Democrats, why do you want to reelect Trump?

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot!

In cities across America they are urging in both signage and speech that police departments be defunded, although the lead Democrat, Joe Biden, is opposed to such a horrific idea.

It is all well and good for protesting Democrats to make signs and speeches proclaiming that all police departments are racist and should be disbanded. They are not in positions of power, and they don't have to come with alternatives to law enforcement to protect the citizenry.

And they don't because there isn't any alternative. After all, they are just protesters. They don't have to come up real solutions.

That task falls to politicians who are power.

Such as for example, the Minneapolis city council.

Nine members (veto proof) of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday announced they intend to defund and dismantle the city's police department following the police killing of George Floyd.

"We committed to dismantling policing as we know it in the city of Minneapolis and to rebuild with our community a new model of public safety that actually keeps our community safe," Council President Lisa Bender told CNN. Minneapolis police: City Council members announce intent to defund the police department - CNN

The mayor has full control over the Mpls. P.D., not the city council, and the mayor has a powerful role in the budget in Mpls.

Lisa and the city council veep appeared on CNN and made complete fools of themselves when Wolf Blitzer insisted on answers to his questions. He asked, absent law enforcement, who will protect the citizens of Minneapolis? What is your alternative to the police department? Eventually the two settled on an answer because Blitzer was being very persistent. Their answer: Minneapolis still had a police department.

While Trump continues to make a fool of himself (suggesting injecting disinfectant to kill the virus), and he refuses to answer questions from reporters since last Monday's comical photo op (see humorous 2 1/2 video: YouTube), the Democrats have given the White House, Fox News, and other Trump Republican outlets extremely critical talking points.

In fact, while ignoring what Trump is actually doing, saying, and tweeting, thanks to the Democrats and the obliging liberal media, that is all they are talking about.

While Trump's numbers are seeking a new bottom, Democrats, meaning protesters, Mpls city council members, and other politicians who have lost their minds and their common sense, have to ask themselves a question.

Why in the world are we snatching defeat from the jaws of victory ... again? 2016 redux.
Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot!

In cities across America they are urging in both signage and speech that police departments be defunded, although the lead Democrat, Joe Biden, is opposed to such a horrific idea.

It is all well and good for protesting Democrats to make signs and speeches proclaiming that all police departments are racist and should be disbanded. They are not in positions of power, and they don't have to come with alternatives to law enforcement to protect the citizenry.

And they don't because there isn't any alternative. After all, they are just protesters. They don't have to come up real solutions.

That task falls to politicians who are power.

Such as for example, the Minneapolis city council.

Nine members (veto proof) of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday announced they intend to defund and dismantle the city's police department following the police killing of George Floyd.

"We committed to dismantling policing as we know it in the city of Minneapolis and to rebuild with our community a new model of public safety that actually keeps our community safe," Council President Lisa Bender told CNN. Minneapolis police: City Council members announce intent to defund the police department - CNN

The mayor has full control over the Mpls. P.D., not the city council, and the mayor has a powerful role in the budget in Mpls.

Lisa and the city council veep appeared on CNN and made complete fools of themselves when Wolf Blitzer insisted on answers to his questions. He asked, absent law enforcement, who will protect the citizens of Minneapolis? What is your alternative to the police department? Eventually the two settled on an answer because Blitzer was being very persistent. Their answer: Minneapolis still had a police department.

While Trump continues to make a fool of himself (suggesting injecting disinfectant to kill the virus), and he refuses to answer questions from reporters since last Monday's comical photo op (see humorous 2 1/2 video: YouTube), the Democrats have given the White House, Fox News, and other Trump Republican outlets extremely critical talking points.

In fact, while ignoring what Trump is actually doing, saying, and tweeting, thanks to the Democrats and the obliging liberal media, that is all they are talking about.

While Trump's numbers are seeking a new bottom, Democrats, meaning protesters, Mpls city council members, and other politicians who have lost their minds and their common sense, have to ask themselves a question.

Why in the world are we snatching defeat from the jaws of victory ... again? 2016 redux.
Jaws of victory . What a joke ..... democrats are anti American scoundrels. We all see you for what you are . A fraudster. Tell us again about russia. And north korea, and the turks.... lol.... 0 for 375 but still rambling on..
What's going on now is not new. It's old. It has happened many times before...though that is not known to people educated in the public schools of Rotting Cities run by Democrats for half a century.

Human nature does not change, which explains why history tends to repeat itself over cycles. These repeated cycles sometimes have been reduced to adages.

The adage most appropriate to the situation we are in now, at least as to the Democratic Party and it's rotting cities, is:

"The inmates are in control of the asylum."

The pendulum will swing back towards Sanity soon. It almost always does. And if it doesn't this time, here in America---look up the French Revolution...where Socialists killed all the rich people first, and then went to work killing each other.

