DEPORT THE ABDULAZEEZ FAMILY..... radicals from hell!

I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

Foreigners, how about the latin gangs. I'm an American , born and raised, and no Muslims are not the threat. This whole story sounds a lot mysterious along with the church killings.

They need to go as well.
As far as it sounding fishy goes...only in the way they are being intentionally goaded by our racist and chief.
I am intrigued----anyone know what is "fishy" about the church killings and the military killings???
Why stop there? Get rid of every one of these mother fuckers on watch lists, and their families. Why wait until they make themselves famous too?

These families of terror, stay very close together.

Muslim immigration needs to go bye bye as well, it's insane.

In the past few years we've had mass shooting after mass shooting...

But...the majority were disgruntled homies - white American Christian males - with a lot of guns and higher than average endowment of mental illness. So how exactly is eliminating Muslim immigration going to make a dent in things?
Why stop there? Get rid of every one of these mother fuckers on watch lists, and their families. Why wait until they make themselves famous too?

These families of terror, stay very close together.

Muslim immigration needs to go bye bye as well, it's insane.

In the past few years we've had mass shooting after mass shooting...

But...the majority were disgruntled homies - white American Christian males - with a lot of guns and higher than average endowment of mental illness. So how exactly is eliminating Muslim immigration going to make a dent in things?

If we could stop black ghetto crime and illegal alien criminals we'd have one of the lowest crime rates in 1st world nations.
Stopping muslims from waging jihad on Americans is just common sense.
Why stop there? Get rid of every one of these mother fuckers on watch lists, and their families. Why wait until they make themselves famous too?

These families of terror, stay very close together.

Muslim immigration needs to go bye bye as well, it's insane.

In the past few years we've had mass shooting after mass shooting...

But...the majority were disgruntled homies - white American Christian males - with a lot of guns and higher than average endowment of mental illness. So how exactly is eliminating Muslim immigration going to make a dent in things?

although I am not an advocate of eliminating muslim immigration entirely----the fact is-----it would make a "dent" just not a very big dent. ------would a little dent not be good enough for you? It would make a significant dent in some of the
problems of some cities. Keeping Mexicans out of the USA would be a giant dent in the perception of lots of ARIZONIANS ---it would be no dent for me
FrontPage Mag ^ | 07/22/2015
Before and after 9/11, the FBI took a hard look at Youssef Abdulazeez because he had apparently donated money to Hamas through a front group. He went on a watch list. He went off the watch list. The FBI forgot about him until his son, Mohammod Youssef Abdulazeez, went on a Jihadist killing spree in Chattanooga. Just like the Tsarnaev terrorists, the media is digging into the background of this dysfunctional Muslim family. We have learned that Youssef Abdulazeez liked to beat and rape his wife. He even wanted to get a second wife to rape and beat, as permitted...

Time to elect a President with the balls to use the Alien Enemies Act and deport these terrorist fucks.
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

Foreigners, how about the latin gangs. I'm an American , born and raised, and no Muslims are not the threat. This whole story sounds a lot mysterious along with the church killings.

Could you rewrite that in standard English? ----"Born and raised 'American' "----
Certainly not English speaking USA. What language was spoken in the home
of your childhood? It is nothing of which to be ashamed. You need remedication like thousands of other kids.
Penelope is an Islamist. Every post of his has to bring up Jews and how evil they are.
Muslim immigration needs to go bye bye as well, it's insane.

Check that thing we call the "First Amendment" there, Whizzo.

Fuck that, we continue letting these mentally ill killers in. The first amendment does not say, we have to take in muslims at an alarming rate.

They have a dhimmi in you tho, pretty sad. Olay!:blowup:

People end up on the watch list by mistake. Being on the watch list does not make you guilty of something. Ted Kennedy ended up on the No Fly list once in error.
FrontPage Mag ^ | 07/22/2015
Before and after 9/11, the FBI took a hard look at Youssef Abdulazeez because he had apparently donated money to Hamas through a front group. He went on a watch list. He went off the watch list. The FBI forgot about him until his son, Mohammod Youssef Abdulazeez, went on a Jihadist killing spree in Chattanooga. Just like the Tsarnaev terrorists, the media is digging into the background of this dysfunctional Muslim family. We have learned that Youssef Abdulazeez liked to beat and rape his wife. He even wanted to get a second wife to rape and beat, as permitted...

