Democrats SUE to stop Arizona Senate from forensic audit of 2020 election

You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
Why are you afraid to see the ballots then?

I want free and fair. We did mueller for you schmoes.

plenty of people said no interference or cheating and yet! You’re two faced fkers
DrLove then let’s see the ballots

We've seen the ballots loon - UMPTEEN times. But not to worry - You will get the result you are looking for with this hyper-partisan Q clusterfuck. Then you will continue with your charade onto Michigan, Pennsylvania and George, each time finding "tens of thousands" of fake Biden votes.

Your purpose is clear. To undermine confidence in our elections and go to any and ALL lengths to overturn an election result you do not like. And that includes the lame attempts to justify the violence we saw on 1/6 because you didn't like an election result.

Ballots need to be "seen" by professionals - Not kooks. Elections are a state and federal government issue.

This is what they do in lawless third world autocracies. Pick a country like Russia, Hungary, Poland, NoKo or Turkey. You might be happier there. I will pay for your one way ticket, so let me know when and where you would like to move.

Biden is your president. Trump will not seize the country again by coup. Deal with it.
You are right, the left has turned our country into a third world country now, and you are down wid it. I hope you have to eat your words with soap when this is done.
Projecting much, right winger. Y'all have no healthcare plan and no infrastructure plan.
Didn't need one or the other, but it was a topic or topic's chosen by the politician's to exploit with we the uneducated about such things. Now improving on things are always good, and there is always room for improvement's, but to suggest that system's should be broken, and then rebuilt to the tune of trillions of dollars is corrupt, and is nefarious. It is agenda's that the citizen's are attempted to be persuaded on, and if not persuaded, they will be hit over the head with them.
Yet, right wingers have no problem with Big Government instead of free market Capitalism when it comes to y'all's foreign wars. Why do y'all need the largest military in the world to merely lose your wars with third world nations.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place.

I guess how dangerous the world is depends on where one is and the decisions one makes.
I’ve only been in scary situations once or twice in my 62 years on the planet.
In this country, crime and danger are down by minimally 30% from the 80s and 90s.
You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
Why are you afraid to see the ballots then?

I want free and fair. We did mueller for you schmoes.

plenty of people said no interference or cheating and yet! You’re two faced fkers
DrLove then let’s see the ballots

We've seen the ballots loon - UMPTEEN times. But not to worry - You will get the result you are looking for with this hyper-partisan Q clusterfuck. Then you will continue with your charade onto Michigan, Pennsylvania and George, each time finding "tens of thousands" of fake Biden votes.

Your purpose is clear. To undermine confidence in our elections and go to any and ALL lengths to overturn an election result you do not like. And that includes the lame attempts to justify the violence we saw on 1/6 because you didn't like an election result.

Ballots need to be "seen" by professionals - Not kooks. Elections are a state and federal government issue.

This is what they do in lawless third world autocracies. Pick a country like Russia, Hungary, Poland, NoKo or Turkey. You might be happier there. I will pay for your one way ticket, so let me know when and where you would like to move.

Biden is your president. Trump will not seize the country again by coup. Deal with it.
You are right, the left has turned our country into a third world country now, and you are down wid it. I hope you have to eat your words with soap when this is done.
Projecting much, right winger. Y'all have no healthcare plan and no infrastructure plan.
Didn't need one or the other, but it was a topic or topic's chosen by the politician's to exploit with we the uneducated about such things. Now improving on things are always good, and there is always room for improvement's, but to suggest that system's should be broken, and then rebuilt to the tune of trillions of dollars is corrupt, and is nefarious. It is agenda's that the citizen's are attempted to be persuaded on, and if not persuaded, they will be hit over the head with them.
Yet, right wingers have no problem with Big Government instead of free market Capitalism when it comes to y'all's foreign wars. Why do y'all need the largest military in the world to merely lose your wars with third world nations.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place.

I guess how dangerous the world is depends on where one is and the decisions one makes.
I’ve only been in scary situations once or twice in my 62 years on the planet.
In this country, crime and danger are down by minimally 30% from the 80s and 90s.
Tell that to the people in south side of Chicago .
You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
Why are you afraid to see the ballots then?

I want free and fair. We did mueller for you schmoes.

plenty of people said no interference or cheating and yet! You’re two faced fkers
DrLove then let’s see the ballots

We've seen the ballots loon - UMPTEEN times. But not to worry - You will get the result you are looking for with this hyper-partisan Q clusterfuck. Then you will continue with your charade onto Michigan, Pennsylvania and George, each time finding "tens of thousands" of fake Biden votes.

Your purpose is clear. To undermine confidence in our elections and go to any and ALL lengths to overturn an election result you do not like. And that includes the lame attempts to justify the violence we saw on 1/6 because you didn't like an election result.

Ballots need to be "seen" by professionals - Not kooks. Elections are a state and federal government issue.

This is what they do in lawless third world autocracies. Pick a country like Russia, Hungary, Poland, NoKo or Turkey. You might be happier there. I will pay for your one way ticket, so let me know when and where you would like to move.

