DHS Secretary Is The Dumbest Gator In The Swamp

I like how all the people that work for Trump have such horrible memories. She said she didn't remember what Trump said in the meeting...

Just like all the others that didn't remember their meetings with Russians...

Or Sessions massive number of times saying, "I do not recall" during his last hearing.

How can people get to be so high up in government with such poor memory?

Wait, maybe they are lying? :desk:
I'm pretty sure the Hildebeast still holds the "I don't recall" record for a single session committee appearance.
Why yes, I do know that Norway is a mostly white country.
And how do you know that?

Because I know how to read. Because I have taken a World Geography courses in high school and college so I understand the racial makeup of the scandinavian states.

Do you ever read anything other than FoxNews and InfoWars?

Have you ever read a book?

Have you ever travelled outside of the US?

Oh, and I have been there a few times doing cold weather training with the Marine Corps.
Always predictable and ridiculous.

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars
She lied her ass off.
Tell me.

Do YOU know whether or not Norway is a "mostly white" country?

This ought to be good.

Why yes, I do know that Norway is a mostly white country.

I also know the make up of Myanmar.

Are you another one of the Trump zealots that dropped out of school after the 2nd grade?

Have you never taken a world geography course?

When Trump said he loved the poorly educated, who knew that he was talking about you. No wonder you are such a zealot for him, he called out your group and said he loved you.
Still waiting.

Let me answer for you.

You only know because somebody told you.

We call that HEARSAY.


You don't know what the fuck you are talking about when it comes to TESTIMONY. Why don't you take your "2nd grade" shit and shove it up your cum-stained shithole.

You've been bitch slapped.
Golfing Gator is my bitch.

Whatever sexual fantasy you need to keep you warm in the winter I am good with. Since you clearly never finished grade school I understand why you need these sorts of fantasies.

Hey, do you know if there is snow on the ground at the south pole?
Because I know how to read[/QUOTE
We call that....


You worthless, uneducated, useless piece of shit. Don't you EVER question my education, you goddamn ignoramus. You don't know ANYTHING!!!

Suck my balls while I dance in your uneducated face.


You are really just not a very smart person at all, but you do have some pretty wild seuxal fantacies about me. I am sorry that I do not share your sexual attraction towards men, but I am sure you have no trouble finding some young stud to fulfill your needs.
You are really just not a very smart person at all, but you do have some pretty wild seuxal fantacies about me. I am sorry that I do not share your sexual attraction towards men, but I am sure you have no trouble finding some young stud to fulfill your needs.
The words of an uneducated dude who knows he just got his uneducated ass handed to him.

I will accept your surrender.

Anybody else wanna go at it?
It was amusing watching how hard this guy was trying to cram race into it.

That's just who these people are. Leverage race at every opportunity.

A shithole is a shithole, regardless of the race of its inhabitants.

What is amusing is the focus on the shithole countries themselves when that is irrelevant. Trump was talking about people from those places as though they were not deserving of the American dream because of where they came from.

I'm glad we let this guy from a "shithole country" into ours...Doddering Donnie isn't.

Soldier, immigrant from Ghana, died rescuing neighbors in Bronx fire - CNN
You are really just not a very smart person at all, but you do have some pretty wild seuxal fantacies about me. I am sorry that I do not share your sexual attraction towards men, but I am sure you have no trouble finding some young stud to fulfill your needs.
The words of an uneducated dude who knows he just got his uneducated ass handed to him.

I will accept your surrender.

Anybody else wanna go at it?

Look, just because I will not return your sexual advances does not mean I am surrendering, it just means that I prefer women. You like men, I get it, that is cool for you, I am happy you have been able to come out of the closet and be so open about your homosexulaity.
Yeah, jews in a town do not conspire to control it and give each other loans as needed to buy the real estate and school system, and dentist offices, etc. :p Who knew that while kids went home after school, jews went to "Hebrew School" to cultivate a hate for Whitey.

The jewish "wall" in the senate is so weird. Almost all of them are grotesque weirdos who cannot speak English without lisping and drooling. Who the fuck votes for these swamp rat racists?
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Look, just because I will not return your sexual advances does not mean I am surrendering, it just means that I prefer women. You like men, I get it, that is cool for you, I am happy you have been able to come out of the closet and be so open about your homosexulaity.
You have been reduced to making gay insults. You don't have to say you surrender. Everybody already knows.

Just admit that you don't know anything about giving testimony, and that I am right, and nobody will think less of you.
Is "giving testimony" what the kids are calling lying these days?
Another ignoramus.

Is lying giving an answer that you do not know to be true, by personal knowledge?

Is telling the truth saying "I don't know" when you have no personal knowledge, but know only what you have read or heard?

You tell me what "lying" is.
Because I know how to read[/QUOTE
We call that....


You worthless, uneducated, useless piece of shit. Don't you EVER question my education, you goddamn ignoramus. You don't know ANYTHING!!!

Suck my balls while I dance in your uneducated face.


In her testimony she testified that there were 408,870 apprehensions at the Southern Border in FY-16. How does she know this?

Oh, because someone told her.

So, by your 2nd grade understanding of things, that was hearsay and should not have been said during a testimony.

Are you beginning to see how stupid you really are?

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