Because even most democrats realize when the choice is Trump or Biden, no contest dementia is not the winner
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Who have teachers suffocated and killed?
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Who have teachers suffocated and killed?

Probably half of the kids killed in Chicago on any Friday night. Because they've been UNDERSERVED and have NO chance of ever being successful at life because of ROTTEN FAILING SCHOOLS and the CRIME of "reduced academic expectations" BECAUSE they are black.... Just GET them to graduation.. But the inner city schools can BARELY do that without "lowering the bar"....

Who's the RACIST here that decides that "black kids can't learn"??? Or as Joe Biden puts it -- "poor kids are just as smart as white kids"... Sleepy Joe let the cat out of bag on that one -- didn't he?????
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Who have teachers suffocated and killed?

Who the hell do you think is blocking SCHOOL CHOICE?? Who's blocking "internet teaching"? In California black students are 40 points (or the equivalent of FOUR GRADES) behind on testing by the 8th grade.. The SYSTEM is racist and has failed them and the TEACHERS UNIONS are in the way of fixing any of that...
Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot!

In cities across America they are urging in both signage and speech that police departments be defunded, although the lead Democrat, Joe Biden, is opposed to such a horrific idea.

It is all well and good for protesting Democrats to make signs and speeches proclaiming that all police departments are racist and should be disbanded. They are not in positions of power, and they don't have to come with alternatives to law enforcement to protect the citizenry.

And they don't because there isn't any alternative. After all, they are just protesters. They don't have to come up real solutions.

That task falls to politicians who are power.

Such as for example, the Minneapolis city council.

Nine members (veto proof) of the Minneapolis City Council on Sunday announced they intend to defund and dismantle the city's police department following the police killing of George Floyd.

"We committed to dismantling policing as we know it in the city of Minneapolis and to rebuild with our community a new model of public safety that actually keeps our community safe," Council President Lisa Bender told CNN. Minneapolis police: City Council members announce intent to defund the police department - CNN

The mayor has full control over the Mpls. P.D., not the city council, and the mayor has a powerful role in the budget in Mpls.

Lisa and the city council veep appeared on CNN and made complete fools of themselves when Wolf Blitzer insisted on answers to his questions. He asked, absent law enforcement, who will protect the citizens of Minneapolis? What is your alternative to the police department? Eventually the two settled on an answer because Blitzer was being very persistent. Their answer: Minneapolis still had a police department.

While Trump continues to make a fool of himself (suggesting injecting disinfectant to kill the virus), and he refuses to answer questions from reporters since last Monday's comical photo op (see humorous 2 1/2 video: YouTube), the Democrats have given the White House, Fox News, and other Trump Republican outlets extremely critical talking points.

In fact, while ignoring what Trump is actually doing, saying, and tweeting, thanks to the Democrats and the obliging liberal media, that is all they are talking about.

While Trump's numbers are seeking a new bottom, Democrats, meaning protesters, Mpls city council members, and other politicians who have lost their minds and their common sense, have to ask themselves a question.

Why in the world are we snatching defeat from the jaws of victory ... again? 2016 redux.

Trump and his supporters use the same dumb tactic over and over again. The tactic assumes Americans are stupid.

They invent an argument supposedly made by the opposition; then they criticize the opposition based on what they created. It works to some degree because his gullible cult will believe it.

The Times reports, "Attorney General William P. Barr said on Sunday that he did not believe racism was a systemic problem in policing, echoing other top administration officials’ defense of an important part of President Trump’s base as protests against police killings of unarmed black people continued across the nation.

“I don’t think that the law enforcement system is systemically racist,” Mr. Barr said in an interview with the CBS program “Face the Nation.''

"Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, made similar remarks on Sunday in an interview with “This Week” on ABC, saying that “systemic racism” was not an issue for law enforcement.

"Their defense mirrored comments made last week by the national security adviser, Robert C. O’Brien."

There is only one problem. No one in a position of authority is saying that.

It is being said by some peaceful protesters who often make provocative speeches and signs to draw attention to themselves and their causes.

Is the Trump government now being led around by the nose by a few peaceful protesters? It would seem so. They are the only ones saying police in general are racist, and three powerful members of the Trump government are reacting to the charge along with the press secretary and Trump himself.

Trump and his sycophants often create issues consisting only of thin air.
I watched an hour or so of the Trump Network, er, Fox News, this morning. There was not one word about what Trump has actually been doing, saying, and tweeting, and certainly nothing about his ludicrous accusation about a 75-year old white male protester or the fact that he has not allowed questions from reporters in nine days, cutting himself off from the American people.

What did they talk about? Despite the fact that no responsible Democrat -- with the exception of the nutty Mpls. city council -- has endorsed defunding police departments, the Democratic urge to defund the police was the high point of the Fox discussions.

