Zone1 Did They Go Too Far With This Karen?

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The Pizza Hut person should have never come out from behind the counter. Just let the person leave.
Yep, she should have just went in the back and called the police but she not only came from behind the door but went outside and put her hands on the other woman…

The employee could have banned the woman from the store for good but now that woman might own that franchise when it is done with…
What she should have done was tell the woman if she wanted a real pizza, go down the street to Ginzos’ and get yourself a real pizza.
If the manager really wanted to get even with that Karen, she should have forced her to eat that stinking pizza.

I kid... I kid...😉
When you don't know who it is. Not when you know who it is.
Virtue Signaling Gator knows that is a woman, but said "they" - and made me think someone else was involved.
That is why the word is not used that way

Okay, let's bring this to a different topic since we're going off of it,.. but neither of us are wrong in how we use they though. The English language is tricky, but they can be either singular or plural.
Maybe she hit the counter person with a flying pizza box.

I saw Judge Joe Brown have a plaintiff arrested for assault when they threw a paper water cup at the defendant.
Unless it was the Wicked Witch of the West
That’s pretty stupid
Enough of the English lessons already!

Back to the topic..........................

Now, while the woman who ordered the pizza was wrong to shove it across the counter at the pizza person, was just a pizza, and won't take more than 2 min to clean up. Yeah, it's a pain she was such an ass, but if you work in a customer type business, you gotta accept the fact that some idiot will come into your establishment and be an ass. It happens.

The pizza employee going out to the parking lot and shoving her? That was wrong, and the employee should be fired at a minimum, brought up on charges if there is justice. She's lucky the customer who was shoved didn't want to call the police and wait for them, because I'm pretty sure that place has cameras to record incidents, and if the police had seen tapes of what happened (even if just the video the other person was taking), the employee would have been arrested for assault, and if the customer had decided to sue, they would have been able to get some fat bank from the franchise owner.

Believe it or not, in this case, I'm on the Karen's side.
Okay, let's bring this to a different topic since we're going off of it,.. but neither of us are wrong in how we use they though. The English language is tricky, but they can be either singular or plural.
No, the word "they" is always plural. There are a lot of illiterates around who can't manage English, however.
No, the word "they" is always plural. There are a lot of illiterates around who can't manage English, however.

Yep, there are a lot of illiterates around who can't manage English. Thank you for showing us an example of one of them.
Wow. I'll bet you're going to sleep better tonight, having patted yourself on the back all day for that little bit of wit and insight.
Guys, you're getting off topic again and this is getting really silly. :rolleyes:
Here, argue to your heart's content.

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