Did it seem like Trump ‘kinda’ launched a third party to you?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The “third party” being a Trump OWNED and rebranded Republican Party?
It’s undeniable, he has completely hijacked the Party, he has no reason to start a third party. The GOP may need to start one of their own.
He made it very clear, he’ll endorse and campaign for Republican candidates with a “spine of steel” and against GOP establishment cowards who bow to “vicious” Democrats.
He may have just forced the nutless by default, “put it in God’s hands” GOP’ers to finally find and use their balls if they want to stay in the game.
The “third party” being a Trump OWNED and rebranded Republican Party?
It’s undeniable, he has completely hijacked the Party, he has no reason to start a third party. The GOP may need to start one of their own.
He made it very clear, he’ll endorse and campaign for Republican candidates with a “spine of steel” and against GOP establishment cowards who bow to “vicious” Democrats.
He may have just forced the nutless by default, “put it in God’s hands” GOP’ers to finally find and use their balls if they want to stay in the game.

He hijacked nothing. He was chosen by the Party. Those who prefer the old Establishment are entitled to their opinions, but they are significantly outnumbered.
Trump has transformed the Republican Party into the party for the white working class.

You know the class that had no representation in Washington for decades....not since the democratic party became the party of minorities and radicals.
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The “third party” being a Trump OWNED and rebranded Republican Party?
It’s undeniable, he has completely hijacked the Party, he has no reason to start a third party. The GOP may need to start one of their own.
He made it very clear, he’ll endorse and campaign for Republican candidates with a “spine of steel” and against GOP establishment cowards who bow to “vicious” Democrats.
He may have just forced the nutless by default, “put it in God’s hands” GOP’ers to finally find and use their balls if they want to stay in the game.

He hijacked nothing. He was chosen by the Party. Those who prefer the old Establishment are entitled to their opinions, but they are significantly outnumbered.

He was not chosen by “The Party”, they resisted right along side Mexicrats...THE PEOPLE, the constituency chose him.
No, it didn't seem that way at all....in fact, the total opposite.....

“I am not starting a new party. That was fake news, “We will be united and strong like never before. We will save and strengthen America and we will fight the onslaught of radicalism, socialism and indeed, it all leads to communism,” D. Trump

Yeah....you've been feed more lies, propaganda and click bait by the leftist's propaganda machine. This was a hoax, like all the other hoaxes the dembots have fallen for.
I hope he does start a third party taking the reactionary bloc with him.
And the Dems win every election from now on with the GOP vote split.

They will lose in the mid-terms, since they can't possibly keep all the promises to all the racist and commie factions they rely on for votes and ballot box stuffing.

The Republicans will sweep the house and senate in the mid-terms.....an absolute certainty.

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