Did I hear this right about the democratic party on the economic bill??


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
Do they want to extend a woman's fertility leave from 6 weeks to 12? If so, no one seems to think about when you are off from work just 1 or 2 weeks you end up forgetting some things and have to get back up to speed depending on what type of job you have. Is that really fair to the employer?
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Do they want to extend a woman's fertility leave from 6 weeks to 12? If so, no one seems to think about when you are off from work just 1 or 2 weeks you end up forgetting some things and have to get back up to speed depending on what type of job you have. Is that really fair to the employer?
The more time a wage slave spends with their kid, the less slaving she can do. Give her a weekend, and expect her back on Monday.

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