Did Trump just say what I think he said?

It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

If he plans to pay off the national debt with oil money, yes that means nationalizing our oil.
In 2016 he proposed to eliminate the national debt by giving it "a hair cut" aka defaulting on our debt
1st post
"We're gonna get the debt way down", he says. And the ignorant rubes cheer.

He's just spitting out words. Maybe he's saying the sales tax or corporate tax from the oil would pay the debt down. Maybe. Or not.

Who knows. They just cheer anything he says.

At least he is "Brainstorming" unlike your Corpse-Vegtable never had an original idea in 50 years so stuff it you cheesed-dic tomatoe balled fence rider. Trump tries...he can still think.
It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

That isnt what President Trump said, he said "The United States, has more energy than any other country in the world". That is why we could be energy independent except for Mr. Potato Head and the other Marxists who have ruined the energy of the US.
If he plans to pay off the national debt with oil money, yes that means nationalizing our oil.
In 2016 he proposed to eliminate the national debt by giving it "a hair cut" aka defaulting on our debt
No, it doesn't. Fucktard.

It means people will prosper more and there will be more revenue, more luxury spending, more jobs created,

more wealth flowing around. A rising tide lifts all boats.

Biden put up a seawall.
Not private crude, just the oil the Feds currently still own. That would be a great fund to pay down the national debt.
So, how would that work, exactly?

Do we need to build infrastructure to survey the land for the right place to drill and then purchase drilling equipment?
Then, create the infrastructure to get the oil from the wells to the refinery.
Build a few special refineries that will take oil ONLY from the Federal lands.
Set up an entire accounting department to keep track of all the oil sold and to, of course, ensure that the money is used for ONLY the US Debt.

And then after the debt is paid for what? Will the feds just magically walk away from enough cash to pay down 35 trillion dollars in debt in just four years?

They just stop the drilling, refining, and trillions of dollars in sales and say, "Well, we accomplished that, so let just turn it off and go home now?"

Explain how the feds selling oil is going to work and what will entice them to walk away from all that money?
So, how would that work, exactly?

Do we need to build infrastructure to survey the land for the right place to drill and then purchase drilling equipment?
Then, create the infrastructure to get the oil from the wells to the refinery.
Build a few special refineries that will take oil ONLY from the Federal lands.
Set up an entire accounting department to keep track of all the oil sold and to, of course, ensure that the money is used for ONLY the US Debt.

And then after the debt is paid for what? Will the feds just magically walk away from enough cash to pay down 35 trillion dollars in debt in just four years?

They just stop the drilling, refining, and trillions of dollars in sales and say, "Well, we accomplished that, so let just turn it off and go home now?"

Explain how the feds selling oil is going to work and what will entice them to walk away from all that money?
An easy way to explain it is to copy Alaska.
Yeah! You got him now!

You just made a total ass of yourself with this OP.

Trump isn't suggesting to nationalize ary a thing, you fucking idiot sandwich.


Without a childish reply and a stupid meme, wtf is Trump saying?
Close the Department of education, it's absolutely criminal it's still allowed to continue
It is a fairly new department.
In October 1979, Congress passed the Department of Education Organization Act (Public Law 96-88). Created by combining offices from several federal agencies, the Department began operations in May 1980. In the 1860s, a budget of $15,000 and four employees handled education fact-finding.

An Overview of the U.S. Department of Education-- Pg 1​

An easy way to explain it is to copy Alaska.
No, they are not the same, and by the way, did Alaska walk away after it met its goals?

Are you really okay with the US Government going into direct competition with, well, anyone? Even big Oil?

Do you trust this government -- meaning the US Government regardless of who is sitting the White House -- with that kind of power?

Do you honestly think that the people we send to D.C. will walk away from that kind of wealth and power?
Hannity said it and he went with it for a second or so. Went straight into Biden Inflation and how he wants Energy Independence.

I have no issue there. More we produce the better.

The debt cant be paid back. Its too freaking late and why you hear Reset all the time.
Without a childish reply and a stupid meme, wtf is Trump saying?

I already said it, delusional weirdo.
2nd term was setup for big things ahead....Then the Chinese/DEMS launched the Virus and rigged the Election in 5 big counties late in 2020 vote. It was all the DEMS-Commee not Trump.

It took an IQ over 5 to notice THE DATA FROM THE CRUISE SHIPS

2,700 people
under 30 people caught it
1 over 70 dies



But no, Trump is a 486, not a Pentium, and a "people person," so when people he knows say A A A A A he isn't capable of saying NO ITS B.

Then there is the issue of the MURDEROUS FRAUD VAX, which his royal DUMBASS still "takes credit for..."

Vivek was not fooled and would never be fooled by something like Covid. We need someone with a Pentium between the ears and Vivek's got a high end one...
An easy way to explain it is to copy Alaska.

You can't copy Alaska. Because Alaska has so few people and a lot of oil production. The same as Saudi Arabia. California has more people that Saudi Arabia. They've got a shit ton more oil than the US. And their oil is nationalized. Plus Saudi doesn't spend money on BS stuff like gender studies in Pakistan, like Trump did.
2nd term was setup for big things ahead....Then the Chinese/DEMS launched the Virus and rigged the Election in 5 big counties late in 2020 vote. It was all the DEMS-Commee not Trump.

What does that have to do with anything?
No, they are not the same, and by the way, did Alaska walk away after it met its goals?

Are you really okay with the US Government going into direct competition with, well, anyone? Even big Oil?

Do you trust this government -- meaning the US Government regardless of who is sitting the White House -- with that kind of power?

Do you honestly think that the people we send to D.C. will walk away from that kind of wealth and power?
I have never heard that Alaska has that problem. In fact it works well enough for Alaska that citizens there get annual dividends. Again, I am not talking of oil owned currently by the oil firms. I can see why they could object. But we are ignoring oil in the deep waters and that won't harm us to have the feds pay off debts. I do not trust Government at all. I believe most Americans do not trust them.

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