DHS Cyber-Security Guru Gary Miliefsky Says "Algorithms" in MI Dominion Machines Created Fraud


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Michigan officials crying "conspiracy theorists!" even after it turns out they deleted critical logs. Destroyed evidence. It's not even the crime anymore. It's the sheer unmitigated gall of these people.

Gary has busted one international hack scheme after another. A hero to geeks.

“we now have a credible analysis that as I predicted, the Algorithms being used in the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed to create systematic fraud and influence election results and in this case, not in the favor of President Trump,”
Hey Trump humpers, do you recall thes headline from December 5 GUARDIAN.
US elections: broken machines could throw Michigan recount into chaos”

SOUNDS LIKE THE PERFECT WAY TO COMMIT VOTER FRAUD DOES IT NOT? Where are Trump’s crackerjack lawyers on this broke machines conspiracy to steal the ejection .

FYI They use paper ballots so the loser of an election can ask for a hand recount.

Voting System Used:
Paper ballot (hand marked paper ballots, BMDs for accessibility)
For more details, visit Verified Voting.
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Needless to say, conservatives will never stop with these ridiculous lies about voter ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating.’
Biden is not 20 million more votes popular than Obama. Massive vote swapping and illegal mail in ballots were used and there is proof everywhere.

You are a fraud and so is Joe Biden
Beijing Biden has been installed and IS NOT a legitimate President!
Communist China owns Joe and anyone who thinks he's legitimate.

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