Charleston shooting suspect charged with federal hate crimes


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Charleston shooting suspect charged with federal hate crimes Reuters
That was such a horrible crime. The madman broke into the church and shoot nine innocent people. I hope he will get capital punishment but for some reason the relatives of the victims are going to forgive him. Death penalty is the only way to deal with such people. There are surely many Americans who don't like people of other races but we need to learn how to live together in peace.
Is it true that radical Muslims who kill others on American soil aren't charged with hate crimes?
this is sliding us down a slippery slope

all crimes are committed out of HATE. but some are more special than other it seems

but what did we EXPECT FROM this racist and bigoted administration.

remember, if had a son they would like all the members of that church evidently. and I hate that fact they are USING these poor peoples deaths for their own agendas
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It must be remembered that Dylan was on medications known to trigger violence, that he appeared to witnesses not to want to do the shooting, then tried to kill himself like the good little Manchurian candidate he was, but had run out of bullets.
This is fucking stupid, the kid is going to get the death penalty, so why is the feds getting involved?
This is fucking stupid, the kid is going to get the death penalty, so why is the feds getting involved?

We all KNOW WHY. they (Obama and his snakes like Sharpton, blacklivesmatters only when it certain ones) have to keep the HATE STIRRED UP
White guy ( nee jew ) shoots black church members in Charleston


Another Fake nose wearing ( notice color tan difference between nose and face ) jew tries to kick off race war again.


Different tan and haircolor than shooter who also seems to have a much healthier skin, kid's probably been dead for months . they just drop his defrosted body somewhere and say he suicided himself.

Followed by legislation against white nationalist websites because the patsy is showing apartheid flags on his bomberjack

But, HERE IS THE BEST PART ! The above photo is photoshopped.


If this is real, ..... then WHY is the alleged "shooter" standing in front of a GREEN SCREEN !
this is sliding us down a slippery slope

all crimes are committed out of HATE. but some are more special than other it seems

but what did we EXPECT FROM this racist and bigoted administration.

remember, if had a son they would like all the members of that church evidently. and I hate that fact they are USING these poor peoples deaths for their own agendas
Yet hate crime laws were passed when?
White guy ( nee jew ) shoots black church members in Charleston


Another Fake nose wearing ( notice color tan difference between nose and face ) jew tries to kick off race war again.


Different tan and haircolor than shooter who also seems to have a much healthier skin, kid's probably been dead for months . they just drop his defrosted body somewhere and say he suicided himself.

Followed by legislation against white nationalist websites because the patsy is showing apartheid flags on his bomberjack

But, HERE IS THE BEST PART ! The above photo is photoshopped.


If this is real, ..... then WHY is the alleged "shooter" standing in front of a GREEN SCREEN !
Ahh, yes, another anti-Semite, welcome and goodbye...
QUOTE by Moonglow,
Ahh, yes, another anti-Semite, welcome and goodbye..

I am well aware of the tactics of you, my Zionist brethren, used to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts.

If the person is a Gentile, you cry, "You're anti-semitic" which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions.

But, if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics.

  • First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution.
  • If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the persons giving the information.
  • If that doesn't work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal you are adept at fabricating scandal against the person or persons.
  • If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.
But, NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong.

If this is real, ..... then WHY is the alleged "shooter" standing in front of a GREEN SCREEN !

Why is the jewish media using photo shopped images?
If this is real, ..... then WHY is the alleged "shooter" standing in front of a GREEN SCREEN !
Ahh, yes, another anti-Semite, welcome and goodbye...

am well aware of the tactics of you, my Zionist brethren, use to quiet anyone who attempts to expose any of your subversive acts.

If the person is a Gentile, you cry, "You're anti-semitic" which is nothing more than a smokescreen to hide your actions.

But, if a Jew is the person doing the exposing, you resort to other tactics.

  • First, you ignore the charges, hoping the information will not be given widespread distribution.
  • If the information starts reaching too many people, you ridicule the information and the persons giving the information.
  • If that doesn't work, your next step is character assassination. If the author or speaker hasn't been involved in sufficient scandal you are adept at fabricating scandal against the person or persons.
  • If none of these are effective, you are known to resort to physical attacks.
But, NEVER do you try to prove the information wrong.

If this is real, ..... then WHY is the alleged "shooter" standing in front of a GREEN SCREEN !

Why is the jewish media using photo shopped images?

