Democrats, MSM pitching George Floyd as a saint of some kind...How?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
With his past wasn’t he really just another St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago type criminal thug? Why was his life so valuable?
Will anybody or agency run with a story on David Dorn...the black retired police captain killed by rioters? Can’t really rile up the Dem constituency with a real saint can you? there a story being told here?
With his past wasn’t he really just another St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago type criminal thug? Why was his life so valuable?
Will anybody or agency run with a story on David Dorn...the black retired police captain killed by rioters? Can’t really rile up the Dem constituency with a real saint can you? there a story being told here?

We've seen this kind of thing before. Libs glorified Horst Wessel as a saint as well.

Ditto with Michael Brown, Matthew Shepard and the deaths of other seedy characters who they were able to make into martyrs for their cause.
With his past wasn’t he really just another St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago type criminal thug? Why was his life so valuable?
Will anybody or agency run with a story on David Dorn...the black retired police captain killed by rioters? Can’t really rile up the Dem constituency with a real saint can you? there a story being told here?
What no one's saying this guy worked with this cop at a large night club..ya guys do know what goes on in Some night clubs ...

This guy geeogie porgie pudding pie could of been whacked ....this cop could of been dirty ..could of been waiting on the opportunity he had him on the be smiling to..i got you bitch

Certainly a possibility
With his past wasn’t he really just another St Louis, Baltimore, Chicago type criminal thug? Why was his life so valuable?
Will anybody or agency run with a story on David Dorn...the black retired police captain killed by rioters? Can’t really rile up the Dem constituency with a real saint can you? there a story being told here?
It was like the Lame Stream Media picturing Trayvon Martin(the gay beater) as a ten year old boy, when it was really Trayvon the 18 year old thug, who went out of his way to give George the Democrat a real good beatdown. One lesson you "nigga's" should learn is that when you want to brawl, better make sure the guy you are going to punch isnt concealed carry....

Murder is murder......

Regardless of anyone's past.
On this I agree. I really don't care about anything that happened prior to the cuffs being applied. After that, the police are responsible for the well being of the suspect. Even if an angry mob wanted to drag Floyd away and hang him, the police are supposed to defend him. They certainly are not supposed to hold him down and restrict his ability to breathe. Being a cop is a serious responsibility and we have to have the highest standards for them.
It was like the Lame Stream Media picturing Trayvon Martin(the gay beater) as a ten year old boy, when it was really Trayvon the 18 year old thug, who went out of his way to give George the Democrat a real good beatdown. One lesson you "nigga's" should learn is that when you want to brawl, better make sure the guy you are going to punch isnt concealed carry....

I do recall the first media reports about the story, and it was a long time after the incident actually took place. They made it sound like Trayvon was a little boy playing with matchbox cars on the sidewalk when some big fat white guy walked up and shot him. It was a gross matter of journalistic malpractice with malice aforethought.

A shit ton of media apparatchiks should have been thrown in prison for inciting public unrest. The same with the Ferguson incident with Michael Brown.

Murder is murder......

Regardless of anyone's past.

You Libs have proven over and's not the American LIFE you care about...Why didn't you protest against illegal aliens for Mollie Tibbetts?
Why aren't you protesting murderous black criminality in St Louis, Baltimore and Chicago?
Nobody sane can level with you unreasonable are only credible when among other tards.
Murder is murder......

Regardless of anyone's past.
On this I agree. I really don't care about anything that happened prior to the cuffs being applied. After that, the police are responsible for the well being of the suspect. Even if an angry mob wanted to drag Floyd away and hang him, the police are supposed to defend him. They certainly are not supposed to hold him down and restrict his ability to breathe. Being a cop is a serious responsibility and we have to have the highest standards for them.
Back under the brown turd, even though we had our first 1/2 white president, his DOJ was saying there wasnt enough diversity in the police force's around the United States, because blacks just couldnt pass the necessary exams to get into said force. So guess what they did?

DOJ Forces Cities to Lower Police Exam Standards to Aid Minority Applicants
The Justice Department continues to be the subject of controversy as it attempts to impose an offensive solution to what it perceives to be discriminatory behavior. In Dayton, Ohio, where the police and firefighter exams have proven to pass few minorities, the U.S. Department of Justice is demanding that the city lower its passing score for the police exam in order to allow a larger pool of black applicants.

As we have been seeing, the degenerates that have been allowed to enter the Police Force has come back to haunt those dumbass liberals who demanded that the bar be lowered so more scum could be allowed to join. Of course this was only supposed to allow stupid blacks to join, but also it ended up allowing bad white people to join. Want to complain? Send the Brown Turd Oblummer and is forgetful VP Biden a message about how fucked up they were in their diversity police force....


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