Didn't deport the bin Laden family after 9/11. As I recall we helped them hide.
This is not going to be nipped in the bud until we get a POTUS that is respected and FEARED.
Yep. And Donald "The Godfather" Trump is just the man!

He'll make them all an offer they can't refuse.
The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

Foreigners, how about the latin gangs. I'm an American , born and raised, and no Muslims are not the threat. This whole story sounds a lot mysterious along with the church killings.

Could you rewrite that in standard English? ----"Born and raised 'American' "----
Certainly not English speaking USA. What language was spoken in the home
of your childhood? It is nothing of which to be ashamed. You need remedication like thousands of other kids.
Penelope is an Islamist. Every post of his has to bring up Jews and how evil they are.

No I'm an American and realize the truth of the matter. Israel self created problem with the Muslims they are projecting on us and our neocons in the gov are behind them, PM Bibi comes to mind with his book he wrote in 86, How the West can Win Against Terror, and the US was not having a terror problem but Israel was terrorizing the Palestine, and wanted the US involved.
This is not going to be nipped in the bud until we get a POTUS that is respected and FEARED.
Yep. And Donald "The Godfather" Trump is just the man!

He'll make them all an offer they can't refuse.

Bomb, bomb , bomb, kill, destroy, destroy. And everyone says Yeah!!!!
Don't need to bomb bomb bomb, kill, destroy destroy. What we need is a POTUS that exudes power mixed with decency mixed with understanding mixed with heart mixed with kindness mixed with toughness. When we get such a POTUS, then the "Don't Tread On Me" might mean something again.
right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

Foreigners, how about the latin gangs. I'm an American , born and raised, and no Muslims are not the threat. This whole story sounds a lot mysterious along with the church killings.

Could you rewrite that in standard English? ----"Born and raised 'American' "----
Certainly not English speaking USA. What language was spoken in the home
of your childhood? It is nothing of which to be ashamed. You need remedication like thousands of other kids.
Penelope is an Islamist. Every post of his has to bring up Jews and how evil they are.

No I'm an American and realize the truth of the matter. Israel self created problem with the Muslims they are projecting on us and our neocons in the gov are behind them, PM Bibi comes to mind with his book he wrote in 86, How the West can Win Against Terror, and the US was not having a terror problem but Israel was terrorizing the Palestine, and wanted the US involved.

The truth of the matter? Islam spread all over the ME, Africa, and the Mediterranean by force. Enslaving, raping, and killing is the norm for Islamists. Did the big mean Israelis take a little land away from some Muslims? Yes they did. Pardon me if I don't shed tears for those Muslims.

You Islamists can cry about Palestinians being the victims all you want. Personally I'm glad someone took something back from barbarian Islamists. They've at least shown the world that it is possible to take a stand against the Islamic cult and put them in their place. My guess is that is the real reason Islamists hate Israel so much and want it wiped out. It certainly can't be because they care about the lives of those Palestinians, since all over the world Muslims are murdering each other.
FrontPage Mag ^ | 07/22/2015
Before and after 9/11, the FBI took a hard look at Youssef Abdulazeez because he had apparently donated money to Hamas through a front group. He went on a watch list. He went off the watch list. The FBI forgot about him until his son, Mohammod Youssef Abdulazeez, went on a Jihadist killing spree in Chattanooga. Just like the Tsarnaev terrorists, the media is digging into the background of this dysfunctional Muslim family. We have learned that Youssef Abdulazeez liked to beat and rape his wife. He even wanted to get a second wife to rape and beat, as permitted...
Chattanooga has already been proven to be a hoax.

Do you do this a lot?

Post hate threads trying to promote racial/religious hatred?

FrontPageMag as a source, huh?

FrontPageMag = Zio Propaganda R us

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