Denying the war on Christmas

What is this war on Christmas?
Non-believers trying to take the religious superstitious beliefs out of it?
Lol, I love how you mock lefties like this. I bet half of the lefties don't even get this kind of humor.
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
Because they lost, big time? Probably, IMO.

And you are right --- of course they are denying!! We all remember that awful business with people (daring to) CORRECT us when we wished them Merry Christmas! Migod, the impudence. Whole companies apparently instructed their employees to say "Happy Holidays"! I suppose it was genned up by the Jews ---- I remember when an elderly Jewish woman about year 2000 at work snapped at me that Merry Christmas didn't apply to her -- or maybe she indignantly waved at me a Christmas card I had sent to her. I never trusted her again; and that turned out to be smart. She was very into being a victim.

It was part of the business about being real nice to the Muslims, too, since after all they bombed us.

We HAVE to stop the Left interfering with our customs and language! Stop it whenever your courage is high; I do.
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
One cannot 'deny' something that doesn't exist.
As a moderate centre ground person I do not see a war on christmas which still happens every year without fail. In fact why would "lefties" oppose xmas. Jesus was an early socialist and his teachings inform most socialist beliefs.
There is no question that this is a lie.
What benefit do you get from denying the lefty war on Christmas? Do you really think that denying it would actually get people to think that the war isn't happening? Do you think that denying the war exists might somehow make it so that it isn't so? What motivation do lefties have when you guys deny your war on Christmas?
As a moderate centre ground person I do not see a war on christmas which still happens every year without fail. In fact why would "lefties" oppose xmas. Jesus was an early socialist and his teachings inform most socialist beliefs.
Why do lefties deny the war on Christmas? Obviously, you know the war against Christmas rages on, but what motivation do you have in denying it? Everybody knows that you know there is a war on Christmas, so why bother denying it?
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
It goes with the Trump Cult and Faux News agenda of making American a white nationalist christian nation, excluding any others who disagree with their unproven, far right beliefs. And therein lies the problem; since they have no proof of a "god" existing, they want to eliminate anyone who does not believe as they do. Bigly!!!
What benefit do you get from denying the lefty war on Christmas? Do you really think that denying it would actually get people to think that the war isn't happening? Do you think that denying the war exists might somehow make it so that it isn't so? What motivation do lefties have when you guys deny your war on Christmas?
What benefit do you get from claiming a war on Christmas when you can't point to a single example of an attack? Someone not telling you "merry Christmas" is not an attack. Someone not celebrating Christmas as you do is not an attack. Come on doofus. Explain yourself.
What benefit do you get from claiming a war on Christmas when you can't point to a single example of an attack? Someone not telling you "merry Christmas" is not an attack. Someone not celebrating Christmas as you do is not an attack. Come on doofus. Explain yourself.

Well said.. Calling out the BS for a change.
The hypocrisy on the left is stunning. For decades the ACLU would threaten small town municipalities with law suits that would bankrupt them if they dared to display a Christmas tree on public property. At the same time the political elite in NY made a big deal of putting up a gigantic Christmas tree. Kids would be expelled for uttering a prayer in school while Congress employed a little army of Chaplains and said a prayer before sessions. Bye the way, somebody set fire to the Fox network Christmas tree this year.
What benefit do you get from claiming a war on Christmas when you can't point to a single example of an attack? Someone not telling you "merry Christmas" is not an attack. Someone not celebrating Christmas as you do is not an attack. Come on doofus. Explain yourself.
Hijacking my rhetoric won't do you any good, you didn't build that. Hijacking my rhetoric is cheating that comes as naturally as cheating via evasion. Cheating is natural for lefties, so I certainly understand your innate actions. Cheating is all you really have to work with, so I do not expect that you will EVER be posting anything on this thread that demonstrates that you read and understood the opening post. Go on now, cheat some more. Post your next evasion.

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