activity

“I did not have sex with that woman”

Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Tell that to the politician in Virginia who forced a woman to do exactly that to him

Last I checked, that was sexual assault dolt.
Here's where Democrats have got you. We know it was Ike, not Eike. And we know it's 'Dems', not dims. Unless you were trying to be witty, but wit requires intelligence. What's your excuse?

Oh dear, you made a funny, I meant to say Ike.

But yes, Dems are dim, that was no typooooooooooooo
Last edited:
Republicans are the only ones to file impeachment charges in 150 years

They chose to do so over a blow job
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Consensual sexual activity

“I did not have sex with that woman”

Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Tell that to the politician in Virginia who forced a woman to do exactly that to him

Last I checked, that was sexual assault dolt.
So trump was having sex with the women whose pussy he grabbed?
Actually he was impeached for lying under oath...but I like to think he got what was coming to him for fucking a 19 year old intern in my house.....
Consensual sexual activity

“I did not have sex with that woman”

Obviously you've never had a blow job, it is sex.

Is a woman who has given a blow job still a Virgin?
If she is, then it is not sex

Tell that to the politician in Virginia who forced a woman to do exactly that to him

Last I checked, that was sexual assault dolt.
So trump was having sex with the women whose pussy he grabbed?

You remember his cologne don't you.

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