Did Trump just say what I think he said?

Brain storming? He's brainwashing. That's different.

Even all the US oil companies combined don't make enough money to zero out the national debt in even 8 years.
You're not much on abstract thinking, huh?
Why does the Biden cult protect Biden? Don't they realize America is no longer supporting Biden?
Not private crude, just the oil the Feds currently still own. That would be a great fund to pay down the national debt.
Would it?

The total annual profits for the US petroleum industry is only something like $300 some odd billion. :rolleyes:
Trump also sent a hospital ship to San Diego, Ca and in NY City he rapidly converted some office buildings to local hospitals. And the mayor? No thanks he said. A democrat mayor you must realize.
Don't forget the tents that were intentionally underutilized....then those ships supposedly weren't configured properly......and not used much.
It sounds to me like Trump is wanting to nationalize US oil to pay off the national debt. If I'm wrong, someone explain to me how when asked how he's going to pay off the debt, he goes straight into the subject of how much money Saudi makes on oil and how they don't finance things because they have so much oil money.

Nevermind his lie about Saudi having more oil than the USA. It's not even close. Saudi has way more than us.

@2:55 mark (saying it without actually calling it that)

Trump wouldn't "push" the energy sector into making us energy-dominant, as Hannity said. He would take the brakes off of our energy sector, allowing energy companies to produce their product with far fewer government regulations. With cheap, abundant sources of energy, the economy would be going balls to the wall, thereby generating more revenue to fund the government and pay down the debt. This is the polar opposite of what the Democrats are currently doing, and you see what a mess we're in now: High energy prices, high taxes, high inflation, and more government spending and regulation doesn't generate tax revenue as well as leaving things alone and just letting the economy run by itself.
Brain storming? He's brainwashing. That's different.

Even all the US oil companies combined don't make enough money to zero out the national debt in even 8 years.

OK, got it. Your plan is to keep doing nothing. 16 years of Obidens' yet nothing accomplished.
You're not much on abstract thinking, huh?

I like using common sense. It usually works out better in the long run.

Trump has no ambitions of reducing the debt or deficits. Funny how he's up there making out like he's the "chosen one" to do it, when he himself crowned himself the "King of Debt" (on national television). And didn't even try to reduce spending. He never once mandated spending cuts. He only vetoed one spending bill in 4 years.

He's just lying to get elected, like he did the first time.
That isnt what President Trump said, he said "The United States, has more energy than any other country in the world". That is why we could be energy independent except for Mr. Potato Head and the other Marxists who have ruined the energy of the US.
Of course you believe him. Blindly.

I already said it, delusional weirdo.

No, you didn't
First of all, any of the debt owned by the Fe, needs to be eaten by them....Cost them nothing to create it in the first place, their collecting interest on it is a racket.

Secondly, the CCP owes the entire world, and Murica in particular, trillions in economic reparations for crashing the worldwide economy, with their loosing of the FauxiFlu across the globe on purpose....Telling them to eat it for a significant portion of the debt will chop it down to size.

Third of all, the oil reserves are already nationalized in practice, as the feds control nearly all the mineral and drilling rights...So paying off (relatively) legit holders of T-bills shouldn't be too great an obstacle, if that's the route you want to go.

whether or not there's more in Murica than anywhere else is immaterial.
First off let's analyze Democrats thinking and contrast that to Republicans thinking.
It does not take a genius to accurately portray the Democrats as we would our own children. They live in the world of gimme gimme and take and take.

Do they want to actually pay higher taxes? Hell no they do not want to. They want the sugar daddy they think they see to be the victim. That sugar daddy to them is the high earners. They grab from the rich when those people die. But until they die, they are the sugar daddy that the childlike Democrats want to pay their bills for government.

Republicans understand we are not here to serve government. It is here to serve us. And to be very stingy when spending our money.

They pretend the national health tragedy is not why Trump spent more. He was caring for Americans using our money to help us. That is fair that we pay for the help we get to stay well.

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