Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts

There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
well I honestly thought it was russia interference in the 2016 election, no?

The goal is to remove a duly elected POTUS by any means necessary.

No, the goal is to remove Putin's choice from office. He has already begun dismantling the US Democracy. He is doing it with the full cooperation and complicity of the Republican Party...which will be known from now on as the POP....Party of Perverts.
No, the goal is to remove Putin's choice from office.
Like you F*ing know who Putin's choice from office is...

Did Putin or the KGB Bank give Trump $100$ million like they did to Hillary?
- No

Did Putin or the KGB Bank give his wife $500k an event for walking down a runway or speaking like they did to Bill?
- No

Did Putin the KGB Bank give Trump's Campaign Manager THOUSANDS of shares of UN-REPORTED Russian stocks like they did to John Podesta?
- No

Was the brother of Trump's campaign manager working for the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency and did they receive cash from Putin or the KGB Bank or the Russian Spy Agency?
- No

Did Donald Trump illegally pay for and use a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm that was working on 2 separate PR campaigns for the Russians, like Hillary, the DNC, Comey, and Obama did?
- No

Is the investigation being run by a Pro-Trump guy who evidence shows hid Russian crimes in 2009 and enabled the Russians to acquire the sale of Uranium One?
- No

Did Putin / The KGB Bank take advantage of the unstable mental state of Conservatives, like they did liberal snowflakes, and have them organize and march fro them?
- No

Did Putin / the KGB bank pay Conservative groups and have them incite racial division and violence, like they did with Liberal groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the Black Fist?
- No

Did the Trump campaign get caught funding groups who hired violent thugs to go to Hillary rallies and to beat and bloody them, as Hillary's campaign got caught doing (how 'KGB' of Hillary)?
- No

Again, you snowflakes have been organizing and marching FOR RUSSIANS - unable to tell the difference between them and the DNC - so you are hardly able to tell anyone who is a Russian or who Putin wants in the WH.

Did Putin or the KGB Bank give Trump $100$ million like they did to Hillary?

They didn't give that money to Hillary. You are delusional.
Sorry, dumbass. She received that money from the Russian Team Lead that was responbsible for buying Uranium One. That money was traced back to the same KGB Bank that was financing the effort to buy Uranium One...the same source that was funding Bill's $500k a speech....none other than the KGB Bank.

That loud 'POP' you just heard was your false narrative, your talking point, and your heart....
Did Putin or the KGB Bank give Trump $100$ million like they did to Hillary?

They didn't give that money to Hillary. You are delusional.
Sorry, dumbass. She received that money from the Russian Team Lead that was responbsible for buying Uranium One. That money was traced back to the same KGB Bank that was financing the effort to buy Uranium One...the same source that was funding Bill's $500k a speech....none other than the KGB Bank.

That loud 'POP' you just heard was your false narrative, your talking point, and your heart....

She did not, and you are either ignorant or a liar.
No, the goal is to remove Putin's choice from office.
Like you F*ing know who Putin's choice from office is...

Did Putin or the KGB Bank give Trump $100$ million like they did to Hillary?
- No

Did Putin or the KGB Bank give his wife $500k an event for walking down a runway or speaking like they did to Bill?
- No

Did Putin the KGB Bank give Trump's Campaign Manager THOUSANDS of shares of UN-REPORTED Russian stocks like they did to John Podesta?
- No

Was the brother of Trump's campaign manager working for the KGB Bank and Russian Spy Agency and did they receive cash from Putin or the KGB Bank or the Russian Spy Agency?
- No

Did Donald Trump illegally pay for and use a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a firm that was working on 2 separate PR campaigns for the Russians, like Hillary, the DNC, Comey, and Obama did?
- No

Is the investigation being run by a Pro-Trump guy who evidence shows hid Russian crimes in 2009 and enabled the Russians to acquire the sale of Uranium One?
- No

Did Putin / The KGB Bank take advantage of the unstable mental state of Conservatives, like they did liberal snowflakes, and have them organize and march fro them?
- No

Did Putin / the KGB bank pay Conservative groups and have them incite racial division and violence, like they did with Liberal groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the Black Fist?
- No

Did the Trump campaign get caught funding groups who hired violent thugs to go to Hillary rallies and to beat and bloody them, as Hillary's campaign got caught doing (how 'KGB' of Hillary)?
- No

Again, you snowflakes have been organizing and marching FOR RUSSIANS - unable to tell the difference between them and the DNC - so you are hardly able to tell anyone who is a Russian or who Putin wants in the WH.


All that to say nothing. Just parroting FOX lies. Everyone with a brain knows Putin wanted the Comrade in the WH. WHY!

Because he is attempting to take the US down from within. And you and your mumbnut republican puppets are watching it happen.

The only chance the country has is to elect a Democratic congress in 2018 and get Putin's Puppet out of the Oval Office.

I think Mueller is beginning to uncover Putin's plot to crush America. The money trail is paying off.
Did Putin or the KGB Bank give Trump $100$ million like they did to Hillary?

They didn't give that money to Hillary. You are delusional.
Sorry, dumbass. She received that money from the Russian Team Lead that was responbsible for buying Uranium One. That money was traced back to the same KGB Bank that was financing the effort to buy Uranium One...the same source that was funding Bill's $500k a speech....none other than the KGB Bank.

That loud 'POP' you just heard was your false narrative, your talking point, and your heart....

