Department of Just-Us-Libs


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
So, with the revelations of the Obama-Holder iteration of the Department of Justice allowing guns to be shipped to Mexican drug lords, with the resultant death of US Border Agent Brian Terry, and the racialist motives of this department, now comes another example of this 'Justice's' mala fides.

1. "Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Voting Section career employee Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi perjured herself three times during an internal investigation, the Heritage Foundation’s Hans Von Spakovsky reports for Pajamas Media.

2. ...the DOJ inspector general recently launched an investigation into several document leaks between 2005 and 2007.

3. “The genesis of Ms. Gyamfi’s perjury is apparently rooted in political attacks on the [George W.] Bush Justice Department,” Spakovsky wrote. “Throughout 2005-2007, numerous attorney-client privileged documents, confidential personnel information, and other sensitive legal materials were leaked from inside the Voting Section to the Washington Post and various left-wing blogs.”

4. “According to numerous sources within the section, Ms. Gyamfi had been asked in two separate interviews whether she was involved in the leaking of confidential and privileged information out of the Voting Section,” Spakovsky wrote. “Each time, she flatly denied any knowledge as to who was responsible for the leaks. In a third interview, she was once again questioned about her role in the leaks.”

5. “Then, however, she was confronted with e-mail documents rebutting her testimony. At that point, she immediately broke down and confessed that she had lied to the investigators three separate times.”Gyamfi reportedly said that she lied to protect others within the DOJ.

6. Gyamfi still works for the DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Section, and is involved with the ongoing Texas congressional redistricting process — which is the subject of the documents she helped leak.

7. “Not only has she not been disciplined, but right now the department is reviewing Texas’s new redistricting plan and she’s one of the people assigned to review it,” Spakovsky told The Daily Caller in a phone interview.

8. Former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorney J. Christian Adams believes the reason Gyamfi hasn’t been held accountable is because liberal employees of the DOJ aren’t traditionally held accountable. “Some people there think it is okay to lie, cheat and steal just because they are part of a larger cause,”... "
Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi | Perjury | Department of Justice | The Daily Caller

9. "If Gyamfi worked for any private company, she would have been terminated on the spot and possibly charged with criminal actions for leaking sensitive company documents to an outside source. If she were a Republican, I’m sure she would have been dismissed and escorted out of the building.

10. This is the United States Department of Justice. This is the organization that is supposed to set the example for obeying and defending the laws of the land. They would never do anything illegal or tolerate an employee who did anything illegal, would they?"
Admitted Liar and Document Leaker Retains Key DOJ Job*|*Godfather Politics

Can this "Hope and Change" be defended???
So, with the revelations of the Obama-Holder iteration of the Department of Justice allowing guns to be shipped to Mexican drug lords, with the resultant death of US Border Agent Brian Terry, and the racialist motives of this department, now comes another example of this 'Justice's' mala fides.

1. "Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Voting Section career employee Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi perjured herself three times during an internal investigation, the Heritage Foundation’s Hans Von Spakovsky reports for Pajamas Media.

2. ...the DOJ inspector general recently launched an investigation into several document leaks between 2005 and 2007.

3. “The genesis of Ms. Gyamfi’s perjury is apparently rooted in political attacks on the [George W.] Bush Justice Department,” Spakovsky wrote. “Throughout 2005-2007, numerous attorney-client privileged documents, confidential personnel information, and other sensitive legal materials were leaked from inside the Voting Section to the Washington Post and various left-wing blogs.”

4. “According to numerous sources within the section, Ms. Gyamfi had been asked in two separate interviews whether she was involved in the leaking of confidential and privileged information out of the Voting Section,” Spakovsky wrote. “Each time, she flatly denied any knowledge as to who was responsible for the leaks. In a third interview, she was once again questioned about her role in the leaks.”

5. “Then, however, she was confronted with e-mail documents rebutting her testimony. At that point, she immediately broke down and confessed that she had lied to the investigators three separate times.”Gyamfi reportedly said that she lied to protect others within the DOJ.

6. Gyamfi still works for the DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Section, and is involved with the ongoing Texas congressional redistricting process — which is the subject of the documents she helped leak.

