Dempsy is a scum sucking Obama butt kisser

This is amazing. There are actually people who believe that George W Bush did the right thing regarding Iraq.

Yo Mac!!!!!! We need a dose of blind partisan anti-venom over here! Where ya at?
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know
Just because you don't know doesn't mean no one does, kiddo.

He earned the Bronze Star Medal with Combat V in 1991 in Iraq.

Are you trying to smear him by implying he bought it at K-Mart?
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.
Which wars in the last 100 years did we win while a Republican was in charge? And why do you blame Obama for a General who rose through the ranks and was put in charge under Republican Bush?

Iraq...then your boy lost it.
Iraq hasn't been lost. The thread is bull crap.

Oh? So why is Iraq in turmoil? What has happened in Ramadi? Again, you're just trying to defend the indefensible, Obama blew the victory
Your deflections and back peddling only work with the members of you circle jerk. The comment was made that Iraq was lost and another was made that Democrats don't win wars. Iraq has not been lost and a ghost town in Iraq being given up does not constitute the lose of Iraq, not matter how much you try to spin it. On the subject of Democrats not winning wars, you and the rest of the circle jerkers are just blank. You were asked which Republican won a war in the last 100 years. Silence.

You're an idiot. Obama did not lose a won war, as appealing a lie that might be to the rightwing propaganda machine
Oh yes he did...he told his blind followers like yourself that he will bring our troops home if they voted for he had to come through with that promise and he did...just before the election in 2012. He didn't care about victory or keeping extremist out of Iraq. All he cared about was a second term for himself.
You are actually whining about a President who kept his campaign promise like it is a bad thing for candidates to keep promises. That is because your side never does. It seems weird to you that a candidate would. And you publicly whine about it like you are making a point other than what a fool you are.
Your deflections and back peddling only work with the members of you circle jerk. The comment was made that Iraq was lost and another was made that Democrats don't win wars. Iraq has not been lost and a ghost town in Iraq being given up does not constitute the lose of Iraq, no matter how much you try to spin it. On the subject of Democrats not winning wars, you and the rest of the circle jerkers are just blank. You were asked which Republican won a war in the last 100 years. Silence

The war in Iraq was won. It scared the dems so much that dirty harry had to come to the microphone and say "This war is lost" it wasn't and Reid knew it. But suckers like some of you here can't except the truth. Mark my words Obama will lose Afghanistan as well...just give him time and he will screw it up.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.
Which wars in the last 100 years did we win while a Republican was in charge? And why do you blame Obama for a General who rose through the ranks and was put in charge under Republican Bush?

Iraq...then your boy lost it.

If you think Iraq was a 'win' at any stage of the conflict, you should probably not.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know

You don't need to be in combat to get that medal nor do you need to be in an incident under fire to get the V distinguishing device. You only need to be in a combat zone and have been subject to some type of enemy activity for the period covered. His combat identifier badge is not a CIB. Its a CAB. That means he has never seen combat in a combat arms capacity. You disagree? If so you're certainly barking up the wrong tree on this one.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know

You don't need to be in combat to get that medal nor do you need to be in an incident under fire to get the V distinguishing device. You only need to be in a combat zone and have been subject to some type of enemy activity for the period covered. His combat identifier badge is not a CIB. Its a CAB. That means he has never seen combat in a combat arms capacity. You disagree? If so you're certainly barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Ah so Dempsey got the bronze with V like a chow hound in a combat zone would? Wow, what happened to when medals meant something besides decorating a uniform
All a United States Veteran needs to do.." be called a traitor by our nutters is suggest agreement with that ****** who the libs allowed to become POTUS.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.
Which wars in the last 100 years did we win while a Republican was in charge? And why do you blame Obama for a General who rose through the ranks and was put in charge under Republican Bush?

Iraq...then your boy lost it.

