Deranged...Clinton Camp Claims Media Was Pro-Trump, Blames Them For ‘Devastating’ Loss.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
One can only laugh at fucking, idiot liberals that won't recognize that the people saw through their lies, bullshit and phony agendas!

John Podesta said the defeat was due to a pro-Donald Trump bias in the media...

“The media always covered her as the person who would be president and therefore tried to eviscerate her before the election, but covered Trump who was someone who was entertaining and sort of gave him a pass,” said Podesta. “We need to reflect and analyze that and put our voices forward.”...

Palmieri: ..."we’re looking at a white board right now with lots of ideas,” said Palmieri. “We’re sort of figuring out what we need to do this week, and what we need Democrats to do in the next two months ahead of the inaugural.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There is no lie to big or to stupid for a liberal moron to blow out the ass.
One can only laugh at fucking, idiot liberals that won't recognize that the people saw through their lies, bullshit and phony agendas!

John Podesta said the defeat was due to a pro-Donald Trump bias in the media...

“The media always covered her as the person who would be president and therefore tried to eviscerate her before the election, but covered Trump who was someone who was entertaining and sort of gave him a pass,” said Podesta. “We need to reflect and analyze that and put our voices forward.”...

Palmieri: ..."we’re looking at a white board right now with lots of ideas,” said Palmieri. “We’re sort of figuring out what we need to do this week, and what we need Democrats to do in the next two months ahead of the inaugural.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
As long as they continue placing blame anywhere but in the mirror, they're going to continue losing.
They don't have the decency to just go away after their historic and devastating loss.
From the voting data now collected Trump would have beat Obama in the last election.
Over two million former Obama voters sat on the fucking porch this time.
I warned the LIB MSM that every time they trashed Trump his middle class vote went up.
I even encouraged them to keep it up. They took my advice.
Thankyou all you fucking losers at MSNBC.
You especially did a stellar job to get Trump elected.
They don't have the decency to just go away after their historic and devastating loss.
Billy, it isn't liberals that are bringing up this crap. Vigilante keeps telling us how Hillary is crying and blaming and pissing and moaning, and all vig's compatriots take up the cry. We haven't heard squat from Hillary or Podesta or any of her camp, just from those whose hatred wont stop at victory over the hated. So who is it that doesn't have the decency to just go away after their historic (?) and devastating loss again?
They don't have the decency to just go away after their historic and devastating loss.
Billy, it isn't liberals that are bringing up this crap. Vigilante keeps telling us how Hillary is crying and blaming and pissing and moaning

That is reportedly what she is doing.

We haven't heard squat from Hillary or Podesta or any of her camp

Do you think they would call a press conference to announce that she has been crying and blaming and pissing and moaning?

So who is it that doesn't have the decency to just go away after their historic (?) and devastating loss again?

The aforementioned.
"It was the media"

oh, the irony of that is delicious.

the media didn't nominate that crazy hag. they didn't undercut sanders.

and now it's their fault, just another thing for hillary to throw under her bus, which I have a feeling is going to need a lift kit package.

This defeat lies squarely at their own feet. Time to man up, libs.....
They don't have the decency to just go away after their historic and devastating loss.
Billy, it isn't liberals that are bringing up this crap. Vigilante keeps telling us how Hillary is crying and blaming and pissing and moaning

That is reportedly what she is doing.

We haven't heard squat from Hillary or Podesta or any of her camp

Do you think they would call a press conference to announce that she has been crying and blaming and pissing and moaning?

So who is it that doesn't have the decency to just go away after their historic (?) and devastating loss again?

The aforementioned.
IOW, you don't know, but you think the shoe fits?
What are these fools talking about. It was supposed to be an overwhelming referendum in support of continuing the hope for spare change agenda of the past 8 years. So now it is the fault of the press?
One can only laugh at fucking, idiot liberals that won't recognize that the people saw through their lies, bullshit and phony agendas!

John Podesta said the defeat was due to a pro-Donald Trump bias in the media...

“The media always covered her as the person who would be president and therefore tried to eviscerate her before the election, but covered Trump who was someone who was entertaining and sort of gave him a pass,” said Podesta. “We need to reflect and analyze that and put our voices forward.”...

Palmieri: ..."we’re looking at a white board right now with lots of ideas,” said Palmieri. “We’re sort of figuring out what we need to do this week, and what we need Democrats to do in the next two months ahead of the inaugural.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Crazy people always think everyone else is nuts.
What a joke she is.

Inauguration Day is going to taste so sweet.

Isn't if proper protocol for past presidents and their spouses to attend?

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