DeSantis or Trump?

Who would you choose? DeSantis or Trump?

  • DeSantis

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Trump

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
I would choose DeSantis.

I like the way he has been steadfast in upholding liberal principles by standing up to the Stalinist democrat attack on small business in order to enrich the multinationals as well as investing in the individual the right to determine their own life's course.
I like Donald Trump. I think he was an effective President, as I believe DeSantis would be.

The difference between the two is that DeSantis would be "presidential". I have a problem with a leader of the free world who believes that antagonistic, middle school name calling is an effective tactic. Everything from "Little Marco" to "Rocket Man", it's like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Also, if Trump were elected we would be treated to yet another democrat sideshow after democrat sideshow trying to impeach him again (and failing, again) and we just don't need the distraction. I want a President who can concentrate on governing as opposed to concentrating on defending himself...
2016 Trump Electoral Victory Agenda

2024 Trump Electoral Victory Agenda
It’s a little bit difficult for me. I like how DeSantis is really clamping down on the social issues, like indoctrination in the schools, transgender issues, etc. I also like how he puts his own state’s needs first and everything else comes secondary. But something makes me a little wary of how he’d do on the world stage.

I like Trump’s “crazy”. I like how he keeps everyone on their toes guessing. It seemed to work real well on the world stage. Folks thought twice before messing with us. However, I think he’s not paying enough attention to the social issues.

I think it would really come down to what was happening at the time of the election. If everything was crazy crazy, I’d want another version of crazy to get us out of the mud. If it was just crazy, I think DeSantis could do it.
If today you were to vote in the republican primaries who would you choose between DeSantis or Trump, and why?
Ron Desantis by a MILE.

1. Trump has WAYYYY too much baggage. Stepping outside of morality and just acknowledging truths, despite the fact that the leftist media/big tech has spread so much disinformation on Trump as far as russian collusion and January 6th involvement, that exists amidst the state propaganda that has a stranglehold on mainstream publicity onto the public, and political strategy has to acknowledge that. So even if it's BS, Trump has stamps of those untruths on his name for independent voters. Some will realize it's BS, others won't. The leftist MSM and big tech work hard to brand untruths onto their political opponents. It's about the brand. Trump has a lot of negativity with his name (anyone would if they had the hit campaign against them as the MSM did on him).

2. Trump isn't cordial enough. While some of his zings on Democrats and the media are necessary, his bumbling and petty brigades are not. Trump struck a nerve into Conservatism in that you don't have to simply be the party of "We're what the Democrats were 5 years ago". You can fight back and call BS when you see it. You can actually stand against woke, leftist BS. However, he'd get caught up in petty, eye-rolling fiascos.. his ego was to easily influenced, and he can't just let some things go. His policies were clearly (and now provably) better than the Democrats.. but you have to learn from mistakes. The American people care more about nice, positive tweets than better policy, so you need someone who won't constantly fling out immature zingers that the snowflakes will be triggered by, and perform some sort of ritual dance in offense to encourage the populace how evil he is.

3. Ron Desantis gives all the positives of Trump with little of the negatives. Desantis is presidential, well-spoken, and cordial. When attacked, he can point out the flawed logic of pathetic leftist attempts against him.

Ron Desantis would win in 2024 if he ran.
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I'd favor DeSantis over Trump, the Donald just has too much negative baggage. I don't see the GOP being as united under Trump as they might otherwise be, that man alienates too many people and he just can't keep his big mouth shut. However, I do believe that Trump will run, get nominated, and get re-elected in 2024. As sucky as he is, the democrats suck even worse no matter who they run. IOW, I will vote for the republican no matter who it is.
By 2024 the economy is going to be in the fucking dumpster. My vote is for Trump, as he is likely the only person running who has built Fortune 500 companies, successful international businesses, and knows exactly what to do and how to do it and who to deal with (and not to deal with) both domestically and internationally. That's what we're going to need to turn the economy around.

And don't kid yourself, if DeSantis were the nominee, the media will crusade against him just like they did against Trump. They're already doing it with this "don't say gay" hoax, and the mask BS just before that. I truly believe DeSantis will eventually get the Republican nomination if he wants it in 2028, and we will see the same media hoaxes and phony impeachments mounted against him when that time comes. Why? Because like Trump he punches back. He's just not on the daily national radar so the media isn't parsing through every tweet and statement he makes looking for the next headline.
By 2024 the economy is going to be in the fucking dumpster. My vote is for Trump, as he is likely the only person running who has built Fortune 500 companies, successful international businesses, and knows exactly what to do and how to do it and who to deal with (and not to deal with) both domestically and internationally. That's what we're going to need to turn the economy around.

And don't kid yourself, if DeSantis were the nominee, the media will crusade against him just like they did against Trump. They're already doing it with this "don't say gay" hoax. I truly believe DeSantis will eventually get the Republican nomination if he wants it in 2028, and we will see the same media hoaxes and phony impeachments mounted against him when that time comes.
We, as in conservatives, shouldn't look to Trump in 2024. Desantis is the guy. Trump has so much undeserving dirt against him that can be exploited. I'm not saying it's fair, but it's real. You know this.