7. “Not only has she not been disciplined, but right now the department is reviewing Texas’s new redistricting plan and she’s one of the people assigned to review it,” Spakovsky told The Daily Caller in a phone interview.

8. Former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorney J. Christian Adams believes the reason Gyamfi hasn’t been held accountable is because liberal employees of the DOJ aren’t traditionally held accountable. “Some people there think it is okay to lie, cheat and steal just because they are part of a larger cause,”... "
Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi | Perjury | Department of Justice | The Daily Caller

9. "If Gyamfi worked for any private company, she would have been terminated on the spot and possibly charged with criminal actions for leaking sensitive company documents to an outside source. If she were a Republican, I’m sure she would have been dismissed and escorted out of the building.

10. This is the United States Department of Justice. This is the organization that is supposed to set the example for obeying and defending the laws of the land. They would never do anything illegal or tolerate an employee who did anything illegal, would they?"
Admitted Liar and Document Leaker Retains Key DOJ Job*|*Godfather Politics

Can this "Hope and Change" be defended???

One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.
So, with the revelations of the Obama-Holder iteration of the Department of Justice allowing guns to be shipped to Mexican drug lords, with the resultant death of US Border Agent Brian Terry, and the racialist motives of this department, now comes another example of this 'Justice's' mala fides.

1. "Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Voting Section career employee Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi perjured herself three times during an internal investigation, the Heritage Foundation’s Hans Von Spakovsky reports for Pajamas Media.

2. ...the DOJ inspector general recently launched an investigation into several document leaks between 2005 and 2007.

3. “The genesis of Ms. Gyamfi’s perjury is apparently rooted in political attacks on the [George W.] Bush Justice Department,” Spakovsky wrote. “Throughout 2005-2007, numerous attorney-client privileged documents, confidential personnel information, and other sensitive legal materials were leaked from inside the Voting Section to the Washington Post and various left-wing blogs.”

4. “According to numerous sources within the section, Ms. Gyamfi had been asked in two separate interviews whether she was involved in the leaking of confidential and privileged information out of the Voting Section,” Spakovsky wrote. “Each time, she flatly denied any knowledge as to who was responsible for the leaks. In a third interview, she was once again questioned about her role in the leaks.”

5. “Then, however, she was confronted with e-mail documents rebutting her testimony. At that point, she immediately broke down and confessed that she had lied to the investigators three separate times.”Gyamfi reportedly said that she lied to protect others within the DOJ.

6. Gyamfi still works for the DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Section, and is involved with the ongoing Texas congressional redistricting process — which is the subject of the documents she helped leak.

7. “Not only has she not been disciplined, but right now the department is reviewing Texas’s new redistricting plan and she’s one of the people assigned to review it,” Spakovsky told The Daily Caller in a phone interview.

8. Former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorney J. Christian Adams believes the reason Gyamfi hasn’t been held accountable is because liberal employees of the DOJ aren’t traditionally held accountable. “Some people there think it is okay to lie, cheat and steal just because they are part of a larger cause,”... "
Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi | Perjury | Department of Justice | The Daily Caller

9. "If Gyamfi worked for any private company, she would have been terminated on the spot and possibly charged with criminal actions for leaking sensitive company documents to an outside source. If she were a Republican, I’m sure she would have been dismissed and escorted out of the building.

10. This is the United States Department of Justice. This is the organization that is supposed to set the example for obeying and defending the laws of the land. They would never do anything illegal or tolerate an employee who did anything illegal, would they?"
Admitted Liar and Document Leaker Retains Key DOJ Job*|*Godfather Politics

Can this "Hope and Change" be defended???

One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

.....sounds like spin.

Why is it you seem unwilling to confront the issue posed by the OP?

Could you be....what's that called again?...a Liberal?

Or...perhaps less informed. I suggest that you pick up Adams' book, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.”
So, with the revelations of the Obama-Holder iteration of the Department of Justice allowing guns to be shipped to Mexican drug lords, with the resultant death of US Border Agent Brian Terry, and the racialist motives of this department, now comes another example of this 'Justice's' mala fides.

1. "Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Voting Section career employee Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi perjured herself three times during an internal investigation, the Heritage Foundation’s Hans Von Spakovsky reports for Pajamas Media.