Sorry dipshit, I am only Jew from the waist down, so I have only mashugana Zionist motives from here on the Indian nation....
want to know why they used a green screen? Ask the source...Not some Okie....
Charleston shooting suspect charged with federal hate crimes Reuters
That was such a horrible crime. The madman broke into the church and shoot nine innocent people. I hope he will get capital punishment but for some reason the relatives of the victims are going to forgive him. Death penalty is the only way to deal with such people. There are surely many Americans who don't like people of other races but we need to learn how to live together in peace.

Yeah, you're right, of course. And that weekend, 31 black people were shot and killed on the South Side of Chicago. Damn that confederate flag....I thought that when it came down, murder would stop......

So far in Chicago this year? 1,034 black men, women and children murdered.

Wonder if those are "hate crimes"??
The feds charged him with hate crimes today, derps....

The crisis actor playing the role of "Dylan Storm Roof", you mean.

This is just another Sandy Hoax for 'gun control' and 'hate crime' legislation.

The jewish media is wasting no time in inserting all the right provocative buzz words...

[...] When church shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof turned 21 in April, his father bought him a .45-caliber gun, a senior law enforcement source briefed on the investigation said Thursday.

It’s not known whether that handgun was used

Details emerge about Charleston church shooting suspect Dylan Storm Roof Q13 FOX News

Written as if straight from the ADL or SPLC office...

'Lone wolf' hate crime attacks like Charleston shooting on the rise

USA Today | June 18, 2015

The shooting of nine people by a white gunman inside a Charleston black church comes amidst a recent "surge" in violent hate groups and incidents, where"lone wolf" attacks are increasingly common, according to groups who monitor hate crimes.

Police on Thursday arrested Dylann Roof, 21, for allegedly opening fire in a Charleston, S.C., church Wednesday evening, killing nine people, including the church's pastor. Roof's Facebook page revealed photos of him wearing a jacket with the patches of flags of apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia, the former Zimbabwe – flags popular with modern-day white supremacists.

A March study by the Southern Poverty Law Center of "lone wolf" and "leaderless resistance" political violence found that 90% of domestic attacks or planned attacks the past six years were carried out by just one or two people. These incidents occurred, on average, once every 34 days, it said.

Lone wolf attacks are often difficult to detect and prevent, as assailants are able to hide their intentions right up to the day of attack, said Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Unfortunately there are thousands of young men like [Roof] who are looking for an identity larger than themselves," Cohen said. "We've seen a drifting away from organized white supremacy and the prevalence of lone wolf attacks."
[in other words, jews are finding it more useful to contain setups by using individual patsies/plants or setting up socially isolated individuals - rather than larger groups or socially-connected individuals within communities, where information leaks out and ops are observable by others i.e. can be exposed]

What makes this case unique is the level of violence behind it. Although attacks on black churches have been common throughout U.S. history, the recent attack is one of the deadliest – more lethal even than the 1963 Birmingham church bombing, which killed four girls, Cohen said.

In 2013, the most recent year for which statistics are available, there were nearly 2,300 hate crimes directed against African-Americans, down from 2,600 in 2010, according to the FBI.

"The majority of these incidents involve only one or two victims at a time, so they often don't rise to media attention or engage a debate about terrorism,"said J.M. Berger, a terrorism analyst.

But the number of extreme-right hate groups – which include white supremacists and anti-government militias – and criminal incidents from the groups have surged since 2009, said Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research of the Anti-Defamation League. The surge is mostly fueled by anti-government groups,
[we can see where this is going...] which proliferated following the 2008 election of President Obama.

Recent incidents include the 2012 shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., where skinhead Wade Michael Page killed six people and wounded four others before killing himself, and the attack last year on a Jewish institution in Overland Park, Kan., by longtime white supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller, which killed three people, including one child.

Early signs – the white supremacist patches, the targeting of a predominately African American church – indicate Roof is likely the latest on that list. Like the others, he likely acted alone, Pitcavage said.

"There's a chance that the suspect in this shooting may end up fitting a classic lone wolf profile," he said.

Part of the challenge in combating these types of crimes is hate crimes tend to be vastly under-reported, said Booth Hunter, a senior editor with the Southern Poverty Law Center. In its most recent Hate Crime Statistics, the FBI reported there were 5,928 hate crime incidents in 2013.

