Did Obama purposely add to gov't spending to the very end?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Obama helped Bankrupt the coal industry,
he blew our tax dollars on the eventual bankrupt green energy companies, he helped bankrupt many commodity companies including the smaller oil and rare metals companies. He tried to bankrupt us with the mess with Obama care. They made rates way to low hurting the retired =mainly elderly for sake of handling this great debt at lower cost ratesn but then this sold our country through debt to China and caused the I.R.S. debacle auditing opponents looking for coins under a rock trying to garnish anything to offset his administrations spending spree.
But, even to the end, when he used the most expensive stealth bombers in the most expensive way to take out a few targets with small results that could have been done with bombers or missiles already in the region, was he spitefully eating at our budget or adding debt to leave the New President with an already mess of a debt that Trump budget director says needs "quick action", in other words what the hell did these people do?

If they would have voted for 4 more years of these mobsters they would have bankrupt us like Greece.
Drain the Swamp!
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Let us petition Congress, again, to balance the budget and get things in order....I doubt it helps though...
And on his way out the door Obama handed Palestine millions out of our paychecks. Nasty little ruler, Obama was. But just like the Egyptians, if you didn't like a pharaoh, you just erased him. Trump is erasing the stifling Obama regime.

Everything is fake until Trump lets you believe it. Wait until he tweets your instructions
Let us petition Congress, again, to balance the budget and get things in order....I doubt it helps though...

And we P'dOff the only person capable of Best helping us do that=Kasich.
You think he calmed down enough now to work with this administration?
And on his way out the door Obama handed Palestine millions out of our paychecks.
Those funds of which you speak were appropriated by Congress in 2015. All appropriations begin in the House so those assholes in the House are responsible for making those funds available.

Now who the fuck was it in 2015 that controlled the House and appropriated those dollars by law? Follow the money!
Hint: It wasn't the guy who released the funds last week!
I don't know I have always felt that one should leave a person or a place better off then when one met them or took over a situation... It seems to me and maybe I am wrong and have misread the situation but it seems to me that each president or leader wants to leave his successor in a worse position then he was in... I always thought that being a public servant was to serve the public and not stroke ones ego. None of us knows what truly was in the heart of Obama to run up such an enormous deficit during his administration but he certainly didn't leave the country in very good shape ... No matter how bad things are they can still be turned around but it is more difficult then it should have been.. Trump will be given his opportunity to turn things around let's hope he is successful for the sake of the country . I wonder in the end what Obamas true legacy will be in the end and how history will judge him ...
It's no secret that obama hates this country. After realizing Hillary wasn't going to be in a position to continue his BS of hurting us, he made some last ditch efforts on his way out.

Obama fucked the democrats. They're just too stupid to figure out how/why he did it.

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