If you think Iraq was a 'win' at any stage of the conflict, you should probably not.
Thinking was not involved with creating the OP or defending it. The mother of a SEAL who was killed in Ramadi years after it was established Iraq did not have WMD's and years after Saddam was captured is saddened and angry that the city in Iraq where her son died 9 years ago is still being contested between Sunni and Shiite Muslims the way it has been for centuries. Somehow that has become the fault of the current administration.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.
Which wars in the last 100 years did we win while a Republican was in charge? And why do you blame Obama for a General who rose through the ranks and was put in charge under Republican Bush?

Iraq...then your boy lost it.

If you think Iraq was a 'win' at any stage of the conflict, you should probably not.
Thinking was not involved with creating the OP or defending it. The mother of a SEAL who was killed in Ramadi years after it was established Iraq did not have WMD's and years after Saddam was captured is saddened and angry that the city in Iraq where her son died 9 years ago is still being contested between Sunni and Shiite Muslims the way it has been for centuries. Somehow that has become the fault of the current administration.

Good God, shut up already
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.
Which wars in the last 100 years did we win while a Republican was in charge? And why do you blame Obama for a General who rose through the ranks and was put in charge under Republican Bush?

Iraq...then your boy lost it.

Bush was forced negotiate the 2008 SOFA before he left office. That was the document that ended Bushes Blunderous invasion and occupation. Bushes Bugout.
If you think Iraq was a 'win' at any stage of the conflict, you should probably not
Iraq was won, we had the bad guys running away from Iraq now they are running into Iraq and Obama sits and does zip zero nada to stop them. I know libs don't care for Christians very much but they are being killed and driven from their homes and Obama sits and does zip zero nada. Afghanistan is breaking down and our troops are ordered to stay within the green zone. Basically conceding the war and Obama sits and does zip zero nada. We have extremist Muslims within our borders recruiting fighters to join ISIL and Obama sits and does zip zero nada.
We see Americans getting their heads removes with a knife and Obama sits and does zip zero nada.
We witness a little pipsqueak like Putin flexing his muscle all over northern Europe and Obama does zip zero nada. We watch as Iran makes a laughing stock out of John Kerry and our nation and Obama sits and does zip zero nada. Please don't try and say Obama is a leader because he is anything but. Anyone that voted for him should be very ashamed of themselves and if you vote for Hillary that goes double.
If you think Iraq was a 'win' at any stage of the conflict, you should probably not
Iraq was won, we had the bad guys running away from Iraq now they are running into Iraq and Obama sits and does zip zero nada to stop them. I know libs don't care for Christians very much but they are being killed and driven from their homes and Obama sits and does zip zero nada. Afghanistan is breaking down and our troops are ordered to stay within the green zone. Basically conceding the war and Obama sits and does zip zero nada. We have extremist Muslims within our borders recruiting fighters to join ISIL and Obama sits and does zip zero nada.
We see Americans getting their heads removes with a knife and Obama sits and does zip zero nada.
We witness a little pipsqueak like Putin flexing his muscle all over northern Europe and Obama does zip zero nada. We watch as Iran makes a laughing stock out of John Kerry and our nation and Obama sits and does zip zero nada. Please don't try and say Obama is a leader because he is anything but. Anyone that voted for him should be very ashamed of themselves and if you vote for Hillary that goes double.

Please. Iraq was never eligible for a "win". It was a mistake. A fuck up. A blunder. IT COULD NEVER BE WON.

Holy shit you fucking imbeciles.
You are actually whining about a President who kept his campaign promise like it is a bad thing for candidates to keep promises. That is because your side never does. It seems weird to you that a candidate would. And you publicly whine about it like you are making a point other than what a fool you are
Obama never promised in his campaign that he would lose the war in Iraq. If he had you would have a valid point.
Your deflections and back peddling only work with the members of you circle jerk. The comment was made that Iraq was lost and another was made that Democrats don't win wars. Iraq has not been lost and a ghost town in Iraq being given up does not constitute the lose of Iraq, no matter how much you try to spin it. On the subject of Democrats not winning wars, you and the rest of the circle jerkers are just blank. You were asked which Republican won a war in the last 100 years. Silence

The war in Iraq was won. It scared the dems so much that dirty harry had to come to the microphone and say "This war is lost" it wasn't and Reid knew it. But suckers like some of you here can't except the truth. Mark my words Obama will lose Afghanistan as well...just give him time and he will screw it up.