Biden is your president. Trump will not seize the country again by coup. Deal with it.
You are right, the left has turned our country into a third world country now, and you are down wid it. I hope you have to eat your words with soap when this is done.
Projecting much, right winger. Y'all have no healthcare plan and no infrastructure plan.
Didn't need one or the other, but it was a topic or topic's chosen by the politician's to exploit with we the uneducated about such things. Now improving on things are always good, and there is always room for improvement's, but to suggest that system's should be broken, and then rebuilt to the tune of trillions of dollars is corrupt, and is nefarious. It is agenda's that the citizen's are attempted to be persuaded on, and if not persuaded, they will be hit over the head with them.
Yet, right wingers have no problem with Big Government instead of free market Capitalism when it comes to y'all's foreign wars. Why do y'all need the largest military in the world to merely lose your wars with third world nations.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place.
All I notice is lousy Capitalists alleging they are for free market Capitalism, while creating more Big Government nanny-statism they also don't want to pay for while insisting on tax cut economics.
How much do we spend in welfare?
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place
danielpalos why are we in so many other countries?
Right wingers can't be legal to our own laws but love to practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the less fortunate "illegals"?

We have a general welfare clause not any form of general warfare or common offense clause.
Didn’t answer my question
It is irrelevant because we have no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause.
You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
Why are you afraid to see the ballots then?

I want free and fair. We did mueller for you schmoes.

plenty of people said no interference or cheating and yet! You’re two faced fkers
DrLove then let’s see the ballots

We've seen the ballots loon - UMPTEEN times. But not to worry - You will get the result you are looking for with this hyper-partisan Q clusterfuck. Then you will continue with your charade onto Michigan, Pennsylvania and George, each time finding "tens of thousands" of fake Biden votes.

Your purpose is clear. To undermine confidence in our elections and go to any and ALL lengths to overturn an election result you do not like. And that includes the lame attempts to justify the violence we saw on 1/6 because you didn't like an election result.

Ballots need to be "seen" by professionals - Not kooks. Elections are a state and federal government issue.

This is what they do in lawless third world autocracies. Pick a country like Russia, Hungary, Poland, NoKo or Turkey. You might be happier there. I will pay for your one way ticket, so let me know when and where you would like to move.

Biden is your president. Trump will not seize the country again by coup. Deal with it.
You are right, the left has turned our country into a third world country now, and you are down wid it. I hope you have to eat your words with soap when this is done.
Projecting much, right winger. Y'all have no healthcare plan and no infrastructure plan.
Didn't need one or the other, but it was a topic or topic's chosen by the politician's to exploit with we the uneducated about such things. Now improving on things are always good, and there is always room for improvement's, but to suggest that system's should be broken, and then rebuilt to the tune of trillions of dollars is corrupt, and is nefarious. It is agenda's that the citizen's are attempted to be persuaded on, and if not persuaded, they will be hit over the head with them.
Yet, right wingers have no problem with Big Government instead of free market Capitalism when it comes to y'all's foreign wars. Why do y'all need the largest military in the world to merely lose your wars with third world nations.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place.
All I notice is lousy Capitalists alleging they are for free market Capitalism, while creating more Big Government nanny-statism they also don't want to pay for while insisting on tax cut economics.
How much do we spend in welfare?
Not enough, seeing as how we need to upgrade neglected infrastructure.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place
danielpalos why are we in so many other countries?
Right wingers can't be legal to our own laws but love to practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the less fortunate "illegals"?

We have a general welfare clause not any form of general warfare or common offense clause.
Didn’t answer my question
It is irrelevant because we have no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause.
Then why did you bring it up?
if you have nothing to hide whats the problem with looking??

Say it ain’t so! Democrats in Arizona don’t want anyone looking under the tables to see what really happened in November and they are suing to stop the Senate from conducting their forensic audit of the 2020 election:

Nothing says, 'We cheated and have to stop any and all attempts to validate the election' like suing to stop the audit'.
Hey, did we ever figure out why the Dems sued to stop the audit?

Still not sure why they would do such a thing.

Because the truth of the legal election in 2020 was a GOP sweep of everything, not just state legislature. This AZ audit will prove that mcsalley won,and that there was massive fraud by traitor Joe and his zionist allies.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place
danielpalos why are we in so many other countries?
Right wingers can't be legal to our own laws but love to practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) upon the less fortunate "illegals"?

We have a general welfare clause not any form of general warfare or common offense clause.
Didn’t answer my question
It is irrelevant because we have no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause.
Then why did you bring it up?
To point out the fact that right wingers can't seem to obey our own laws, yet whine about less fortunate "illegals" in border threads.
You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
Why are you afraid to see the ballots then?

I want free and fair. We did mueller for you schmoes.

plenty of people said no interference or cheating and yet! You’re two faced fkers
DrLove then let’s see the ballots

We've seen the ballots loon - UMPTEEN times. But not to worry - You will get the result you are looking for with this hyper-partisan Q clusterfuck. Then you will continue with your charade onto Michigan, Pennsylvania and George, each time finding "tens of thousands" of fake Biden votes.

Your purpose is clear. To undermine confidence in our elections and go to any and ALL lengths to overturn an election result you do not like. And that includes the lame attempts to justify the violence we saw on 1/6 because you didn't like an election result.

