DHS Secretary Is The Dumbest Gator In The Swamp

Look, just because I will not return your sexual advances does not mean I am surrendering, it just means that I prefer women. You like men, I get it, that is cool for you, I am happy you have been able to come out of the closet and be so open about your homosexulaity.
You have been reduced to making gay insults. You don't have to say you surrender. Everybody already knows.

Just admit that you don't know anything about giving testimony, and that I am right, and nobody will think less of you.

Dude, you are the one that has been posting your fantasies about me for the last 30 minutes. Don't blame me for your actions
In her testimony she testified that there were 408,870 apprehensions at the Southern Border in FY-16. How does she know this?
Yes, it is hearsay. They didn't call her on it. They accepted her hearsay statement.

She was not subpoenaed to testify about the demographics of Norway. She does not have any personal knowledge about that topic. To answer anything other than "I don't know" is also speculation, or guessing. A witness is not required to take a guess.

Look. You bitches are just mad because the witness was properly prepared and was not baited into your bullshit. She was not there to answer those questions, they were not only irrelevant, but they called for speculation and attempted to rely on hearsay. She owned them, and you're pissed about it.
In her testimony she testified that there were 408,870 apprehensions at the Southern Border in FY-16. How does she know this?
Yes, it is hearsay. They didn't call her on it. They accepted her hearsay statement.

She was not subpoenaed to testify about the demographics of Norway. She does not have any personal knowledge about that topic. To answer anything other than "I don't know" is also speculation, or guessing. A witness is not required to take a guess.

Look. You bitches are just mad because the witness was properly prepared and was not baited into your bullshit. She was not there to answer those questions, they were not only irrelevant, but they called for speculation and attempted to rely on hearsay. She owned them, and you're pissed about it.

you have watched too many episodes of Law and Order, you are using a word that you really do not understand at all.

Give it up and go back to your sexual fantasies, you were better at that.
Is "giving testimony" what the kids are calling lying these days?
Another ignoramus.

Is lying giving an answer that you do not know to be true, by personal knowledge?

Is telling the truth saying "I don't know" when you have no personal knowledge, but know only what you have read or heard?

You tell me what "lying" is.

She heard Trump's racist rant in the oval and is lying about it. She knows damn good and we'll that which word he used, hole or house, doesn't matter a whit and doesn't change Doddering Donnie's racist sentiment behind his comments.

She also knows damn good and we'll what the predominant racial makeup of Norway is. Not only is it common knowledge, she's actually not unqualified for her job.

Nielsen served during the George W. Bush administration as special assistant to the president and as senior director for prevention, preparedness and response at the White House Homeland Security Council. She also set-up and led as Administrator of Transportation Security Administration's Office of Legislative Policy and Government Affairs. Before serving in the Trump administration, she was a senior member of the Resilience Task Force of the Center for Cyber & Homeland Security committee at George Washington University and served on the Global Risks Report Advisory Board of the World Economic Forum.[6]
She heard Trump's racist rant in the oval and is lying about it
How do you know? Were you there? She could be lying, but you don't know.

The only reason I have been suckered into defending Trump's crony is because I thought she was well prepared by a lawyer and she did as instructed, which has caused a bunch of angry leftists to climb trees and throw their shit at everybody.

She knows damn good and we'll that which word he used, hole or house, doesn't matter a whit and doesn't change Doddering Donnie's racist sentiment behind his comments.
And saying "shithole" or "shithouse" makes one racist? Enough with this bullshit. He called a spade a spade. Race had nothing to do with it.

She also knows damn good and we'll what the predominant racial makeup of Norway is.
Only by what she has heard. That's fine in normal conversations, but not when giving testimony. One's "common knowledge" is not good enough. If she does not have personal knowledge about the demographic makeup of Norway, she is not required to guess. Again, testimony is not water cooler talk.

Not only is it common knowledge, she's actually not unqualified for her job.
Again, common knowledge is useless in testimony. She may not be qualified for her job for other reasons, but not because she refused to guess about the demographics of Norway.
“If only everyone could be like the Scandinavians, this would all be easy.”

obama once said --LOL was it racist then
She heard Trump's racist rant in the oval and is lying about it
How do you know? Were you there? She could be lying, but you don't know.

The only reason I have been suckered into defending Trump's crony is because I thought she was well prepared by a lawyer and she did as instructed, which has caused a bunch of angry leftists to climb trees and throw their shit at everybody.

She knows damn good and we'll that which word he used, hole or house, doesn't matter a whit and doesn't change Doddering Donnie's racist sentiment behind his comments.
And saying "shithole" or "shithouse" makes one racist? Enough with this bullshit. He called a spade a spade. Race had nothing to do with it.

She also knows damn good and we'll what the predominant racial makeup of Norway is.
Only by what she has heard. That's fine in normal conversations, but not when giving testimony. One's "common knowledge" is not good enough. If she does not have personal knowledge about the demographic makeup of Norway, she is not required to guess. Again, testimony is not water cooler talk.

Not only is it common knowledge, she's actually not unqualified for her job.
Again, common knowledge is useless in testimony. She may not be qualified for her job for other reasons, but not because she refused to guess about the demographics of Norway.

Race had everything to do with it. The countries and their state of disrepair is irrelevant. Trump wasn't talking about vacationing there, he was talking about accepting immigrants from there, people. Tell me why your country of origin should mean you don't get a chance at the American dream?
Race had everything to do with it. The countries and their state of disrepair is irrelevant. Trump wasn't talking about vacationing there, he was talking about accepting immigrants from there, people. Tell me why your country of origin should mean you don't get a chance at the American dream?
First of all, getting a chance at the American dream is NOT the purpose of immigration. Not for ANY OTHER COUNTRY on the planet, and not for America. The purpose is to make America better. If that gives someone a shot at the American dream, great. That's a side benefit.

The ONLY reason I would care about the immigrant's origin is that someone from a country with a shitty education system is less likely to be a person who will make America better.

But, give me a physicist from Congo over a toilet scrubber from France any day of the week.
When asked if Norway is a mostly white country, the blonde haired, blue-eyed retard in charge of our nation's security admitted she had no idea.

Trump Homeland Security Secretary Not Sure If Most Norwegians Are White
You left wingers think Norway is one of the best countries ever. Wouldn't that be racist if that country was all white? It's as if you're saying the best country to live in and model our own after is pretty fucking white in its make up of population.
Socialism is what makes Norway great. Not skin color.
LMAO! Socialism has never made a country great.
Let's not be one-sided here.

Do any of you remember Attorney General Eric Holder giving testimony on "Fast and Furious?"

Republicans were losing their SHIT because Holder was properly answering their questions and they couldn't get him to say what they wanted him to say.

It was comedy GOLD.

Remember Rod Goldstein's testimony?

Same thing. He knew how to properly answer and people on both sides were getting pissed.
you have watched too many episodes of Law and Order, you are using a word that you really do not understand at all.
I know quite a bit more than you. Go ask your local lawyer if I am right?

I guess watching law and order on my breaks from my janitorial duties has paid off. (you know less than a janitor)

I am pretty sure my cat understands this better than you do. Using your fucked up view of hearsay no Cabinet Sec could ever testify about the work done bun their agency unless they did the work themselves or watched it happen.

The Sec of Ag could not testify about the wildfires unless they were there themselves fighting the fires and then only the small part they saw.

The Dir of FEMA could not testify about the damage from a hurricane unless they talked to every single person affected by it.

The Sec of Trans could not testify about the state of the roads and bridges in the country unless they personally drove every mile of road and examined every single bridge in the country.

You really should stick to just posting your sexual fantasies, at least you understand those

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