DEPORT THE ABDULAZEEZ FAMILY..... radicals from hell!

I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

I am intrigued -----what have the Zionists been doing since 1990 and why 1990?.

Pennass is obviously a Jew hater and like Hitler likes to blame the Jews for anything and everything.

Of course Hitler only turned his people on the Jews because he needed to blame his countries shortcomings on something and the Jews were handy.

Wonder what Pennass's game is??
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

I am intrigued -----what have the Zionists been doing since 1990 and why 1990?.

Pennass is obviously a Jew hater and like Hitler likes to blame the Jews for anything and everything.

Of course Hitler only turned his people on the Jews because he needed to blame his countries shortcomings on something and the Jews were handy.

Wonder what Pennass's game is??

No I tell it the way I see it. Jew hater, and all of you are Muslim haters. What the heck does this have to do with hitler? Must you jews and jew worshippers always bring up hitler like it means anything?

another child playing on the internet.
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

I am intrigued -----what have the Zionists been doing since 1990 and why 1990?.

Pennass is obviously a Jew hater and like Hitler likes to blame the Jews for anything and everything.

Of course Hitler only turned his people on the Jews because he needed to blame his countries shortcomings on something and the Jews were handy.

Wonder what Pennass's game is??

No I tell it the way I see it. Jew hater, and all of you are Muslim haters. What the heck does this have to do with hitler? Must you jews and jew worshippers always bring up hitler like it means anything?

another child playing on the internet.

I will help you to understand, penny dear. Your hero Adolf Hitler has become a
symbol of "JEW-HATER" just as George Washington and the cherry tree----became a symbol of "honest kid" Your inability to pick up on this sort of literary
usage is interesting----it is the basis for your inability to understand scriptural writings like the OT. Poetry depends on symbolism in language
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

I am intrigued -----what have the Zionists been doing since 1990 and why 1990?.


This is new.

A Loon deflects....which is usual...then claims a question on her deflection is OFF TOPIC.

I believe that the Loons on this board have a very low understanding of any of the issues.

Move them one inch off the talking point they have been imbued with by some Socialist...and they are lost.
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

I am intrigued -----what have the Zionists been doing since 1990 and why 1990?.

Pennass is obviously a Jew hater and like Hitler likes to blame the Jews for anything and everything.

Of course Hitler only turned his people on the Jews because he needed to blame his countries shortcomings on something and the Jews were handy.

Wonder what Pennass's game is??

My guess regarding our dear penny is that she is a congenital anti-Semite which is also probably true of adolf. Of course she is also a gross failure in life as was also true of adolf and his desire to become a painter of note. Congenital anti semites are made by "nurture"------whatever were the care-takers of little baby penny did it.--------a not at all uncommon situation in various parts of the world related to the fact that small shop keepers and peddlers were often jews in
both the Islamic and Christian worlds since jews -----in MOST of those places , could not own land for more than 1000 years. Primitive bitches always imagine
they are not getting enough for their money or efforts
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

I am intrigued -----what have the Zionists been doing since 1990 and why 1990?.


penny dear------if my comment in which I simply questioned YOUR comment ----is off topic-------then your comment---which preceded mine is OFF TOPIC------is there some reason that you accuse "Zionists" of an "anti-muslim" agenda since
"1990" --------openly and clearly but then claim that any question related to YOUR comment is "off topic"-----Clearly you are, simply, unable to justify your own statement in ANY WAY
Just the opposite of what I've been reading and seeing on TV. His father cleared from any radical group, nothing happened in Jordan, and no involvement known as being involved in Isis. That rag you posted from is just that a Muslim hate site, from an ? ex Marxist.

Local media said his father, Youssuf Abdullazeez, had been appointed a special constable by the city authorities in 2005. It was also reported that his father had briefly been the subject of federal investigation into possible links to terror groups, though no evidence was found.

The New York Times said law enforcement officials said Mr Abdulazeez had not been under investigation by the FBI but that analysts and agents were combing files for any possible evidence that he had ties to a foreign terrorist group. The same newspaper said Mr Abdulazeez's father had also been probed.

Nearly a decade ago, his father was added to, then eventually dropped from, a terrorist watch list after the authorities began an investigation, later closed without charges, into whether he had given money to an organization with possible ties to Hamas. In what might have been a wry reference to that investigation, the son wrote on his high school yearbook page: “My name causes national security alerts. What does yours do?”

yeah? SO? it does happen that little youssuf----grew up and murdered a whole bunch of innocent people for the glory of allah. The investigation of the family in the past was, obviously, insufficient
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

Foreigners, how about the latin gangs. I'm an American , born and raised, and no Muslims are not the threat. This whole story sounds a lot mysterious along with the church killings.
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

sheeesh-----Penelope has made herself clear----she rejects the ZIONIST PLAN TO ALIENATE THE MUSLIMS. She is not alone----even muhummad knew----some 1400 years ago that THE ZIONISTS had a plan to alienate the muslims.
The fact is so noted in the Koran-----I read the Koran at about age 20-----
pickthall version-----it happened to fall into my hands----and curious kid that I was
I opened the book-----IT WAS ALL ABOUT JOOOS-------muhummad was just as obsessed with JOOOOS as is Penelope---- His cure for the problem was
wanted the joooos out of Arabia ----and BACK TO JUDEA/ISRAEL

some things do change----now muhummad wants the muslims in
the USA killing both Christians and Jews and----no jews in Judea.
Penelope moves with the times
I see the Zionist plan to alienate Muslims is working real good in the US, they have been at it since 1990.

The Muslim's are doing that all by themselves idiot.

right, and so did the little white Christian boy at the church.

So the little nut bag in SC isnt enough for you? You just have to bring in foreigners to kill the people Americans dont want to kill?
WTF is wrong with you?

Foreigners, how about the latin gangs. I'm an American , born and raised, and no Muslims are not the threat. This whole story sounds a lot mysterious along with the church killings.

Could you rewrite that in standard English? ----"Born and raised 'American' "----
Certainly not English speaking USA. What language was spoken in the home
of your childhood? It is nothing of which to be ashamed. You need remedication like thousands of other kids.

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