Democrats Plan On Nation's School Buses Wasteful!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Some rank and file Democrats need to up their game from an integrity level their current behavior doesn't comport with being a legislator for the greatest country the world has seen. I am referring to the "Clean Commute for Kids Act of 2021" it would have been better to name the bill "Reducing Damage To The Climate From School Buses Act" because if that was the goal that would be a worthy goal. If the bill didn't try to replace perfectly good petroleum powered buses with electric or hydrogen powered buses because it makes environmentalist happy but rather had as its aim that every year school districts across the country have to replace school buses so the Federal government is going to advance good public policy to protect the climate by helping them buy green buses. The federal government for low income school districts will give grants to pay the difference between the cost of a traditional diesel or unleaded gasoline bus and electric or hydrogen powered bus whichever the school district seeks to purchase and a grant for the supporting infrastructure EV charging stations or hydrogen storage tanks. The Federal government could appropriate one billion dollars per year for this purpose to remain available for such school districts until distributed through grants. This Democrat bill muddies up the water there is all these loopholes where the bill could be read so that the Federal government is going to be paying upward of seventy or ninety percent of the price of these zero emission buses, America is broke we have a national debt crisis we cannot be picking up the capital expenditure expense for buses for local school districts. Appropriating twenty-five billion dollars in this bill might satisfy certain Democrats greed to send money to their districts from Washington but it is not responsible governance these members of Congress have a duty to be good stewards of the nation's finances and the nation's economy!
Wait till all people with homes that are being heated with fuel oil and natural gas can no longer afford to stay warm in the winter. Then you'll see chaos that makes Biden's border crisis look minor.
A few weeks ago, President Biden announced his support for a bill that would make all school buses electric in 10 years. This is another disconnect between green extremism and reality. Electric cars function poorly or not at all in cold weather. Electric cars have limited range and can take up to 12 hours to recharge. Plus, 80% of our electricity comes from natural gas, coal, and nuclear power.

Study Shows Electric Cars Become Practically Useless In Cold Weather​

A better action would be to convert all school buses to natural gas, which burns much more cleanly than gasoline. However, the green movement has become so extreme that it now opposes natural gas, even though we have greatly reduced our carbon emissions by using more natural gas over the last eight years. Sadly, Biden's energy plan would aim to cut our use of natural gas by around 30% in 10 years. In contrast, Obama's energy plan vastly increased our use of natural gas because it produces far fewer emissions than gasoline or coal.
A few weeks ago, President Biden announced his support for a bill that would make all school buses electric in 10 years. This is another disconnect between green extremism and reality. Electric cars function poorly or not at all in cold weather. Electric cars have limited range and can take up to 12 hours to recharge. Plus, 80% of our electricity comes from natural gas, coal, and nuclear power.

Study Shows Electric Cars Become Practically Useless In Cold Weather​

A better action would be to convert all school buses to natural gas, which burns much more cleanly than gasoline. However, the green movement has become so extreme that it now opposes natural gas, even though we have greatly reduced our carbon emissions by using more natural gas over the last eight years. Sadly, Biden's energy plan would aim to cut our use of natural gas by around 30% in 10 years. In contrast, Obama's energy plan vastly increased our use of natural gas because it produces far fewer emissions than gasoline or coal.

Why not just get rid of school buses entirely and just use E-Learning like we did during the pandemic?

Reduces traffic overall, its a lot more earth-friendly. In addition, schools would have the opportunity to hire teachers from India who could stay in India- providing more competition for Teacher's Unions.
A better action would be to convert all school buses to natural gas, which burns much more cleanly than gasoline. However, the green movement has become so extreme that it now opposes natural gas, even though we have greatly reduced our carbon emissions by using more natural gas over the last eight years.
You do not get it but do not let this trouble you, few get it.

The world is running out of fossil fuels, including natural gas. Fracking seems to be the last resort scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

You can do a little research on this topic and if you do the results will be the same. China gets it and China is moving on to a greener future. So are our European partners.

It is what it is

How much coal will it take to charge them? Hey maybe its 'green' coal Dems are planning to mine.

Well, we are shutting down coal-fired power plants. Meanwhile, China is constructing over 125,000 megawatts worth. A very long extension cord? :oops:

The world is running out of fossil fuels, including natural gas. Fracking seems to be the last resort scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

You can do a little research on this topic and if you do the results will be the same. China gets it and China is moving on to a greener future. So are our European partners.

It is what it is.


We keep finding more and more so-called fossil fuels.

Right now China is building in excess of 125,000 megawatts of coal-fired power plants.
With the batteries those things would need, those moes would be so heavy that backroads rural bridges might not do well with them.
Well it not that school bus travel a great distance. Pick up the kids and drop them off.
Democrats are the stupidest people on the planet.

At the Federal, State and local level whenever those shitheads have control over the budget they will buy fleets of the Faggotmobiles.

It will be a terrible waste of taxpayer's money but typical for Democrats they won't give a shit.
Except ... the batteries don't work in the cold. Summer Vacation will have to be moved to the winter.

The purpose of the mandate is so that folks aligned with the party can cash-in on the electric bus scam and kick back some of it to Biden and other members of the party.

Every government expenditure is an opportunity for members of the party to get paid and they get paid!

It's irrelevant as to whether or not the program is good for America. All that matters is that members of the party get paid.

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