DeSantis slammed for out-of-state politicking amid Fort Lauderdale flooding


Platinum Member
Aug 10, 2022
South Florida gets one of the most intense rain storms in the state's history, shutting down Ft Lauderdale airport and flooding homes everywhere. And ole Meatball ain't nowhere to be found.

TALLAHASSEE — While the heavily Democratic city of Fort Lauderdale was dealing with historic flooding Thursday morning, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was having breakfast with members of the Summit County, Ohio, Republican Party.

Worse, some of the people who watched his address said it was pretty fucken dull.
South Florida gets one of the most intense rain storms in the state's history, shutting down Ft Lauderdale airport and flooding homes everywhere. And ole Meatball ain't nowhere to be found.

Worse, some of the people who watched his address said it was pretty fucken dull.
not like hes going to be bailing water,,

what he does happens over the phone,,
South Florida gets one of the most intense rain storms in the state's history, shutting down Ft Lauderdale airport and flooding homes everywhere. And ole Meatball ain't nowhere to be found.

Worse, some of the people who watched his address said it was pretty fucken dull.
I for sure don't blame him. He should have been there.
South Florida gets one of the most intense rain storms in the state's history, shutting down Ft Lauderdale airport and flooding homes everywhere. And ole Meatball ain't nowhere to be found.

Worse, some of the people who watched his address said it was pretty fucken dull.
Unlike the federal response from Biden and Buttigieg to East Palestine, DeSantis issued an executive order in response to the Broward County flooding and declared a state of emergency. The storm occurred on 4/12 and DeSantis responded on 4/13.

The state of emergency allows DeSantis to activate and deploy an emergency response and recovery to the impacted area, which may include law enforcement, the National Guard, emergency management services, etc. and a host of other provisions the state of emergency authorizes.
Biden is in Ireland as our nation is failing at home and abroad....

Foreign relations is actually a pretty significant part of Biden's job.

Going to Ohio and New Hampshire to feel out presidential primary vibes is not part of DeSantis job as Florida's governor.
Mrs.Desandis doesn't give a damn about the people of her state. All she cares about is forcing radical crap on people.
Well the residents seem to want him there, or at least they want people in his administration to act like they care.
so you talked to all the residents there,, got it,,,

anyone that thinks the government can or will help you is to far gone already,,,

face it mother natures a bitch,,
Foreign relations is actually a pretty significant part of Biden's job.

Going to Ohio and New Hampshire to feel out presidential primary vibes is not part of DeSantis job as Florida's governor.
Biden is on vacation in his ancestors homeland... he isn't working...
South Florida gets one of the most intense rain storms in the state's history, shutting down Ft Lauderdale airport and flooding homes everywhere. And ole Meatball ain't nowhere to be found.

Worse, some of the people who watched his address said it was pretty fucken dull.
we have mass leaks of classified documents, floods, record inflation, a humanitarian crisis on the border, china brokering deals with our allies, threatening Taiwan, while xiden takes hunter on a family vacation to ireland where the UK tells him to pound sand on a trade deal…and this is what you decide to start a thread about?
so you talked to all the residents there,, got it,,,

Nah, I'll take the reporters' word for it, since they interviewed the residents and have receipts.

anyone that thinks the government can or will help you is to far gone already,,,

Actually, government can and does help all the time, but that's beside the point. The point is Meatball is ignoring the suffering in his own state while campaigning for an election that's not until the end of next year.

face it mother natures a bitch,,

Face it, Meatball's a moron, and he's not fit to be president if he can't even get the governor thing right.

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