What we need to do is make sure Trump is put into Congress and made speaker. He can lead then coordinate consistent impeachment trials on any future Democrat president for anything above hangnail as they did to him. He can constantly speak against the people who support the Democrat nominee in a vile manner, as Pelosi and Shumer do now with Republicans, and become a vigilante political Batman. The left needs a good dose of their own medicine.
Btw, for all you people who rip on Trump for being controversial, let me just point out that he single-handedly exposed more corruption in the media and DC beltway than any politician in my lifetime. Trump's presidency was like a flashlight shining into a den of roaches that we never knew to be nearly so infested. He deserves credit for that, not scorn and criticism.
Btw, for all you people who rip on Trump for being controversial, let me just point out that he single-handedly exposed more corruption in the media and DC beltway then any politician in my lifetime. Trump's presidency was like a flashlight shining into a den of roaches that we never knew to be nearly so infested. He deserves credit for that, not scorn and criticism.
You are correct, but you know the truths of political strategy, or you should.

People can be cooked even if it's not fair.
You are correct, but you know the truths of political strategy, or you should.

People can be cooked even if it's not fair.
Cooked by whom? The media? That's the thing, nobody trusts the media anymore precisely because of all of the hoaxes they tried to mount against Trump (and others as proxies for Trump, i.e., Nick Sandman, Juicy Smolliet) which got exposed for exactly what they were. They're still doing it and getting exposed, like the stupid "7 missing hours" bullshit. Plus all of the censorship covering for Biden in 2020. The media's approval rating is even lower than Congress' approval rating.

Let's be honest, anybody who believes the leftwing media already knows they hate Trump and they're not going to vote for him. And anyone who already supports Trump isn't going to be influenced by more BS media hoaxes. And for the very few people who were undecided prior to the 2020 election and were influenced by media censorship, recent polls indicate that a substantial number of those people have come to see the light and have lost their trust for the media. The voter registration stats in swing States like Pennsylvania show voters switching from Democrat to Republican at a 4:1 ratio to the opposite.
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One more factor is Trump has pulled in a shitload of support from Blue collar voters and unions who voted Republican for the first time ever in support of Trump. There's no guarantee that DeSantis or any other Republican would get that support at this point.

To wit, there's no denying the fact that Trump received 74 million votes in 2020, which was the most votes for any presidential candidate in US history--and 20% more votes than he received when he beat Hillary in 2016--setting aside the *81 million* for Brandon. And he got them primarily with in-person votes, not harvested mass mail in ballots from dead people dropped off by the truckload at 4am. He also won more counties than any presidential candidate in decades, if not ever. To suggest that Trump would not have massive support among a large cross-section of American voters (especially after 4 years of FJB by direct comparison) is not a realistic appraisal, IMO.
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Trump's presidency was like a flashlight shining into a den of roaches that we never knew to be nearly so infested. He deserves credit for that, not scorn and criticism.
And he convicted _zero_ of those roaches despite having complete control of the government.

That would indicate he was in league with the roaches, right?
Cooked by whom? The media? That's the thing, nobody trusts the media anymore precisely because of all of the hoaxes they tried to mount against Trump (and others as proxies for Trump, i.e., Nick Sandman, Juicy Smolliet) which got exposed for exactly what they were. They're still doing it and getting exposed, like the stupid "7 missing hours" bullshit. Plus all of the censorship covering for Biden in 2020. The media's approval rating is even lower than Congress' approval rating.

Let's be honest, anybody who believes the leftwing media already knows they hate Trump and they're not going to vote for him. And anyone who already supports Trump isn't going to be influenced by more BS media hoaxes. And for the very few people who were undecided prior to the 2020 election and were influenced by media censorship, recent polls indicate that a substantial number of those people have come to see the light and have lost their trust for the media. The voter registration stats in swing States like Pennsylvania show voters switching from Democrat to Republican at a 4:1 ratio to the opposite.

I get the whole ratio issue, but seriously, you're correct on all of your claims about the leftist media, russian hoaxes, nick sandmann, smelliet, etc.

However, you can't deny that those smear-jobs worked. As you should know, at least 5-6% of Biden voters in 2020 said they wouldn't have voted Biden had they known about Hunter Bidens' laptop, meaning the leftist media and big tech outright won the 2020 election for Joe Biden by suppressing the information and/or claiming it as "russian disinformation" to those who heard it. Had those 5-6% even refrained from voting, much less changed their vote to Trump, Trump would have won Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. We know this. The left has an aggressive violent arm in the media and big tech on Trump.

It's not fair, but it's true. We (conservatives) need to stay away from Trump. If Trump runs, the leftist media and big tech will only run Russiagate and January 6th hoaxes... and the amount of non-stop coverage will only convince independent voters to stay away from it or convince non-voting Democrats to vote. Deep down you know this.

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