Dems: ‘Trump has ruined America’...Will they talk about who/what has ruined California, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis...etc.

Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime an observable amount in the neighborhoods they used it in, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Wait, did I read that wrong, didn't you say...
NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

yea i'm not some hippy

what sane person would deny that?

Richer people commit less crime, especially violent crime. Shocker.

When you see row houses getting turned into condos know it wasn't the cops that reduced the crime rates. It was the real estate developers.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Yes indeed, thank you De Blasio.

If cops came out and said "when we shit on your rights we reduce crime" i'd take them more seriously

Because that's how actual crime prevention gets done. Just spraying the populace with countermeasures until you find something to act on. Like stop and frisk or ripping up cars for "weed" when really you're looking for a gun

So politicians "shitting" on your rights reduces crime?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.
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Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime an observable amount in the neighborhoods they used it in, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Wait, did I read that wrong, didn't you say...
NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

yea i'm not some hippy

what sane person would deny that?

Richer people commit less crime, especially violent crime. Shocker.

When you see row houses getting turned into condos know it wasn't the cops that reduced the crime rates. It was the real estate developers.

NYC "pushed all the poorer people out" and turned "row houses into condos"....and crime has increased, dramatically. Good job.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Yes indeed, thank you De Blasio.

If cops came out and said "when we shit on your rights we reduce crime" i'd take them more seriously

Because that's how actual crime prevention gets done. Just spraying the populace with countermeasures until you find something to act on. Like stop and frisk or ripping up cars for "weed" when really you're looking for a gun

So politicians "shitting" on your rights reduces crime?

Yea surprise a police state will reduce crime

Any other stupid questions?

Second one in a row from you

What you think having these liberties doesn't make it easier to commit crime? And thus increase teh crime rate becasue you change the risk reward profile of crimes?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.
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Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.

"Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group."
You mean like the Somalis in Minneapolis?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
So why do we have entire state shitholes like LA, AL, MS, KY, and KS?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.

"Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group."
You mean like the Somalis in Minneapolis?

they are refugees, the opposite lol

everything about their coming to america was subsidized

if you didn't help them get across and we let them in, yea then they're self selecting. If you can't get here on your own legally. You're not a self selecting immigrant...

The problem with guys like you who wanna talk about immigration is you know nothing about immigration policy or immigrants. If you want a solid "nativist" view of immigrants go to Mark Krikorian, the pre eminent thinker on the right on immigration. At least in academic circles. Center for Immigration Studies. The man goes by teh data.

First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate).

Anyone not starting from there doesn't know what's best for their nation. Especially in 2020 when some nations are about to have inverted age pyramids.

Refugges are charity and is not in the same vein as most legal modern American immigrants.
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Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
Liberals and blacks.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
They’re not in chaotic disarray.
The murder and violent crime rates in St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles...the anarchy and “autonomous zones” in the Pacific just pretend it’s all normal? Well shit, no wonder you don’t talk about it....haha
Shawnee, Oklahoma has almost one thousand percent higher rating for crime than the national average.. It is a red state and a red county...Why do you leave them out of this?
All that crime is concentrated in one small corner of the city.
Why do you suppose that is? What lives in that corner?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.

"Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group."
You mean like the Somalis in Minneapolis?

they are refugees, the opposite lol

everything about their coming to america was subsidized

if you didn't help them get across and we let them in, yea then they're self selecting. If you can't get here on your own legally. You're not a self selecting immigrant...

The probelm with guys like you who wanna talk about immigration is you know nothing about immigration policy or immigrants. If you want a solid "nativist" view of immigrants go to Mark Krikorian, the pre eminent thinker on the right on immigration. At least in academic circles.

First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate).

Anyone not starting from there doesn't know what's best for their nation. Especially in 2020 when some nations are about to have inverted age pyramids.
Which is a disgrace.
We imported these roaches... why exactly??? Did we feel we didn’t have enough crime? Did we have a surplus and Needed some more low IQ Mongoloids on welfare? Did we need some more Muslims?
These people should never be let in, let alone imported.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.

"Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group."
You mean like the Somalis in Minneapolis?

they are refugees, the opposite lol

everything about their coming to america was subsidized

if you didn't help them get across and we let them in, yea then they're self selecting. If you can't get here on your own legally. You're not a self selecting immigrant...

The probelm with guys like you who wanna talk about immigration is you know nothing about immigration policy or immigrants. If you want a solid "nativist" view of immigrants go to Mark Krikorian, the pre eminent thinker on the right on immigration. At least in academic circles.

First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate).

Anyone not starting from there doesn't know what's best for their nation. Especially in 2020 when some nations are about to have inverted age pyramids.
Which is a disgrace.
We imported these roaches... why exactly??? Did we feel we didn’t have enough crime? Did we have a surplus and Needed some more low IQ Mongoloids on welfare? Did we need some more Muslims?
These people should never be let in, let alone imported.

I don't particularly dislike them, but grouping them up like that was clearly a bad idea.

Kids who grew up in war torn africa aren't well behaved or socialized by American standards, who would have guessed?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”
The boogers have no desire to be doing anything more than necessary including doing a theft or stealing a car. They have no motivation in other words.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Oh Democrats blame Republicans and white people for problems in the cities you mentioned. Living outside of Baltimore, I am quite familiar with the problems that city has. Trump called out 50 + year of Democrat rule and representation of Baltimore and that it was a rat-infested shit hole. Then, a group of Conservatives banned together, rolled up their sleeves, and literally had a clean up party in the slums of Baltimore. The vile hatred for Trump among Liberals and Democrats was so extreme, the conservatives were admonished by the Liberals for actually giving a flying fuck and trying to clean it up. It was almost like they were screaming, "No! Leave that mess there! Don't touch it."

Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
There’s a lot of harm to the country when you work to detach people from reality as Trump has done. It makes them easily manipulated.

Meanwhile the aforementioned cities and states remain in chaotic disarray....who/what is to blame? Let’s talk about it.
The democrats are outright communists. They intend to expand the chaos and disarray in the belief that the people will clamor for communist tyranny.
Indeed,the dem loving trolls here evade pesky facts that they are the ones destroying america,that because the dem party is not what it used to be,kennedy is rolling over in his grave right now which is why thousands of americas are fleeing it left and right same as they are california and the dem loving trolls here can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are with this video proof.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Oh Democrats blame Republicans and white people for problems in the cities you mentioned. Living outside of Baltimore, I am quite familiar with the problems that city has. Trump called out 50 + year of Democrat rule and representation of Baltimore and that it was a rat-infested shit hole. Then, a group of Conservatives banned together, rolled up their sleeves, and literally had a clean up party in the slums of Baltimore. The vile hatred for Trump among Liberals and Democrats was so extreme, the conservatives were admonished by the Liberals for actually giving a flying fuck and trying to clean it up. It was almost like they were screaming, "No! Leave that mess there! Don't touch it."

I would love to see a republican try to work. I gave up on hiring repukes as they just do not understand how to hold or use a shovel or pick. And wheelbarrows are just to tough for them to use.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.

"Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group."
You mean like the Somalis in Minneapolis?

they are refugees, the opposite lol

everything about their coming to america was subsidized

if you didn't help them get across and we let them in, yea then they're self selecting. If you can't get here on your own legally. You're not a self selecting immigrant...

The probelm with guys like you who wanna talk about immigration is you know nothing about immigration policy or immigrants. If you want a solid "nativist" view of immigrants go to Mark Krikorian, the pre eminent thinker on the right on immigration. At least in academic circles.

First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate).

Anyone not starting from there doesn't know what's best for their nation. Especially in 2020 when some nations are about to have inverted age pyramids.
Which is a disgrace.
We imported these roaches... why exactly??? Did we feel we didn’t have enough crime? Did we have a surplus and Needed some more low IQ Mongoloids on welfare? Did we need some more Muslims?
These people should never be let in, let alone imported.

I don't particularly dislike them, but grouping them up like that was clearly a bad idea.

Kids who grew up in war torn africa aren't well behaved or socialized by American standards, who would have guessed?
So it’s just the kids who misbehave? Pretty sure it’s the adults as well.
but whether it’s adults or kids, why are we importing people who are so culturally different from us and who apparently can’t behave?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

Ok urban is another, fair. But rural blacks commit way less crime too

My mothers from the country, you and i both know when you have one sheriff on duty int he fuckign county most crimes aren't getting recorded. I could greet the local sheriff with a beer in my hand driving around in illinois and he'd probably just nod at me. (can't drive with an open container in illinois by law)

Poor urban whites are not much better behaved than blacks. And with the meth epidemic god knows whites are using drugs at just a high a rate even in the middle of no where.

Black America is more urban that's their problem.

"Black America is more urban that's their problem." mean like Asians? What's the crime rate among urban Asians looking like these days?

Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group

African immigrants don't have high crime rates either, they make money. Nigerian immigrants probably have a very similar crime rate to the Chinese, Indians, and Eastern Euros. All their other outcomes are pretty good. We just don't have a special "african immigrant" category in crime stats or "former soviet bloc immigrant"

Only exception to that i've ever heard of were Jamaicans who apparently assimilate native black crime rates very fast according to the data. Or that was true once anyway.

In 100 years we'll see what Asian crime rates are like...There have to be more native born asians than immigrants for that counter to start ticking tho. And at the rate Americans breed idk if it's even possible.

"Asians are a modern self selecting immigrant group."
You mean like the Somalis in Minneapolis?

they are refugees, the opposite lol

everything about their coming to america was subsidized

if you didn't help them get across and we let them in, yea then they're self selecting. If you can't get here on your own legally. You're not a self selecting immigrant...

The problem with guys like you who wanna talk about immigration is you know nothing about immigration policy or immigrants. If you want a solid "nativist" view of immigrants go to Mark Krikorian, the pre eminent thinker on the right on immigration. At least in academic circles. Center for Immigration Studies. The man goes by teh data.

First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate).

Anyone not starting from there doesn't know what's best for their nation. Especially in 2020 when some nations are about to have inverted age pyramids.

Refugges are charity and is not in the same vein as most legal modern American immigrants.

"they are refugees, the opposite lol"
Damn, you have a lot of caveats to add to your championing of "immigrants".

"The problem with guys like you who wanna talk about immigration is you know nothing about immigration policy or immigrants."
I know that Democrats fight for immigration policy that benefits immigrants and fucks over Americans.
I know that not one of you pro immigration globalists have been able to show core Americans any comprehensive data that proves core Americans benefit from the presence of dark immigrants.

"First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate)."
Weird, that's such a simple formula, why doesn't every nation know they'd be better with millions of dark immigrants? Good luck selling that crazy ass THEORY.

"First rule of nationalism is more people is better in the long term, always, so in that lens you want to maximize immigration (and birth rate)."
Should businesses follow the same theory?
Should they always be hiring, adding anyone with a pulse to their payroll? You know, since quantity and not quality is what matters.
Shouldn't businesses be selective with whom they hire? Shouldn't they think about about communication and cultural barriers among employees? Don't you think businesses should think about whether or not there is opportunity for more employees, shouldn't they consider product / service demand, revenue and scalability?

You have come across as seemingly intelligent at times in the past...What happened, did you catch a case of FEELZ?
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