Desantis loses in court in his attempt to ban mask mandates


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

He will need to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way to torture children and their parents. Too bad....

He will need to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way to torture children and their parents. Too bad....
Or he can just appeal it.

He will need to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way to torture children and their parents. Too bad....
What are you going to do when your mask and vax hysteria goes away. Bout all you libturds will have will be pronouns and fruit loops. Good Lord you people can't do anything right. Leave us happy people alone and go be miserable by yourselves

Hey Ninny. Everyone is going to get Covid eventually. That's how Viruses work. Everyone gets a cold, no way around it

You libturds and viruses are so much alike. You kill. You maim. You spread like mosquitos.
What are you going to do when your mask and vax hysteria goes away. Bout all you libturds will have will be pronouns and fruit loops. Good Lord you people can't do anything right. Leave us happy people alone and go be miserable by yourselves

Hey Ninny. Everyone is going to get Covid eventually. That's how Viruses work. Everyone gets a cold, no way around it

You libturds and viruses are so much alike. You kill. You maim. You spread like mosquitos.

You Trump cultists go do that yourselves. You all get infected and see what happens.

In the meantime, the rest of us vaccinated will watch for herd immunity.
"4-6 months" where did you get that....FOX News?
6 months is about the average it lasts Jack. Today it is proved natural immunity destroys the shot.

You people are dangerous with any thing you touch. Medicine. Safety. Immorality. Stupidity. My God you can't even chew gum, screw the walking
DeathSantis's mandate, of course, isn't about public health, or "freedumb," or anything intellectually coherent to a conservative cause.

It's all about playing to Trump's rube base, where the #1 priority is "fighting" and "owning the libs!"

Truth, science, intellectual honesty, and the lives of Americans don't mean shit to the Trump cult.
You Trump cultists go do that yourselves. You all get infected and see what happens.

In the meantime, the rest of us vaccinated will watch for herd immunity.
Hey idiot. I've been vaxed since April. Why does your low intelligence feel everyone who questions vaxes don't get them. I am very pro vax so it makes you look really dumb. Not hard to do

Today science said natural immunity is way better

Since I've been health and life underwriter qualified since Reagan I ask this.

Why does the Chicken Pox vax say on the bottle. Do not use if you ever had Chicken Pox.

Now son I want you to sit in the corner and think very carefully about what I just said

Why shouldn't you get the Chicken Pox vax if you already have it. Now I know since you push brooms that you are a competent medical expert
No it's not, you fucking moron!
It was just reported the last few days you fool. Why in the heck do you think all this booster talk is about????

My God you are too fucking dumb to waste time with

You have earned scroll by status. You have no humor, you have no brains, you don't even know your own gender

Have fun Mr 90,000 god what a waste of time

Good thing I'm on sabbatical for swearing and degrading

He will need to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way to torture children and their parents. Too bad....

A leftist judge shit all over the law and constitution to further the fascist agenda?

I'm shocked...
Stole the words right off my keyboard, ya did. :laughing0301:
I've been told there was another Toro here and he was kool. What I've heard. And this one is retarded beyond belief...................God I had to put it on scroll by it it is so damned dumb and annoying

He will need to go back to the drawing board and figure out another way to torture children and their parents. Too bad....
Of course you’re all for torturing children and giving them future health problems just so you can virtue signal.
No it's not, you fucking moron!

". . Illinois health officials recently announced more than 160 fully-vaccinated people have died of Covid-19, and at least 644 been hospitalized; ten deaths and 51 hospitalizations counted in the prior week. Israel’s Health Ministry recently said effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has fallen to 40 percent. Last month, 100 vaccinated British sailors isolated on a ship at sea reportedly came down with Covid seven weeks into their deployment. In July, New Jersey reported 49 fully vaccinated residents had died of Covid; 27 in Louisiana; 80 in Massachusetts. In Iceland there is a spike in cases, mostly among the vaccinated, among a highly-vaccinated population that had previously claimed to have defeated Covid-19. Of 116 cases diagnosed in one day, 73 were among the vaccinated; 43 were unvaccinated.

Nationally, as of July 12, CDC said it was aware of more than 4,400 people who got Covid-19 after being fully vaccinated and had to be hospitalized; and 1,063 fully vaccinated people who died of Covid. But health officials still argue that vaccinated people make up only a small fraction of the seriously ill. Critics counter that CDC’s recent Massachusetts data calls that into question. . . . "
You Trump cultists go do that yourselves. You all get infected and see what happens.

In the meantime, the rest of us vaccinated will watch for herd immunity.
Yeah, Darwin's theory is playing out in front of our eyes.

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