Dems: ‘Trump has ruined America’...Will they talk about who/what has ruined California, NYC, Chicago, Baltimore, St Louis...etc.

Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
Look back at what was the root cause and the time in history when they became common. You will find it was the conservative ideals that begat the unrest. The dems were trying to fix it and got screwed by the repukes.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
Look back at what was the root cause and the time in history when they became common. You will find it was the conservative ideals that begat the unrest. The dems were trying to fix it and got screwed by the repukes.

Like ending slavery you damn left loon?

Good gawd are all of you this dense?

How about Civil Rights?

What you know about history is confined to statues and fort names

You're historical challenged....or just plain stupid
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
Look back at what was the root cause and the time in history when they became common. You will find it was the conservative ideals that begat the unrest. The dems were trying to fix it and got screwed by the repukes.
Yeah, I'm gonna need you to cast a little clarity on that post if you don't mind.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
Look back at what was the root cause and the time in history when they became common. You will find it was the conservative ideals that begat the unrest. The dems were trying to fix it and got screwed by the repukes.
Yeah, I'm gonna need you to cast a little clarity on that post if you don't mind.

He's still reeling on who ended slavery and Civil Rights..... give him a day or two
I am so sorry you do not understand the sublime meaning of my words. Until George Wallace was governor it was the republicans who were listening to MLK. The Dems wanted the Woolworth counter to be white. Then in the 60's there came a change in the attitudes of the younger citizens of America. They could see how horrid the things were and changed there allegiance's to the other party.
I am so sorry you do not understand the sublime meaning of my words. Until George Wallace was governor it was the republicans who were listening to MLK. The Dems wanted the Woolworth counter to be white. Then in the 60's there came a change in the attitudes of the younger citizens of America. They could see how horrid the things were and changed there allegiance's to the other party.

You're sorry alright....and stupid as a stump
I am so sorry you do not understand the sublime meaning of my words. Until George Wallace was governor it was the republicans who were listening to MLK. The Dems wanted the Woolworth counter to be white. Then in the 60's there came a change in the attitudes of the younger citizens of America. They could see how horrid the things were and changed there allegiance's to the other party.

I'm missing the point...Are you asserting that the troubles in the cities and states being discussed are due to happenings in 1960's?
I am so sorry you do not understand the sublime meaning of my words. Until George Wallace was governor it was the republicans who were listening to MLK. The Dems wanted the Woolworth counter to be white. Then in the 60's there came a change in the attitudes of the younger citizens of America. They could see how horrid the things were and changed there allegiance's to the other party.

I'm missing the point...Are you asserting that the troubles in the cities and states being discussed are due to happenings in 1960's?
thats what it looks like....they both switched parties and all of a sudden the republicans became racists and bigots....and the democrats were now great people....
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Pay attention now, for the ill-informed. If the left says something and everything, then it's purely any one or all of the above:
1. Projection
2. Diversion
3. Lie
4. Misinformation
5. A confession
6. Hypocritical
7. Misdirection
8. Denial & ignorance
9 Antonym

This applies to all of their formats, TV, "news", "fact checks", web & social media and often times education.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
Look back at what was the root cause and the time in history when they became common. You will find it was the conservative ideals that begat the unrest. The dems were trying to fix it and got screwed by the repukes.

Right sure. Name one instance and we'll run with it thanks.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime an observable amount in the neighborhoods they used it in, and yea it was orwellian as fuck
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?
Look back at what was the root cause and the time in history when they became common. You will find it was the conservative ideals that begat the unrest. The dems were trying to fix it and got screwed by the repukes.

Fixing it by looting and burning down businesses?
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Yes indeed, thank you De Blasio.
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime an observable amount in the neighborhoods they used it in, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Wait, did I read that wrong, didn't you say...
NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.

NYPD Announces Citywide Crime Statistics for June 2020
  • Murder is up +23.1% (181 v. 147) for the first six months of 2020 when compared to the first six months of 2019.
  • There were 205 citywide shooting incidents in June 2020, compared to 89 shooting incidents in June 2019, a 130.3% increase. Year-to-date, through June 30, there is a +46% spike in citywide shooting incidents (528 v. 362).
  • Burglary increased +118.2% (1,783 v. 817) in June and is up +46.3% (7,234 v. 4,943) year-to-date through June 30.
Don't ya just hate when all those rich folk take up a life of crime.

Yea and we have the rona

Which makes your correlation useless

As crime stats almost always are when pigs hold them up. THey didn't fix NYC

NYC just got richer over the last few decades per capita, by a lot. Now it's poorer and there is more crime, this is exactly what you would expect when standard of living goes down. Not to mention the weird social dynamics of quarantine

Cops can prevent crime, just not within what most of us would consider rational schemes to do so.

For example stop and frisk, yea it probably reduced crime, and yea it was orwellian as fuck

Yes indeed, thank you De Blasio.

If cops came out and said "when we shit on your rights we reduce crime" i'd take them more seriously

Because that's how actual crime prevention gets done. Just spraying the populace with countermeasures until you find something to act on. Like stop and frisk or ripping up cars for "weed" when really you're looking for a gun
Dems seem to be awfully in touch with all the ‘damage’ Trump has caused in America.
I’ve been searching for threads/posts where these same Dems whom are so vocal and connected to America’s issues have discussed the root cause of the chaos, violence, hate and anarchy in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland and the cities and states mentioned in the title.
I’ve yet to find anything so I ask; Dems, could it be Dem policy and Dem ideologies lying at the root of all the disorder and madness?

Chicago was never nice, at least not in living memory

NY is nicer than it's ever been because they pushed all the poorer* people out

Cops take the credit but that's not what it was....They just priced out most of the poor people in NYC proper

And there is just the general movement towards non violence for humanity no matter how poor you are. Violence rates been dropping for generations all over the planet.
Are you saying Dem ideology / policy does not manifest violence, civil disobedience, poverty, chaos and disarray?

I'm saying the real correlation is poverty

Would having a police state with surveillance camers, 1 cop for every 10 citizens, and no bill of rights decrease teh crime rate? Yea probably

Works for teh Japanese

But within what we would consider the limits of a free society? No

People are struggling crime rates go up, really impossible to disagregate that from police behavior. You can point to any success police claim to have (again without a massive surveillance state, they have crushed crime in a few cities by just making it impossible to shoot a gun without the state knowing immediately, Newark the most famous example)

Most of the time it's got nothing to do with the cops

"I'm saying the real correlation is poverty"

If true, why such low crime in predominantly white, likeminded, no multiculturalism Appalachia?
“There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.
There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average.”

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