Ballots need to be "seen" by professionals - Not kooks. Elections are a state and federal government issue.

This is what they do in lawless third world autocracies. Pick a country like Russia, Hungary, Poland, NoKo or Turkey. You might be happier there. I will pay for your one way ticket, so let me know when and where you would like to move.

Biden is your president. Trump will not seize the country again by coup. Deal with it.
You are right, the left has turned our country into a third world country now, and you are down wid it. I hope you have to eat your words with soap when this is done.
Projecting much, right winger. Y'all have no healthcare plan and no infrastructure plan.
Didn't need one or the other, but it was a topic or topic's chosen by the politician's to exploit with we the uneducated about such things. Now improving on things are always good, and there is always room for improvement's, but to suggest that system's should be broken, and then rebuilt to the tune of trillions of dollars is corrupt, and is nefarious. It is agenda's that the citizen's are attempted to be persuaded on, and if not persuaded, they will be hit over the head with them.
Yet, right wingers have no problem with Big Government instead of free market Capitalism when it comes to y'all's foreign wars. Why do y'all need the largest military in the world to merely lose your wars with third world nations.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place.

I guess how dangerous the world is depends on where one is and the decisions one makes.
I’ve only been in scary situations once or twice in my 62 years on the planet.
In this country, crime and danger are down by minimally 30% from the 80s and 90s.
You mean in parts of this country. Yes.

Can't see it from a politicians house though, so it must not exist right ??
You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
Why are you afraid to see the ballots then?

I want free and fair. We did mueller for you schmoes.

plenty of people said no interference or cheating and yet! You’re two faced fkers
DrLove then let’s see the ballots

We've seen the ballots loon - UMPTEEN times. But not to worry - You will get the result you are looking for with this hyper-partisan Q clusterfuck. Then you will continue with your charade onto Michigan, Pennsylvania and George, each time finding "tens of thousands" of fake Biden votes.

Your purpose is clear. To undermine confidence in our elections and go to any and ALL lengths to overturn an election result you do not like. And that includes the lame attempts to justify the violence we saw on 1/6 because you didn't like an election result.

Ballots need to be "seen" by professionals - Not kooks. Elections are a state and federal government issue.

This is what they do in lawless third world autocracies. Pick a country like Russia, Hungary, Poland, NoKo or Turkey. You might be happier there. I will pay for your one way ticket, so let me know when and where you would like to move.

Biden is your president. Trump will not seize the country again by coup. Deal with it.
You are right, the left has turned our country into a third world country now, and you are down wid it. I hope you have to eat your words with soap when this is done.
Projecting much, right winger. Y'all have no healthcare plan and no infrastructure plan.
Didn't need one or the other, but it was a topic or topic's chosen by the politician's to exploit with we the uneducated about such things. Now improving on things are always good, and there is always room for improvement's, but to suggest that system's should be broken, and then rebuilt to the tune of trillions of dollars is corrupt, and is nefarious. It is agenda's that the citizen's are attempted to be persuaded on, and if not persuaded, they will be hit over the head with them.
Yet, right wingers have no problem with Big Government instead of free market Capitalism when it comes to y'all's foreign wars. Why do y'all need the largest military in the world to merely lose your wars with third world nations.
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the world is a dangerous place.

I guess how dangerous the world is depends on where one is and the decisions one makes.
I’ve only been in scary situations once or twice in my 62 years on the planet.
In this country, crime and danger are down by minimally 30% from the 80s and 90s.
You mean in parts of this country. Yes.

Can't see it from a politicians house though, so it must not exist right ??

Nope - the ENTIRE country.

You mean the one that was THE most secure in US history ---
THAT one?? :laughing0301:
Where was that?

Several Republican governors and secretaries of swing states say it was free and fair
Over 70 federal judges (8 appointed by Rump) say it was free and fair
Donald's attorney general said NO WIDESPREAD FRAUD
Donald's Cyber-Security Chief said it was the most secure in US history
Endless recounts (hand and machine), audits and signature matches said it was free and fair
All 50 states have certified their election results meaning they were free and fair

You are headed down the dangerous road of autocrats. Please stop promoting Q-Kook conspiracy theories and Big Lies.
What’s Q?

you like fairy tales huh?
Q stands for queef, the sound you make when you open your mouth.
Dear faun,

Precisely what about the az audit has you so worked up?
Dear faun,

Precisely what about the az audit has you so worked up?
Let's see ... the company doing the audit is not certified to do such audits.

They're not in the business of doing such audits.

They've never performed such an audit.

They refused to enforce every table will have both a Republican AND a Democrat.

They've banned all media from the room except for one RWNJ fringe conspiracy site.

Once of the reviewers lost his race in the 2020 election and is actually reviewing the very ballots his own name is on.

Said Republican is a biased "stop the steal" Trump Republican who was at the Capitol on Insurrection Day.
What ever happened to....

We cheated. See if you can stop us...?

The audit is live streamed, and in this vote count, one side's observers will not be forcibly removed, as they were in Detroit, Atlanta, and many other steal hotspots on election night....

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