2. ...the DOJ inspector general recently launched an investigation into several document leaks between 2005 and 2007.

3. “The genesis of Ms. Gyamfi’s perjury is apparently rooted in political attacks on the [George W.] Bush Justice Department,” Spakovsky wrote. “Throughout 2005-2007, numerous attorney-client privileged documents, confidential personnel information, and other sensitive legal materials were leaked from inside the Voting Section to the Washington Post and various left-wing blogs.”

4. “According to numerous sources within the section, Ms. Gyamfi had been asked in two separate interviews whether she was involved in the leaking of confidential and privileged information out of the Voting Section,” Spakovsky wrote. “Each time, she flatly denied any knowledge as to who was responsible for the leaks. In a third interview, she was once again questioned about her role in the leaks.”

5. “Then, however, she was confronted with e-mail documents rebutting her testimony. At that point, she immediately broke down and confessed that she had lied to the investigators three separate times.”Gyamfi reportedly said that she lied to protect others within the DOJ.

6. Gyamfi still works for the DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Section, and is involved with the ongoing Texas congressional redistricting process — which is the subject of the documents she helped leak.

7. “Not only has she not been disciplined, but right now the department is reviewing Texas’s new redistricting plan and she’s one of the people assigned to review it,” Spakovsky told The Daily Caller in a phone interview.

8. Former DOJ Civil Rights Division attorney J. Christian Adams believes the reason Gyamfi hasn’t been held accountable is because liberal employees of the DOJ aren’t traditionally held accountable. “Some people there think it is okay to lie, cheat and steal just because they are part of a larger cause,”... "
Stephanie Celandine Gyamfi | Perjury | Department of Justice | The Daily Caller

9. "If Gyamfi worked for any private company, she would have been terminated on the spot and possibly charged with criminal actions for leaking sensitive company documents to an outside source. If she were a Republican, I’m sure she would have been dismissed and escorted out of the building.

10. This is the United States Department of Justice. This is the organization that is supposed to set the example for obeying and defending the laws of the land. They would never do anything illegal or tolerate an employee who did anything illegal, would they?"
Admitted Liar and Document Leaker Retains Key DOJ Job*|*Godfather Politics

Can this "Hope and Change" be defended???

One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

.....sounds like spin.

Spin? Not at all, I did dozens of full scale investigations and the facts are as I stated them. You claim knowledge of a confidential (DOJ) IA matter - offer the evidence: who (told you); when did they tell you; why did they tell you; how were you told and what were you told.

Why is it you seem unwilling to confront the issue posed by the OP?

'cause I think it's the digested food matter of some bull.

Could you be....what's that called again?...a Liberal?

On most issues I am liberal. A Liberal (big L) is an incorrect usage of the language (unless of course you believe I belong to the Liberal Party, which I do not).

Or...perhaps less informed. I suggest that you pick up Adams' book, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.”

I suggest you stop reading only that which confirms your right wing agenda.
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One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

.....sounds like spin.

Spin? Not at all, I did dozens of full scale investigations and the facts are as I stated them. You claim knowledge of a confidential (DOJ) IA matter - offer the evidence: who (told you); when did they tell you; why did they tell you; how were you told and what were you told.

Why is it you seem unwilling to confront the issue posed by the OP?

'cause I think it's the digested food matter of some bull.

Could you be....what's that called again?...a Liberal?

On most issues I am liberal. A Liberal (big L) is an incorrect usage of the language (unless of course you believe I belong to the Liberal Party, which I do not).

Or...perhaps less informed. I suggest that you pick up Adams' book, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.”

I suggest you stop reading only that which confirms your right wing agenda.

I'll behave like an adult, and stick to black in my post....OK?

1. "I did dozens of full scale investigations..."
Did you, during your career, refuse to investigate or prosecute cases where the victim was white and perp a minority?
Did you authorize gun shipments to criminal enterprises so as to justify anti-gun laws?

Well seems that your experience has no bearing in relation this corrupt department.

2. "I suggest you stop reading only that which confirms your right wing agenda."

Well, I might just take you up on your suggestion. Could you suggest a couple of recent tomes that you have read, and expound on an alternative view of Holder's Department of Just-Us-Libs?

