Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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obama believes in the freedom of the press to print anything and everything he tells them to print.
Watch the right wing go ballistic when Tebow is traded to Jacksonville for a 4th rounder when Manning signs with them.
They will find some way to blame the anti God, anti religous media and label Manning a Satan worshiper.

Wont happen.

You think Manning will go elsewhere?
The Broncos are offering him a contract 5 times what Tebow makes.
If Manning accepts it do you believe he will back up Tebow?:badgrin:
Watch the right wing go ballistic when Tebow is traded to Jacksonville for a 4th rounder when Manning signs with them.
They will find some way to blame the anti God, anti religous media and label Manning a Satan worshiper.

Wont happen.

You think Manning will go elsewhere?
The Broncos are offering him a contract 5 times what Tebow makes.
If Manning accepts it do you believe he will back up Tebow?:badgrin:

Manning is one sack away from retirement.

It is that reality that leads me to believe management couldnt be that stupid.

But stranger things have happened.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?
whats next, are you gonna claim Bachmann was treated poorly because shes a woman, or because she had no idea what she was even talking about?

just like this little gem
Bachmann claims HPV vaccine might cause ‘mental retardation’ - The Washington Post

Palin had these blatant lies -

Palin lied when she said the dismissal of her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, had nothing to do with his refusal to fire state trooper Mike Wooten; in fact, the Branchflower Report concluded that she repeatedly abused her power when dealing with both men.

Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed to have said, "Thanks, but no thanks" to the Bridge to Nowhere; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor.

Palin lied when she denied that Wasilla's police chief and librarian had been fired; in fact, both were given letters of termination the previous day.

Palin lied when she wrote in the NYT that a comprehensive review by Alaska wildlife officials showed that polar bears were not endangered; in fact, email correspondence between those scientists showed the opposite.

Palin lied when she claimed in her convention speech that an oil gas pipeline "began" under her guidance; in fact, the pipeline was years from breaking ground, if at all.

more in the link
The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin: A Summary Before The Next Round - The Daily Dish - The Atlantic
Wont happen.

You think Manning will go elsewhere?
The Broncos are offering him a contract 5 times what Tebow makes.
If Manning accepts it do you believe he will back up Tebow?:badgrin:

Manning is one sack away from retirement.

It is that reality that leads me to believe management couldnt be that stupid.

But stranger things have happened.

Manning has 3 suitors now in the 15 mil a year range. He wants a 3-5 year deal and I believe Miami is the only one not willing to offer multi years.
Why would Denver, Arizona and Miami fly him in if they do not want him to play this year?
If he accepts Tebow will be gone within hours.
Not For Long league.
You think Manning will go elsewhere?
The Broncos are offering him a contract 5 times what Tebow makes.
If Manning accepts it do you believe he will back up Tebow?:badgrin:

Manning is one sack away from retirement.

It is that reality that leads me to believe management couldnt be that stupid.

But stranger things have happened.

Manning has 3 suitors now in the 15 mil a year range. He wants a 3-5 year deal and I believe Miami is the only one not willing to offer multi years.
Why would Denver, Arizona and Miami fly him in if they do not want him to play this year?
If he accepts Tebow will be gone within hours.
Not For Long league.

As I said stranger things have happened. Oh everyone talking to him want him to play immediately. they will give him the contract, but if hurt doesnt pay off. I am sure that is in there.

It wouldnt be the first bonehead move by a NFL team.

I just have to believe management isnt that stupid. But who knows there are many that would trade away the future for right now with a prayer.
it is all just jealousy. the libruls can't handle strong beautiful conservative women.

and if you are honest, you will agree with me.

I'm honest and I disagree with you completely. Anne Coulter is not treated the way Palin or Bachmann are, because she's intelligent and doesn't say really colossally stupid BS. Same with Laura Ingraham or Elizabeth Hasselbeck. All of them may make some pretty wild claims and spin but they don't just go off the deep end and claim that the Founding Fathers fought to end slavery or that North Korea was our ally.
it is all just jealousy. the libruls can't handle strong beautiful conservative women.

and if you are honest, you will agree with me.

I'm honest and I disagree with you completely. Anne Coulter is not treated the way Palin or Bachmann are, because she's intelligent and doesn't say really colossally stupid BS. Same with Laura Ingraham or Elizabeth Hasselbeck. All of them may make some pretty wild claims and spin but they don't just go off the deep end and claim that the Founding Fathers fought to end slavery or that North Korea was our ally.

dude, surely this was all taken out of context by the drive-by media.

and, obama uses a teleprompter.
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

I see you're an idiot. Palin did not say that. Tina Fey did. On SNL.
Owner of the Titans Adams was just on ESPN "I want Manning and will do anything to sign him."
The Jesus freaks can now calm down. Tebow may stay in Denver.
But no matter what Broncos are taking a QB in the 4th round or higher.
No offense to Tebow as I like the kid.
it is all just jealousy. the libruls can't handle strong beautiful conservative women.

and if you are honest, you will agree with me.
Palin is neither strong or beautiful

you seem to be very afraid.
not at all. both Palin and Bachmann are bat shit crazy...... Palin cost McCain the election plain and simple. she wasnt ready for the national stage back then, and she still isnt ready.