The war was won in 2003. The occupation started the ongoing civil war, which has now spread. Thanks George.

"Mr. President if we don't change course in Iraq the war is lost"
Please. Iraq was never eligible for a "win". It was a mistake. A fuck up. A blunder. IT COULD NEVER BE WON.

Holy shit you fucking imbeciles
It's so easy to Monday morning quarterback a conflict without the feelings and fears of the time. To do that shows a huge lack of integrity on your part. Think back to 2001 through 2003 and try real hard to remember where this country was at after the attacks on 9-11...maybe you were very young and can't remember so I will spell it out for you. After 9-11 all we could think to do to protect from another attack was to remove nation leaders that had a hatred for America and that is what Bush did with the support of almost everyone in DC including Hillary Clinton.
Please. Iraq was never eligible for a "win". It was a mistake. A fuck up. A blunder. IT COULD NEVER BE WON.

Holy shit you fucking imbeciles
It's so easy to Monday morning quarterback a conflict without the feelings and fears of the time. To do that shows a huge lack of integrity on your part. Think back to 2001 through 2003 and try real hard to remember where this country was at after the attacks on 9-11...maybe you were very young and can't remember so I will spell it out for you. After 9-11 all we could think to do to protect from another attack was to remove nation leaders that had a hatred for America and that is what Bush did with the support of almost everyone in DC including Hillary Clinton.

I was 16 years old when it happened and I remember, the majority of America wanted payback...President Bush delivered
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know

You don't need to be in combat to get that medal nor do you need to be in an incident under fire to get the V distinguishing device. You only need to be in a combat zone and have been subject to some type of enemy activity for the period covered. His combat identifier badge is not a CIB. Its a CAB. That means he has never seen combat in a combat arms capacity. You disagree? If so you're certainly barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Ah so Dempsey got the bronze with V like a chow hound in a combat zone would? Wow, what happened to when medals meant something besides decorating a uniform

You can get the bronze star now as an end of deployment tour award and get the combat V device simply because you were subject to mortar fire during that same reporting period. That's why so many LtC's / Col's / and Generals are getting them now. They don't fight but they get the V devise anyway. In the mean time a grunt who sees combat day in and day out is lucky to get a Army/Navy Achievement Medal or a certificate of commendation.
KT McFarland outraged by Dempsey s Ramadi remarks On Air Videos Fox News

Why can't we win a war when we have a Democrat led government? People should go to jail for screwing up what our troops fought and died for. We should all be disgusted with Obama and his weak ass followers including this phony General.

I would prefer a commander of the Joint Chiefs that had actually seen combat in a combat arms capacity. Since when do we promote generals to make such crucial decisions on the lives of troops when the generals haven't seen combat?

Where did Dempsey earn the bronze star with the V? Nobody seems to know

You don't need to be in combat to get that medal nor do you need to be in an incident under fire to get the V distinguishing device. You only need to be in a combat zone and have been subject to some type of enemy activity for the period covered. His combat identifier badge is not a CIB. Its a CAB. That means he has never seen combat in a combat arms capacity. You disagree? If so you're certainly barking up the wrong tree on this one.

Ah so Dempsey got the bronze with V like a chow hound in a combat zone would? Wow, what happened to when medals meant something besides decorating a uniform

You can get the bronze star now as an end of tour award and get the combat V device simply because you were subject to mortar fire during that same reporting period. That's why so many LTC's / Col's / and generals are getting them now. They don't fight but they get the V devise anyway.

Sounds like BS to me. Not your explanation but the awarding of the "V". I guess now days valor isn't what it used to be

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