Did Jesus ever speak out against premarital sex?

I googled it and I prefer discussion to the results i got. It was mostly bible blogs and anti-bible blogs seemingly.

So if anyone could post their favorite link on the subject or provide bible text to argue their point i'd appreciate it.

Now why would jesus disrespect his mother and father and talk about the evils of premarital sex?

Immaculate conception. :eusa_angel:
It's almost as if they had an idea that sexual immorality leads to disease and was trying to warn people away.
I googled it and I prefer discussion to the results i got. It was mostly bible blogs and anti-bible blogs seemingly.

So if anyone could post their favorite link on the subject or provide bible text to argue their point i'd appreciate it.

Now why would jesus disrespect his mother and father and talk about the evils of premarital sex?

Immaculate conception. :eusa_angel:

Believable cover story for the brainless masses.
IMO, considering all the hardships Jesus had to face in his life, I don't think premarital sex was too high on his list.

Hatred, lack of compassion and holding on to your riches were his most important topics, IMO.
Acts 15:20 ESV - but should write to them to abstain - Bible Gateway

20 but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood.

That seems to just say sexual immorality in general. I would describe that as cheating or rape, I guess i'd need to find a bible scholar's interpretation of that line.

Since there's no Hebrew or Greek word for "premarital" in the Bible we can only take it's Word for it in blessing marital sex.

CG's post was awesome, BTW

I read it, it was a good post but it still mostly spoke about sexual immorality.

Which seems open to interpretation, my interpretation is there's nothing immoral about premarital consenual sex. Like i said I view sexual immorality as rape or cheating or even voluntarily having unsafe sex with someone you don't want to have a child with.

Good for you. You interpret it any way you like.

Of course, it will have little or nothing to do with the biblical interpretation. But have at it. Ravi and Care interpret the Constitution as they please, you interpret the word of God as you please, I'll interpret what constitutes "assholes" as I please and we'll all be happy.

Have you heard of the Tower of Babel?

Incidentally, fornication and adultery are different things...fornication (sex outside of marriage) was considered a sin, but one that could potentially be "fixed", i.e., through marriage.

Adultery is being MARRIED and having sex...outside of your marriage. Jesus addressed it when he spoke to the woman who had lived with multiple men...when he told her to go and sin no more....and she was currently living with a man then. So apparently he considered it a sin to have sex with men you aren't married to.
It's almost as if they had an idea that sexual immorality leads to disease and was trying to warn people away.

Disease, violence, strife, and all the problems with trying to figure out who is related to whom....which in small populations can be a serious issue if everybody is screwing everybody else...
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i googled it and i prefer discussion to the results i got. It was mostly bible blogs and anti-bible blogs seemingly.

So if anyone could post their favorite link on the subject or provide bible text to argue their point i'd appreciate it.

jesus believed in saving yourself for marriage but was big into getting blowjobs ,handjobs and dry humping...its a catholic thing

The mormon girls in my hood when I was a teen where really big on the dry humping thing... You start kissing them and the next thing you know they are humping your leg like a poodle in heat

Were the Mormon girls better than your poodle?
i googled it and i prefer discussion to the results i got. It was mostly bible blogs and anti-bible blogs seemingly.

So if anyone could post their favorite link on the subject or provide bible text to argue their point i'd appreciate it.

jesus believed in saving yourself for marriage but was big into getting blowjobs ,handjobs and dry humping...its a catholic thing

i googled it and i prefer discussion to the results i got. It was mostly bible blogs and anti-bible blogs seemingly.

So if anyone could post their favorite link on the subject or provide bible text to argue their point i'd appreciate it.

jesus believed in saving yourself for marriage but was big into getting blowjobs ,handjobs and dry humping...its a catholic thing

See my point, Drock?

I googled it and I prefer discussion to the results i got. It was mostly bible blogs and anti-bible blogs seemingly.

So if anyone could post their favorite link on the subject or provide bible text to argue their point i'd appreciate it.

Of course he didnt, he wanted to boink mary magdalene

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