Did you see the interview with "Grannies against Climate Change"?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

They should definitely stop traveling around the world, their CO2 is killing us!!!!
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

They should definitely stop traveling around the world, their CO2 is killing us!!!!

Maybe the melted snow was from all
the snowflakes melting down.

Meanwhile in other news, expeditions to Antarctica have met
with the opposite surprise, with vessels getting stuck in ice that
wasn't supposed to be there.

None of this "anecdotal" approach to deciding if warming is real or not
should affect the fact that NATURAL occurring phenomena such as
volcanic activity (and even manmade activity such as farming to
feed the planet's population) are enough to produce the CO2 being blamed
for global warming.

Cleaning up pollution, and saving our oceans and forests
will take enough concerted effort without arguing over
how much CO2 is made by man or by nature. What should
be the focus is stopping the pollution which we all know is
killing the oceans and forests and endangering natural
resources and wildlife. This other political bullying back
and forth is all a distraction to troll and bait for political publicity.
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.
You CAN'T stop climate change-it is always changing. If they really believe man is creating a climate problem, they need to go to India and China where most of the carbon and polluting take place. Protesting here won't help.
Even Grannies know

Why doesn’t our President?
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.
You CAN'T stop climate change-it is always changing. If they really believe man is creating a climate problem, they need to go to India and China where most of the carbon and polluting take place. Protesting here won't help.
You can stop making things worse
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.
That’s what happens in Alaska. In the winter it snows a lot. In the spring the snow melts and there’s lots of water running around. Do the grannies want to do away with winter or spring?
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate

Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.

Yep. That smells of pure desperation. Now relying on the OPINION of a few old grandmothers who had their vacation ruined for proof of climate change.

What if those old buzzards had gone to Alaska and their rail was fine, they saw the lights, came home and declared ALL IS GOOD?


Sure you would.

Hey Bozo, news flash for ya. The Climate is SUPPOSED to change. It always does. It would be stranger if it wasn't.
Millions of people are protesting for government to do something about climate change

Trump says he won’t because it still snows in the winter
Millions of people are protesting for government to do something about climate change

Trump says he won’t because it still snows in the winter

Millions of gullible idiots are clamoring for government which can't even fix the roads or supply steady power to change the Earth, Moon and the Sun.

Thank God for Trump.
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.
-------------------------------------- old ladies are crazy , northern lights are visible a good portion of the year in many places and have nothing to do with snow or melting snow Dean .
The crazy left found some Iowa seniors who claim to be scared shitless about climate change. Some X-Lax might fix them up fine.
After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.
You CAN'T stop climate change-it is always changing. If they really believe man is creating a climate problem, they need to go to India and China where most of the carbon and polluting take place. Protesting here won't help.
You can stop making things worse
Tell us all what you would do-but you can't pick paying our way into the silly Paris accord.
It saddens me that there is genetic waste than managed to reproduce, and had that waste produce another generation of turds that oppose natural weather cycles.

That's why I do not oppose abortion.

After watching the interview, I looked them up:

100 Grannies – Uniting for a Liveable Future

They are these conservative grannies that insist they were climate deniers and skeptics.

Seems some of them went to Alaska to watch the northern lights and the tracks were underwater because all the snow had melted. So they had to turn back.

It was then they organized and are working to stop climate change.

They insist the media not report them as fragile little old ladies, instead, they want to be seen as a bunch of BADASS.

One of them claimed she has been arrested four times.

Climate Strikers seek 'Town-Gown Climate Accord' in Iowa City

Governor, help Iowa stand up for our climate


Gay Mikelson and Deb Schoelerman of Iowa City, both members of 100 Grannies, a group of grandmothers uniting for climate preservation

The GOP can't afford to lose the elderly. They simply can't make up the numbers with Nazi's and KKK and Aryan Nation and Alt White.

Does that mean that the GOP will become the party of climate restoration?

Don't hold your breath.

I just wonder when all of you Progressives will go true green?

Until you do then you are part of the problem and not moving toward a green future!

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