Democrats setting a precedent on doxxing

Your deflection is noted. Trump's speech was peaceful. You're the liar. Take your propaganda and shove it. Amateur. Go ahead and show Trump's words that are violent.

He was delayed for 2 1/2 hours. Had Rump spoken up during the beginning none of this would have happened and very few would be going to prison. Your peaceful speech was delayed 2 1/2 hours AFTER the violence had begun. With Pence not vacating the Capital Building, Rumps plan failed and Rump had no choice but to try and play peaceful.
No one has threatened violence, little fascist cocksuck.

So why are you telling that lie? For exactly the same reasons that the Nazis told lies about the horrible violent Jews.
Is that same reason you're lying right now?
Activists upset about the leaked document detailing a SCOTUS review of Roe V Wade are planning to dox and protest the homes of Supreme Court Justices.

This is another precedent being set by the Left. If you don’t like the action our outcome of the Court, you can dox them and protest outside their homes.

You literally had Republican try and kidnap a governor. And hang a vice president. Come on man.
You literally had Republican try and kidnap a governor. And hang a vice president. Come on man.
What are you talking about? The Republicans accused of trying to kidnap a governor were acquitted. Republicans running around saying they want to hang a Vice President? The last two Republicans in the White House had Leftists journalists, actors, writers, and artists making statements or creations depicting the President being harmed or killed and it was celebrated by the Left. No charges.

But, let’s say those Republicans you sited for kidnapping and hanging attempts were found guilty. Why would Leftists encourage the same behavior or actions?
He was delayed for 2 1/2 hours. Had Rump spoken up during the beginning none of this would have happened and very few would be going to prison. Your peaceful speech was delayed 2 1/2 hours AFTER the violence had begun. With Pence not vacating the Capital Building, Rumps plan failed and Rump had no choice but to try and play peaceful.
Again, President Trump never said anything violent to instigate a riot. Period.
Again, President Trump never said anything violent to instigate a riot. Period.

You can stop lying now. There has been enough evidence where he did to make him squirm. He deserves in jail or on the french style of things from the 1700s.
Activists upset about the leaked document detailing a SCOTUS review of Roe V Wade are planning to dox and protest the homes of Supreme Court Justices.

This is another precedent being set by the Left. If you don’t like the action our outcome of the Court, you can dox them and protest outside their homes.

Well, getting rid of a const right that existed for 50 years .... might piss off some folks. But I'm sure the FIve didn't see this coming.
Well, getting rid of a const right that existed for 50 years .... might piss off some folks. But I'm sure the FIve didn't see this coming.
Roe is/was a Constitutionally unfounded decision. No lawyer worth his salt could argue it with a straight face.
I think we should have the CIA armed with AK-47's guarding the Justices with shoot-to-kill orders against anyone who trespasses or intimidates a Justice or a member of his household. After all, each and every one who is protesting the acceptance of abortion murder is either one who has murdered, one who wants to murder, or one who would damage anyone who refused to allow them to murder. These stupes do not know that a fetus is a human being in a stage of human development. That development deserves protection under the right to life clause in the United States Constitution. why arrest murderers, wannabe murderers, and people who protect murderers when all they really need is a dose of their own medicine. The law is clear: anyone who acts to intimidate justices from making a decision has broken federal law and merits a good, long sentence in jail to think over why murdering another human being might bee a very poor obsession to promote. If a robber kills a person who is pregnant, he gets clobbered with 2 murders in court. One murder is not acceptable, either. :cranky:
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I think we should have the CIA armed with AK-47's guarding the Justices with shoot-to-kill orders against anyone who trespasses or intimidates a Justice or a member of his household. After all, each and every one who is protesting the acceptance of abortion murder is either one who has murdered, one who wants to murder, or one who would damage anyone who refused to allow them to murder. These stupes do not know that a fetus is a human being in a stage of human development. That development deserves protection under the right to life clause in the United States Constitution. why arrest murderers, wannabe murderers, and people who protect murderers when all they really need is a dose of their own medicine. The law is clear: anyone who acts to intimidate justices from making a decision has broken federal law and merits a good, long sentence in jail to think over why murdering another human being might bee a very poor obsession to promote. If a robber kills a person who is pregnant, he gets clobbered with 2 murders in court. One murder is not acceptable, either. :cranky:
Cool tinfoil hat you got there.

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