Democrats prove they rank illegal immigrants OVER poor Americans with their border policies.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
America's resources are not unlimited. Each state has only so much free food, clothing and shelter to help AMERICA'S POOR PEOPLE. Keep in mind they are AMERICAN CITIZENS even though they are poor. Now if the Democratic Party REALLY CARED about America's poor as they constantly claim then WHY are the bringing in 10,000 illegal immigrants a day? Why are they sunsetting TItle 42 which will increase that number to 20,000 illegal immigrants per day? Do any of you Democrat supporters have an answer?

If you are a poor American or CLAIM to care about America's poor, how can you support the Democrats? The Democrats serve themselves and their border policies have proven that beyond any shadow of doubt.
America's resources are not unlimited. Each state has only so much free food, clothing and shelter to help AMERICA'S POOR PEOPLE. Keep in mind they are AMERICAN CITIZENS even though they are poor. Now if the Democratic Party REALLY CARED about America's poor as they constantly claim then WHY are the bringing in 10,000 illegal immigrants a day? Why are they sunsetting TItle 42 which will increase that number to 20,000 illegal immigrants per day? Do any of you Democrat supporters have an answer?

If you are a poor American or CLAIM to care about America's poor, how can you support the Democrats? The Democrats serve themselves and their border policies have proven that beyond any shadow of doubt.
For most of my life even though the parties largely disagreed on many things they did agree for the most part on at least attempting to control illegal immigration because Americans came first.

Obama came along though and suddenly illegals were viewed as the new constituency to target to create a permanent power base to keep democrats in power in perpetuity.

Now, America first is deemed xenophobic, racist, Nazi Propaganda.
Don't take my word for it, just go to a local food pantry or "clinic" and watch what goes in for yourself.

The land whales that show up are as broad as they are long and so are their kids. They must be eating the other "poor" by the looks of them.

The only ones you see that are normal sized are the Hispanic women and their gaggle of kids.

Poor my ass, fuck, between EBT and other bennies they are pretty darn well-off when compared to the rest of the world's poor and half of the lower middle class here that don't qualify for the "free shit" the "poor" get.

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