You do read, don't you?

Because...if you don't...well, than Coulter might just have something here:
"Liberals don't read books – they don't read anything … That's why they're liberals. They watch TV, absorb the propaganda, and vote on the basis of urges."

So...your suggested list would include.....???
One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

What’s the status of the investigation? What evidence is there Holder is allowing Gyamfi to retain employment in light of the perjury accusation? What evidence is there Gyamfi is a ‘liberal.’?

After a search all we can find is the same story reposted on rightwing blog after rightwing blog.

Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin.
One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

What’s the status of the investigation? What evidence is there Holder is allowing Gyamfi to retain employment in light of the perjury accusation? What evidence is there Gyamfi is a ‘liberal.’?

After a search all we can find is the same story reposted on rightwing blog after rightwing blog.

Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin.

"Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin."

Why would debate be necessary at that point?

Oh....because "…every Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton feels the need to defend duplicity, adultery, lying about adultery, sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, kicking the can of global Islamofascism down the road for eight years, and so on."

So, once we establish the lying and duplicity, then we begin to debate?
Pretty much the Liberal agenda, huh?
One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

What’s the status of the investigation? What evidence is there Holder is allowing Gyamfi to retain employment in light of the perjury accusation? What evidence is there Gyamfi is a ‘liberal.’?

After a search all we can find is the same story reposted on rightwing blog after rightwing blog.

Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin.

"Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin."

Why would debate be necessary at that point?

Oh....because "…every Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton feels the need to defend duplicity, adultery, lying about adultery, sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, kicking the can of global Islamofascism down the road for eight years, and so on."

So, once we establish the lying and duplicity, then we begin to debate?
Pretty much the Liberal agenda, huh?

Speaking of another liberal agenda to undermine the rule of law.

The liberals are at it again.

California To Ban Police From Towing Cars Of Unlicensed Drivers | Fox News
One of my jobs during my long career in law enforcement was to investigate wrong doing by our employees - both sworn and civilian. Suggesting as you do knowledge of an internal investigation gives me pause. Interview notes, photos, e-mails and final reports and outcomes of an internal affair investigation are highly confidential, suggesting several sources have knowledge of this material strikes me a a lie. The investigator, his immediate boss and the agency head are usually the only members who have full knowledge of such matters.

.....sounds like spin.

Spin? Not at all, I did dozens of full scale investigations and the facts are as I stated them. You claim knowledge of a confidential (DOJ) IA matter - offer the evidence: who (told you); when did they tell you; why did they tell you; how were you told and what were you told.

Why is it you seem unwilling to confront the issue posed by the OP?

'cause I think it's the digested food matter of some bull.

Could you be....what's that called again?...a Liberal?

On most issues I am liberal. A Liberal (big L) is an incorrect usage of the language (unless of course you believe I belong to the Liberal Party, which I do not).

Or...perhaps less informed. I suggest that you pick up Adams' book, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.”

I suggest you stop reading only that which confirms your right wing agenda.

Wry....where did you go???

Certainly not to the library.

So sorry that I mentioned the word that caused you to run off...

Oops! I said it again!

What’s the status of the investigation? What evidence is there Holder is allowing Gyamfi to retain employment in light of the perjury accusation? What evidence is there Gyamfi is a ‘liberal.’?

After a search all we can find is the same story reposted on rightwing blog after rightwing blog.

Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin.

"Provide objective evidence from a non-partisan source that Holder is retaining in employment an employee convicted of perjury because she’s a ‘loyal liberal,’ then the debate may begin."

Why would debate be necessary at that point?

Oh....because "…every Democrat who voted for Bill Clinton feels the need to defend duplicity, adultery, lying about adultery, sexual harassment, rape, perjury, obstruction of justice, kicking the can of global Islamofascism down the road for eight years, and so on."

So, once we establish the lying and duplicity, then we begin to debate?
Pretty much the Liberal agenda, huh?

Speaking of another liberal agenda to undermine the rule of law.

The liberals are at it again.

California To Ban Police From Towing Cars Of Unlicensed Drivers | Fox News

A very telling article.