Talk about political suicide, that is what grassroots Democrats are doing to themselves.
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Okay. Now for the real question. If the Party of the Rump can do better why aren't they being elected locally by the droves? Note: I didn't say Conservatives.
I watched an hour or so of the Trump Network, er, Fox News, this morning. There was not one word about what Trump has actually been doing, saying, and tweeting, and certainly nothing about his ludicrous accusation about a 75-year old white male protester or the fact that he has not allowed questions from reporters in nine days, cutting himself off from the American people.

What did they talk about? Despite the fact that no responsible Democrat -- with the exception of the nutty Mpls. city council -- has endorsed defunding police departments, the Democratic urge to defund the police was the high point of the Fox discussions.

Talk about political suicide, that is what grassroots Democrats are doing to themselves.

If only the Party of the Rump makes those claims that the Democrats are pushing for it (as you say, the sane Demo Leaders don't support it) then how does it hurt the Dems. I would think that when the smoke clears, the Party of the Rumpers will be shown the liars that they are.
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Okay. Now for the real question. If the Party of the Rump can do better why aren't they being elected locally by the droves? Note: I didn't say Conservatives.
Because Rs and Ds both suck and Trump is neither and that's what really pisses you off.
I watched an hour or so of the Trump Network, er, Fox News, this morning. There was not one word about what Trump has actually been doing, saying, and tweeting, and certainly nothing about his ludicrous accusation about a 75-year old white male protester or the fact that he has not allowed questions from reporters in nine days, cutting himself off from the American people.

What did they talk about? Despite the fact that no responsible Democrat -- with the exception of the nutty Mpls. city council -- has endorsed defunding police departments, the Democratic urge to defund the police was the high point of the Fox discussions.

Talk about political suicide, that is what grassroots Democrats are doing to themselves.
it doesn't mean as you think..... Look at Camden, NJ.... they defunded/disbanded their police.... then they rehired them, the ones who were not the bad cops with bad records and many complaints.... they reorganized, became County police or some other name, which got rid of the Union that was holding the city back, from being able to fire the few bad apples....

crime has gone down, the blacks in town now LOVE their newly organized police....
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Okay. Now for the real question. If the Party of the Rump can do better why aren't they being elected locally by the droves? Note: I didn't say Conservatives.

They are OCCASIONALLY when things get REALLY BAD... It's like in Sweden where the left screws stuff for a decade and then they bring in the conservative to fix it and go back to the socialists..

Happens even in New York city and state from time to time.. But you can forget the One party state of Cali.. Chicago, Philly, and a lot of others.. They will change the MAYOR or GOVERNOR, but the deep bench apparatus remains.. And the problems with UNIONS remain..
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Okay. Now for the real question. If the Party of the Rump can do better why aren't they being elected locally by the droves? Note: I didn't say Conservatives.

They are OCCASIONALLY when things get REALLY BAD... It's like in Sweden where the left screws stuff for a decade and then they bring in the conservative to fix it and go back to the socialists..

Happens even in New York city and state from time to time.. But you can forget the One party state of Cali.. Chicago, Philly, and a lot of others.. They will change the MAYOR or GOVERNOR, but the deep bench apparatus remains.. And the problems with UNIONS remain..

Unions aren't bad. It's when you absolutely need a union then it becomes bad. Compare Coors with Busch. Busch spends millions each year trying to get Coors to get Unionized through various dirty tricks. Meanwhile, Coors has probably the best benefits far surpassing a Union Shop in all areas including pay. Coors removes the need for the Union. And no union can get a foothold but you have to hand it to Busch, they keep trying. And coors still pretty much has a complete lock on 5 states. It was Busch that forced Coors to have to ship to all 50 states which changed the coors beer and the way it was delivered. Busch spent million of a lot of Piliticos to get that one.

Dems are no more and no less inept than Republicans. If you want to make that changes, get your own candidates running against the Dems. It's as simple as that. The problem is, right now, the Republican Party doesn't exist in anything other than name. It's the Party of the Rump and give it a couple more years and that "Party" will be long forgotten. Maybe by 2024, the Republican Party can rebuild enough to start taking back some of the losses it's been suffering lately. I, for one, would welcome that.
DEFANG police by abolishing their unions.

Can we DEFANG the teacher's union also while we're at it so that God AWFUL teachers can be fired??

It's one and the SAME problem actually.. Collusion between blue city leaders and the unions to assure their re-elections while the citizens they serve get purposely FLAWED and sub-par services....

The problem here is LOCAL BLUE GOVERNMENTS fixated on plastic bags, smoking, sanctuary statuses, and decriminalizing property theft and abolishing bail... While there is NO oversight on their BASIC duties to manage and oversee their police and schools...

Who have teachers suffocated and killed?
Generations of American children, but first they intellectually raped them

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