But a 2013 report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics said there were 293,800 hate crimes in 2012. The BJS study found about 90% of hate crimeswere violent and 60% were not reported to police.

"That leads the public to believe this is not the problem that it really is," Hunter said.

Lone wolf hate crime attacks like Charleston shooting on the rise
The feds charged him with hate crimes today, derps....

The crisis actor playing the role of "Dylan Storm Roof", you mean.

This is just another Sandy Hoax for 'gun control' and 'hate crime' legislation.

The jewish media is wasting no time in inserting all the right provocative buzz words...

[...] When church shooting suspect Dylann Storm Roof turned 21 in April, his father bought him a .45-caliber gun, a senior law enforcement source briefed on the investigation said Thursday.

It’s not known whether that handgun was used

Details emerge about Charleston church shooting suspect Dylan Storm Roof Q13 FOX News

Written as if straight from the ADL or SPLC office...

'Lone wolf' hate crime attacks like Charleston shooting on the rise

USA Today | June 18, 2015

The shooting of nine people by a white gunman inside a Charleston black church comes amidst a recent "surge" in violent hate groups and incidents, where"lone wolf" attacks are increasingly common, according to groups who monitor hate crimes.

Police on Thursday arrested Dylann Roof, 21, for allegedly opening fire in a Charleston, S.C., church Wednesday evening, killing nine people, including the church's pastor. Roof's Facebook page revealed photos of him wearing a jacket with the patches of flags of apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia, the former Zimbabwe – flags popular with modern-day white supremacists.

A March study by the Southern Poverty Law Center of "lone wolf" and "leaderless resistance" political violence found that 90% of domestic attacks or planned attacks the past six years were carried out by just one or two people. These incidents occurred, on average, once every 34 days, it said.

Lone wolf attacks are often difficult to detect and prevent, as assailants are able to hide their intentions right up to the day of attack, said Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"Unfortunately there are thousands of young men like [Roof] who are looking for an identity larger than themselves," Cohen said. "We've seen a drifting away from organized white supremacy and the prevalence of lone wolf attacks."
[in other words, jews are finding it more useful to contain setups by using individual patsies/plants or setting up socially isolated individuals - rather than larger groups or socially-connected individuals within communities, where information leaks out and ops are observable by others i.e. can be exposed]

What makes this case unique is the level of violence behind it. Although attacks on black churches have been common throughout U.S. history, the recent attack is one of the deadliest – more lethal even than the 1963 Birmingham church bombing, which killed four girls, Cohen said.

In 2013, the most recent year for which statistics are available, there were nearly 2,300 hate crimes directed against African-Americans, down from 2,600 in 2010, according to the FBI.

"The majority of these incidents involve only one or two victims at a time, so they often don't rise to media attention or engage a debate about terrorism,"said J.M. Berger, a terrorism analyst.

But the number of extreme-right hate groups – which include white supremacists and anti-government militias – and criminal incidents from the groups have surged since 2009, said Mark Pitcavage, director of investigative research of the Anti-Defamation League. The surge is mostly fueled by anti-government groups,
[we can see where this is going...] which proliferated following the 2008 election of President Obama.

Recent incidents include the 2012 shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis., where skinhead Wade Michael Page killed six people and wounded four others before killing himself, and the attack last year on a Jewish institution in Overland Park, Kan., by longtime white supremacist Frazier Glenn Miller, which killed three people, including one child.

Early signs – the white supremacist patches, the targeting of a predominately African American church – indicate Roof is likely the latest on that list. Like the others, he likely acted alone, Pitcavage said.

"There's a chance that the suspect in this shooting may end up fitting a classic lone wolf profile," he said.

Part of the challenge in combating these types of crimes is hate crimes tend to be vastly under-reported, said Booth Hunter, a senior editor with the Southern Poverty Law Center. In its most recent Hate Crime Statistics, the FBI reported there were 5,928 hate crime incidents in 2013.

But a 2013 report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics said there were 293,800 hate crimes in 2012. The BJS study found about 90% of hate crimeswere violent and 60% were not reported to police.

"That leads the public to believe this is not the problem that it really is," Hunter said.

Lone wolf hate crime attacks like Charleston shooting on the rise
And the sock starts to ooze info.......
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90 of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil Washington s Blog

Anybody dying needlessly from the hands of a murderer is a problem, yet plain old white honkies are to blame for more mass murders than the the USA..
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