"Polls are for strippers and cross-country skiers" –Sarah Palin, speaking at a Tea Party rally in Iowa, Sept. 3, 2011

"[Paul Revere] did warn the British. And in a shout-out, gotcha-type of question that was asked of me, I answered candidly. And I know my American history." --Sarah Palin, defending her botched Paul Revere history lesson

"I love that smell of the emissions!" --Sarah Palin, at a motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C., where she rode in on a Harley, May 29, 2011

"But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010

"Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate." --a Tweet by Sarah Palin, which she quickly removed after being ridiculed for inventing the word "refudiate," July 18, 2010

this may be the only good thing she has done.... although i bet now she would be against it.
Over the opposition of oil companies, Republican Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska’s Legislature last year approved a major increase in taxes on the oil industry — a step that has generated stunning new wealth for the state as oil prices soared.
At a time when Americans are feeling the pinch at the gasoline pump and oil companies are racking up record profits, Alaska’s choice foreshadows one of the sharpest debates in the upcoming presidential election.
Democrat Barack Obama supports a national windfall-profits tax, while Republican John McCain opposes it.
Alaska collected an estimated $6 billion from the new tax during the fiscal year that ended June 30, according to the Alaska Oil and Gas Association. That helped push the state’s total oil revenue — from new and existing taxes, as well as royalties — to more than $10 billion, double the amount received last year.
Local News | Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil | Seattle Times Newspaper
it is all just jealousy. the libruls can't handle strong beautiful conservative women.

and if you are honest, you will agree with me.

I'm honest and I disagree with you completely. Anne Coulter is not treated the way Palin or Bachmann are, because she's intelligent and doesn't say really colossally stupid BS. Same with Laura Ingraham or Elizabeth Hasselbeck. All of them may make some pretty wild claims and spin but they don't just go off the deep end and claim that the Founding Fathers fought to end slavery or that North Korea was our ally.

dude, surely this was all taken out of context by the drive-by media.

and, obama uses a teleprompter.
just about every politician uses a teleprompter for speeches. whats your point here? its not like Obama has been the first? Bush used it just as much and still couldnt speak proper english. Clinton used them as well.
Palin is neither strong or beautiful

you seem to be very afraid.
not at all. both Palin and Bachmann are bat shit crazy...... Palin cost McCain the election plain and simple. she wasnt ready for the national stage back then, and she still isnt ready.

"Polls are for strippers and cross-country skiers" –Sarah Palin, speaking at a Tea Party rally in Iowa, Sept. 3, 2011

"[Paul Revere] did warn the British. And in a shout-out, gotcha-type of question that was asked of me, I answered candidly. And I know my American history." --Sarah Palin, defending her botched Paul Revere history lesson

"I love that smell of the emissions!" --Sarah Palin, at a motorcycle rally in Washington, D.C., where she rode in on a Harley, May 29, 2011

"But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies." --Sarah Palin, after being asked how she would handle the current hostilities between the two Koreas, interview on Glenn Beck's radio show, Nov. 24, 2010

"Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate." --a Tweet by Sarah Palin, which she quickly removed after being ridiculed for inventing the word "refudiate," July 18, 2010

this may be the only good thing she has done.... although i bet now she would be against it.
Over the opposition of oil companies, Republican Gov. Sarah Palin and Alaska’s Legislature last year approved a major increase in taxes on the oil industry — a step that has generated stunning new wealth for the state as oil prices soared.
At a time when Americans are feeling the pinch at the gasoline pump and oil companies are racking up record profits, Alaska’s choice foreshadows one of the sharpest debates in the upcoming presidential election.
Democrat Barack Obama supports a national windfall-profits tax, while Republican John McCain opposes it.
Alaska collected an estimated $6 billion from the new tax during the fiscal year that ended June 30, according to the Alaska Oil and Gas Association. That helped push the state’s total oil revenue — from new and existing taxes, as well as royalties — to more than $10 billion, double the amount received last year.
Local News | Windfall tax lets Alaska rake in billions from Big Oil | Seattle Times Newspaper

shakespeare created new words all the time, just like governor palin.

and she can field dress a moose, unlike shakespeare.

so palin is better than shakespeare.

I'm honest and I disagree with you completely. Anne Coulter is not treated the way Palin or Bachmann are, because she's intelligent and doesn't say really colossally stupid BS. Same with Laura Ingraham or Elizabeth Hasselbeck. All of them may make some pretty wild claims and spin but they don't just go off the deep end and claim that the Founding Fathers fought to end slavery or that North Korea was our ally.

dude, surely this was all taken out of context by the drive-by media.

and, obama uses a teleprompter.
just about every politician uses a teleprompter for speeches. whats your point here? its not like Obama has been the first? Bush used it just as much and still couldnt speak proper english. Clinton used them as well.

The point is to make fun of the CIC, payback if you will.

Enjoying it?
"they are our neighbors, you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska" was what Palin stated.
Just as stupid. How does that make her smart in any way on Russian policy?
Seeing the land somehow makes her an expert on Russian policy?
LOL, why do you folks want to cover for this boob?
I'm honest and I disagree with you completely. Anne Coulter is not treated the way Palin or Bachmann are, because she's intelligent and doesn't say really colossally stupid BS. Same with Laura Ingraham or Elizabeth Hasselbeck. All of them may make some pretty wild claims and spin but they don't just go off the deep end and claim that the Founding Fathers fought to end slavery or that North Korea was our ally.

dude, surely this was all taken out of context by the drive-by media.

and, obama uses a teleprompter.
just about every politician uses a teleprompter for speeches. whats your point here? its not like Obama has been the first? Bush used it just as much and still couldnt speak proper english. Clinton used them as well.

i pretty much have no point, that's why i have to deflect to obama.

i am also trolling with right-wing talking points.

sorry about that.

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