How us the job as a Russian Bot working out for you?




pictures are worth a million words.
pictures are worth a million words.






'Pass on to Vlad I will be more flexible after
my re-election.'
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank Records

"Special prosecutor Robert Mueller zeroed in on President Donald Trump’s business dealings with Deutsche Bank AG as his investigation into alleged Russian meddling in U.S. elections widens.

Mueller issued a subpoena to Germany’s largest lender several weeks ago, forcing the bank to submit documents on its relationship with Trump and his family, according to a person briefed on the matter, who asked not to be identified because the action has not been announced.

“Deutsche Bank always cooperates with investigating authorities in all countries,” the lender said in a statement to Bloomberg Tuesday, declining to provide additional information.

Deutsche Bank for months has rebuffed calls by Democratic lawmakers to provide more transparency over the roughly $300 million Trump owed to the bank for his real estate dealings prior to becoming president. Representative Maxine Waters of California and other Democrats have asked whether the bank’s loans to Trump, made years before he ran for president, were in any way connected to Russia. The bank previously rejected those demands, saying sharing client data would be illegal unless it received a formal request to do so. Trump has denied any wrongdoing."

Now they are checking to see if the GERMANS, were the middle men between the Russians and Trump?

This looks more like the investigation is desperately fishing for something, ANYTHING to justify their expense.

I believe that Mueller is following the money..attempting see if Trump has/had a financial stake in Russia. If so,, how much and who might be pulling the strings. The logic is simple..if the President has a lot of obligations to Russian interests...could that fact sway his decision making..and of legal are/were these holdings...should they have been disclosed? Did the President lie about any of them, if they exist? And not just the President..but all the other players under suspicion...Kushner, Trump JR, Manafort, Flynn..etc.

You mean like how Obama was sympathetic to Muslims because of his ties to them growing up? Nah, no president ever lets anything in their life influence their thinking.
1) Get fake Dossier
2) use fake Dossier to make fake connection between Trump and Russia
3) use fake Dossier to secure warrants to spy on Trump and his associates.
4) Get same FBI agent ( Strzok) who was texting his mistress about how much he hated Trump on the Mueller team....(He also handled the HIllary e-mail investigation and interviewed Mills and Huma who lied, but of course they were not charged) He also changed Comeys speech so the language would exonerate Hillary.
5) Find anything NOT related to Trump and Putin rigging the election, to get Trump out of Office.

Remember what Pelosi said about the Clinton independent counsel,

“No one should have unlimited power and resources to investigate the President of the United States.”
now the entire government is challenging the intelligence of the people. I for one as a citizen believe it is time for a people's coup against the coup and call for a citizen's arrest of Robert Mueller and his team. NOW!
There is fish in them there waters dude
Subpoena for Trump Financial Records Confirmed
December 6, 2017 at 8:24 am EST

Though President Trump’s lawyers deny a subpoena had been issued to Deutsche Bank for the president’s financial records, the Wall Street Journal confirms earlier reports that one had been given.

Dan Stein, former chief of the criminal division at the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office, said the special counsel’s subpoena signals one of two possible directions for the broader investigation: “Either it means they’re going beyond the narrow question of election interference. Or, it means the question of election interference may now somehow involve the transfer of funds to the president or his family or inner circle.”
Despite your use of huge font, which you idiotically believe makes your BS more believable, your post PROVES MY POINT. Despite there being plenty of evidence of ACTUAL MONEY PAID TO HILLARY AND HER TEAM BY THE RUSSIAN KGB ND RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY, Mueller has chosen to GO FISHING for evidence against Trump.

That is all you need to know to understand Mueller's entire investigation is a desperate witch hunt
Hillary again? It is not Mueller's job to investigate is it? He has not 'chosen' anything...he is fulfilling his mandate.
well I honestly thought it was russia interference in the 2016 election, no?

The goal is to remove a duly elected POTUS by any means necessary.

No, the goal is to remove Putin's choice from office. He has already begun dismantling the US Democracy. He is doing it with the full cooperation and complicity of the Republican Party...which will be known from now on as the POP....Party of Perverts.
well she didn't make it so that person isn't there. dude, the material is all available now, and the only docs are those of the hitlery campaign. how do you miss that? please provide your documents if you feel otherwise.
1) Get fake Dossier
2) use fake Dossier to make fake connection between Trump and Russia
3) use fake Dossier to secure warrants to spy on Trump and his associates.
4) Get same FBI agent ( Strzok) who was texting his mistress about how much he hated Trump on the Mueller team....(He also handled the HIllary e-mail investigation and interviewed Mills and Huma who lied, but of course they were not charged) He also changed Comeys speech so the language would exonerate Hillary.
5) Find anything NOT related to Trump and Putin rigging the election, to get Trump out of Office.

Remember what Pelosi said about the Clinton independent counsel,

“No one should have unlimited power and resources to investigate the President of the United States.”
now the entire government is challenging the intelligence of the people. I for one as a citizen believe it is time for a people's coup against the coup and call for a citizen's arrest of Robert Mueller and his team. NOW!
it seems the GOP congress has no balls. I'll be happy to put my face in front of Mr. Mueller and say you're under citizens arrest.
Trump needs to send Mueller to Gitmo, this is sedition

LOL, Sedition: "conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch."

Seems Frank would have liked to send Washington, Jefferson and all of the founding father's to the gallows, and Gingrich, Ken Starr, David Schippers and his team to gitmo.

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