Dick Morris on Piers Morgan...CNN tonight!

It will definitely be Must See TV. I predict little Dickie will become angry and storm off the set, once he climbs down from the big chair. I hope he is not getting paid for this...
Morris is conservative.

He will double down and claim that his predictions were actually correct and that it was the voters who were wrong
Morris was right once when he was clintons advisor and hes been harping about that ever since and hes been wrong about everything else ever since.
Hes lost every dinner bet with O'reilly.
Peirs Morgan the British poofster? He's not very bright is he? I see you tube videos of him getting his ass handed to him by nearly everyone. Here he is getting beat up by a woman:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQW4Rqyjg44]Piers Morgan Told: 'You Can Suck My Ass' by Chelsea Handler - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe he will claim that he was abducted by aliens and wants to be back in the good graces of the Dems....:clap2:

With the releases of Palin and Morris I was beginning to wonder if Fox was beginning to wake up a bit. But then I saw that they re-signed Rove, so I'm not sure now.

No doubt Morgan will go after Morris like a pit bull and a steak. Why in the world would Morris do this?


And...a reminder, Fox News added liberal former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, as a contributor, in addition to re-signing a fave of mine, Karl Rove, to a multiyear contract. :D
I found Morris' political analysis to be interesting, even if flawed at times. He gave some insight into how many political decisions are made. Rove, on the other hand, is a number crunching election wonk whose white board analyses were getting a little tiresome. Time to move on...

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