Democrats Value Political Expediency over Ethics and Morals


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
Unfortunately, this is where politics lies these days, where being ethical and moral is not a winning strategy, especially considering the amoral, win-even-if-it-means-cheating Republican Party. I've seen Democrats finance a challenger to the incumbent Governor of Illinois, and that gamble paid off. Pritzker will destroy the Trumpist challenger. But you don't target vulnerable Republicans who did the right thing, in standing up for democracy and the rule of law.

Those shockingly few Republicans, like Pete Meijer (R-MI.), are an endangered species, and not part of the amoral cult of Trump. Democrats are not seeing the bigger picture here, and may end up subsidizing more insanity in Congress.

Unfortunately, this is where politics lies these days, where being ethical and moral is not a winning strategy, especially considering the amoral, win-even-if-it-means-cheating Republican Party. I've seen Democrats finance a challenger to the incumbent Governor of Illinois, and that gamble paid off. Pritzker will destroy the Trumpist challenger. But you don't target vulnerable Republicans who did the right thing, in standing up for democracy and the rule of law.

Those shockingly few Republicans, like Pete Meijer (R-MI.), are an endangered species, and not part of the amoral cult of Trump. Democrats are not seeing the bigger picture here, and may end up subsidizing more insanity in Congress.

Shhh. There is no "cult of Trump". Don't tell the Democrats that.

Americans are just sick of politicians selling out to illegal immigrants, corporations, and foreign nations.

Americans want an American President that puts America first, and not them last like Joe Biden and so many other career politicians have done.
I do love clowns that like to pretend that their party is so much better then the other, so much more American, so moral then the other. In other words my party is perfect. It has a few little flaws but boy is it so much greater in every way then the other party.
That is actually called indoctrination and is not really a good thing as it stifles actual thought and understanding
Unfortunately, this is where politics lies these days, where being ethical and moral is not a winning strategy, especially considering the amoral, win-even-if-it-means-cheating Republican Party. I've seen Democrats finance a challenger to the incumbent Governor of Illinois, and that gamble paid off. Pritzker will destroy the Trumpist challenger. But you don't target vulnerable Republicans who did the right thing, in standing up for democracy and the rule of law.

Those shockingly few Republicans, like Pete Meijer (R-MI.), are an endangered species, and not part of the amoral cult of Trump. Democrats are not seeing the bigger picture here, and may end up subsidizing more insanity in Congress.

Unfortunately, this is where politics lies these days, where being ethical and moral is not a winning strategy, especially considering the amoral, win-even-if-it-means-cheating Republican Party. I've seen Democrats finance a challenger to the incumbent Governor of Illinois, and that gamble paid off. Pritzker will destroy the Trumpist challenger. But you don't target vulnerable Republicans who did the right thing, in standing up for democracy and the rule of law.

Those shockingly few Republicans, like Pete Meijer (R-MI.), are an endangered species, and not part of the amoral cult of Trump. Democrats are not seeing the bigger picture here, and may end up subsidizing more insanity in Congress.

So you support what you perceive to be less corrupt and will support a corrupt political party as long as it agrees with your politics?
Unfortunately, this is where politics lies these days, where being ethical and moral is not a winning strategy, especially considering the amoral, win-even-if-it-means-cheating Republican Party. I've seen Democrats finance a challenger to the incumbent Governor of Illinois, and that gamble paid off. Pritzker will destroy the Trumpist challenger. But you don't target vulnerable Republicans who did the right thing, in standing up for democracy and the rule of law.

Those shockingly few Republicans, like Pete Meijer (R-MI.), are an endangered species, and not part of the amoral cult of Trump. Democrats are not seeing the bigger picture here, and may end up subsidizing more insanity in Congress.

You are exactly like the politicians you despise. Divisive.
It isnt just the Ds. Its the duopoly. This is the political climate they have created for us. And the people eat that shit up.
Another reason why i support restrictive voting.
So you support what you perceive to be less corrupt and will support a corrupt political party as long as it agrees with your politics?

It's not "corrupt" in the typical Trump sense, but it throws under the bus those politicians across the aisle who stood up and did the right thing, all in order to win an election.

Democrats have always been good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but if you are going to take this approach, don't target those with the morals and values that America needs in Congress.
It's not "corrupt" in the typical Trump sense, but it throws under the bus those politicians across the aisle who stood up and did the right thing, all in order to win an election.

Democrats have always been good at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but if you are going to take this approach, don't target those with the morals and values that America needs in Congress.
Who has morals in Congress? As a whole both parties are corrupt and morally bankrupt. Other than Manchin, Sinema the left has no one else that have morals on the Democratic side, Republicans may have less.

I don't expect corruption to rid itself of corruption.
It is you who took an oath of allegiance to the Orange Ape, not myself.

Got it, meme-boy?
No one took an oath of allegiance to Trump, you fucking douchebag. The fact that you hate him so much shows why we voted for him.

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