Demonic Muslim terrorists played with severed heads of Jewish victims


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
These “people” are not human. A video has emerged of the demons playing with the bloody heads of the innocent Jews they tortured.

(I couldn’t watch.)

This sounds really far fetched. Unless they were.on some REALLY strong drugs. I recall reading that the German soldiers were given heavy drugs during WWII to the point that allied soldiers saw rabid, bloodthirsty, foaming at the mouth, unhuman characteristics from them when in close combag. If this report is true then these people are so far gone that death might be the safest outcome for everyone.
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And our students are siding with this evil... time to shut the schools down until they are fixed.... if you are a teacher and you celebrate the killing of anyone you need to be fired immediately...
There are no good guys in that dog fight.
Bombing women and kids is just as bad.
There are no good guys in that dog fight.
Bombing women and kids is just as bad.
Bad yes but necessary also yes... there is no relativity here... one side is defending themselves the other are sadistic murderers... I hate to say this but those dead Palestinian kids would have grown up to fight for Hamas.... The Jews in Israel have never been purposely barbaric...
The Jews bend over backwards to avoid the death of civilians the other side revels in it....
We killed children too after 9-11... you don't think our bombs know the age of its target do you?...
These “people” are not human. A video has emerged of the demons playing with the bloody heads of the innocent Jews they tortured.

(I couldn’t watch.)

So, some people did some things, so what?

There are no good guys in that dog fight.
Bombing women and kids is just as bad.

Sorry, no. Collateral deaths of unintended women and children killed in blasts after being warned to leave the area are very unfortunate, but that isn't even within a light-year to stuffing babies into lit ovens, gouging children's eyes out, torturing parents to death while making the kids watch, crushing pelvises with heavy objects, and cutting people's heads off alive then playing with them.
These “people” are not human.
That kind of rhetoric is all too familiar. It's designed to dehumanize people in order to make slaughtering them easier on the conscience of the killers. After all, dropping bombs killing 8K Palestinian "animal demons" is much easier than killing innocent babies.
American serial killers, some cannibalistic, some not, have been playing with severed heads, for as long as we've been a country. It's a popular sport, that has been spread throughout the world.

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