Dems buzz about breakout stars of Trump’s impeachment...House members who prosecuted case against Trump are being eyed for higher office


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
from the article:

Rep. Madeleine Dean is being talked about as a potential candidate for the open Senate seat in Pennsylvania in 2022, a top priority for the party. Democratic strategists are speculating that Rep. Joaquin Castro, relatively well-known before the impeachment trial, further distinguished himself as an impeachment manager, advancing talk of a statewide bid in Texas. And an ex-Jeb Bush aide went so far as to say that Colorado Rep. Joe Neguse gave his “2004 convention speech” — a nod to former President Barack Obama’s breakout moment in politics.

Lindsey Graham, who was an impeachment manager during former President Bill Clinton’s 1999 trial, ran for the Senate and won just a few years later in 2002. Asa Hutchinson, another then-House member who made the case against Clinton, is now the governor of Arkansas. Bill McCollum, also on the impeachment team against Clinton, went on to become Florida’s attorney general.

Jon Seaton, a former senior adviser to Graham during his 2016 presidential campaign, said the South Carolina Republican’s sense of humor during the Clinton impeachment trial led to national attention and media clips. Graham was noticed ahead of the trial for asking, “Is this Watergate or Peyton Place?'” — a reference to a 1960s soap opera.

“I think it did help. I don’t know if it was determinative, but it certainly gave him a leg up,” Seaton said of Graham’s Senate bid shortly thereafter. “I just think he acquitted himself very well throughout the Clinton impeachment trial and I think people kind of liked him. And it’s always hard to break through, and that gave him an opportunity to break through that his opponents just didn't have.”

Poor impeachment performances can also have a lingering effect. When Bruce Castor, a former acting attorney general of Pennsylvania, was named as one of Trump’s attorneys for the trial, it set off speculation that he was contemplating a bid for Senate or governor in 2022. But that chatter has died down after his initial speech last week was widely panned — including by Trump.

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from the article:

Joe Neguse’s star has risen since his widely praised performance in Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial — everybody in Washington agrees on that.

At 36, he’s already a national figure thanks to his careful demolition of Trump.

With Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her longtime deputies, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), expected to retire in the coming years, Neguse could leap up a leadership ladder that usually takes members years if not decades to climb.

To the extent he wants to capitalize on his newly high profile, Neguse already has senior Democrats in his corner.

“We’re like brothers, at least from my perspective,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who led the team of impeachment managers at last week’s trial, “although he keeps saying I’m the father figure."

“I just think he has accomplished a lot in a short period of time in Congress to establish himself,” adds Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who ran the House’s first impeachment trial against Trump.

from the article:

Joe Neguse’s star has risen since his widely praised performance in Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial — everybody in Washington agrees on that.

At 36, he’s already a national figure thanks to his careful demolition of Trump.

With Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her longtime deputies, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), expected to retire in the coming years, Neguse could leap up a leadership ladder that usually takes members years if not decades to climb.

To the extent he wants to capitalize on his newly high profile, Neguse already has senior Democrats in his corner.

“We’re like brothers, at least from my perspective,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who led the team of impeachment managers at last week’s trial, “although he keeps saying I’m the father figure."

“I just think he has accomplished a lot in a short period of time in Congress to establish himself,” adds Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who ran the House’s first impeachment trial against Trump.

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