Democrats Shudder At Idea Of Having To Legislate Through Congress Should Supreme Court Lean


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats Shudder At Idea Of Having To Legislate Through Congress Should Supreme Court Lean Right
U.S.—With the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh looming, Democrats expressed fear and trepidation Friday at the idea of having to actually legislate through Congress instead of courts in the future, should the Supreme Court tilt to the right....
“Oh man, when we want to shove our social agenda down the nation’s throat, we’re going to have to get the legislative branch involved. There’s gonna have to be votes and the whole nine,” a petrified senator, who wished to remain anonymous, said. “If the conservatives get a majority on the Supreme Court, it’ll be back to ‘Schoolhouse Rock.’”.... “An America in which laws are passed by a large body comprised of elected officials whose duty it is to represent their constituency is not the America our founders intended.”

Hmm...., like all satirical humor, must have an element of truth in it to be funny, at all.... Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats aka DSA have used the 9th Circuit Court and the Supreme Court for nearly 75 years to force their unpopular positions on America. That’s why they’re been fighting so hard to keep it.
Rescuing the Supreme Court from the DSA left’s clutches is a double whammy against their agenda. First, it stops their use of the court as a pseudo-legislature to impose their evil desires, but second it ensures that should they manage to get any of their insanity approved via actual legislation the court will shoot it down if it’s unconstitutional (which their nonsense always is)… This is an incredibly great day for America, the Republic, Liberty and a big step toward restoring Constitutional government. The antithesis of the DSA and Obama's "Fundamental Transformation of America".
The left's worst nightmare is unfolding before their eyes, a SC that will interpret the Constitution, not enable or reinforce the agenda of the radical left. THIS is why they broke laws and weaponized the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to stop Trump. A President who loves his country and it's Constitution is someone they see as the enemy, and their enemy may well turn out to be America's greatest President, simply by doing the right thing. Imagine that.

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