Our Liberal friends have moved on from a personal perspective of ignoring bad behavior and refusing to recognize or judge same, to memorializing this perspective in our system of jurisprudence.

A prime reason why the Left should never be in a position of power.
I do read books; generally I read two at a time, one fiction and one non fiction. At the moment I'm reading "The Court Years, 1939 - 1975" an Autobiography of William O. Douglas. I prefer biographies of Americans, having read bios on Jackson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Justices John Marshall and Thurgood Marshall and have purchased several bios of presidents and justices waiting in the wings.

My fiction taste is quite eclectic, currently I'm reading "The Art of Fielding"; I purchased five novels by Michael Connelly at a buck a piece recently and plan to read them all in a row, noting the formula he uses which seems to be so popular.

I say all of this not to compete with your elitist arrogance but simply to remind you that many of us can smell out a phony even over the Internet. Ann Coulter makes a good living being an extremist, however, those facts mean one thing only - she is an entertainer. You might as well quote Limbaugh or Hannity.
I do read books; generally I read two at a time, one fiction and one non fiction. At the moment I'm reading "The Court Years, 1939 - 1975" an Autobiography of William O. Douglas. I prefer biographies of Americans, having read bios on Jackson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Justices John Marshall and Thurgood Marshall and have purchased several bios of presidents and justices waiting in the wings.

My fiction taste is quite eclectic, currently I'm reading "The Art of Fielding"; I purchased five novels by Michael Connelly at a buck a piece recently and plan to read them all in a row, noting the formula he uses which seems to be so popular.

I say all of this not to compete with your elitist arrogance but simply to remind you that many of us can smell out a phony even over the Internet. Ann Coulter makes a good living being an extremist, however, those facts mean one thing only - she is an entertainer. You might as well quote Limbaugh or Hannity.

Or Al Gore, Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
I find it funny that connies sourcing material from dubious sources get all huffy when challenged..and then go around calling sources like CNN, CSPAN, BBC, New York Times and the Washington Post, dubious.

We don't live in the same reality. Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter and Savage..just aren't reliable.
I do read books; generally I read two at a time, one fiction and one non fiction. At the moment I'm reading "The Court Years, 1939 - 1975" an Autobiography of William O. Douglas. I prefer biographies of Americans, having read bios on Jackson, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Justices John Marshall and Thurgood Marshall and have purchased several bios of presidents and justices waiting in the wings.

My fiction taste is quite eclectic, currently I'm reading "The Art of Fielding"; I purchased five novels by Michael Connelly at a buck a piece recently and plan to read them all in a row, noting the formula he uses which seems to be so popular.

I say all of this not to compete with your elitist arrogance but simply to remind you that many of us can smell out a phony even over the Internet. Ann Coulter makes a good living being an extremist, however, those facts mean one thing only - she is an entertainer. You might as well quote Limbaugh or Hannity.

Now, this is a post I can identify with...oops...ended a sentence with a preposition. There goes that 'elitist arrogance' again!

The four non-fiction that I am studying currently are Klein's "Red Army," Suskind's "Confidence Men," Sowell's "Economic Facts and Fallacies," and Calabresi's "Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate."

Fiction: Dunnett's "Scales of Gold," fourth of the series, I have all of the books in the series, and Harlan Coben's "Tell No One."
I try to read at least one Liberal tome per quarter...but that may go under fiction....

Michael Connelly's "Lost Light" is one of a dozen sitting on my nightstand.

So, seems that we are both prepared for the battle!

Now, while I haven't read either Limbaugh or Hannity...I have read just about all of Coulter's books.
And you are dead wrong about her scholarship, and I have no doubt that you ' smell out ' opponents rather than invest the time in study...unless you testify that you have read her books as well.

The most recent, "Demonic," is brilliant, documented,....and predicted the OWS movement.
I challenge you to try it, and then claim the pejorative "she is an entertainer."

Still, rep on the way...for reading.

Back to the Department of Just-Us-Libs....have you read Adams' "Injustice"...or is your opinion more 'smelling out'?

Considering the NBPP case, Adams' charges about not pursuing minority perps, and the OP...why is it you Libs never seem able to connect the dots when the conclusion leans against you?
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