Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists
'Riots and invasive protest are the primary means by which the left operates'

Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Michelle Malkin

Is it just me or has the entire universe of establishment media, politics and Hollywood forgotten that this country has endured an entire year of relentless violent anarcho-tyranny?
Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters set businesses and churches ablaze, smashed state capitols and laid siege to federal courthouses. They permanently destroyed precious statues and symbols of America's heritage. They assaulted elderly people, stalked and menaced bystanders, taunted and terrorized law enforcement. And they committed murder – dozens of times – in the name of social justice while the powers that be sat idly by.
How conveniently they have all forgotten the grief of Ann Dorn, widow of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn, who was slain by George Floyd vigilantes looting a pawn shop he was guarding on June 2, 2020. Ann Dorn condemned the violence during a speech to the Republican National Convention last summer and recounted how she relives "that horror in my mind every single day. My hope is that having you relive it with me now will help shake this country from this nightmare we're witnessing in our cities" and "bring about positive, peaceful change."
When they take over government buildings, like 40,000 Democratic union workers did when they stormed Wisconsin's state capitol in 2011 for nearly a month, it's not an insurrection. It's a First Amendment celebration.
When they take over U.S. senators' offices, like they did during the 2018 Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it's not sedition. It's "democracy."
When they feel like blocking traffic and shutting down highways, the police don't arrest them. They protect them.
And when they occupy U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities and vandalize federal courthouses – while obstructing homeland security operations, shining lasers in cops' eyes to blind them and hurling bricks at them to maim them – it's not a crime. It's "peaceful protest.
Maxine Waters has been cribbing Martin Luther King Jr.'s line about riots being the "language of the unheard" ever since she danced on the ashes of the L.A. riots with Bloods and Crips.
Liberal magazine Slate declared just six months ago in defense of Antifa and BLM anarcho-tyrannists that "non-violence is an important tool for protest, but so is violence."
There simply cannot be peace and civil order in such a dysfunctional country of double standards and stifled dissent. It is dishonest and harmful to our republic to pretend otherwise.

A few of us have noticed the limited coverage of ongoing struggle for 'fweedom' still occuring at some locations. Not that they were ever a problem anyway.
There's no doubt that the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists exploit people by race.
Race was the issue that was embraced by the early communist party USA and has been used to justify all kinds of BS like quotas preferences crime, harassment, violence, murder, the welfare state, work ethic, education and employment discrimination against whites Jews, Catholics and Asians
The failure to speak out against this crap after the civil rights act has been the undoing of America, the quid pro quo was supposed to be that “equal opportunity “ to result in civilized behavior it hasn’t happened.
Even during all the Georgie Floyd incident BLM/Antifa violence, looting and arson, not once was black crime ever mentioned even though it was the same condition precedent for Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, nor did Democrats at anytime decry the destruction wrought by these terrorist groups. They did however, donate to their causes of violence, murder, arson and looting.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists
'Riots and invasive protest are the primary means by which the left operates'

Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Michelle Malkin

Is it just me or has the entire universe of establishment media, politics and Hollywood forgotten that this country has endured an entire year of relentless violent anarcho-tyranny?
Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters set businesses and churches ablaze, smashed state capitols and laid siege to federal courthouses. They permanently destroyed precious statues and symbols of America's heritage. They assaulted elderly people, stalked and menaced bystanders, taunted and terrorized law enforcement. And they committed murder – dozens of times – in the name of social justice while the powers that be sat idly by.
How conveniently they have all forgotten the grief of Ann Dorn, widow of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn, who was slain by George Floyd vigilantes looting a pawn shop he was guarding on June 2, 2020. Ann Dorn condemned the violence during a speech to the Republican National Convention last summer and recounted how she relives "that horror in my mind every single day. My hope is that having you relive it with me now will help shake this country from this nightmare we're witnessing in our cities" and "bring about positive, peaceful change."
When they take over government buildings, like 40,000 Democratic union workers did when they stormed Wisconsin's state capitol in 2011 for nearly a month, it's not an insurrection. It's a First Amendment celebration.
When they take over U.S. senators' offices, like they did during the 2018 Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it's not sedition. It's "democracy."
When they feel like blocking traffic and shutting down highways, the police don't arrest them. They protect them.
And when they occupy U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities and vandalize federal courthouses – while obstructing homeland security operations, shining lasers in cops' eyes to blind them and hurling bricks at them to maim them – it's not a crime. It's "peaceful protest.
Maxine Waters has been cribbing Martin Luther King Jr.'s line about riots being the "language of the unheard" ever since she danced on the ashes of the L.A. riots with Bloods and Crips.
Liberal magazine Slate declared just six months ago in defense of Antifa and BLM anarcho-tyrannists that "non-violence is an important tool for protest, but so is violence."
There simply cannot be peace and civil order in such a dysfunctional country of double standards and stifled dissent. It is dishonest and harmful to our republic to pretend otherwise.

A few of us have noticed the limited coverage of ongoing struggle for 'fweedom' still occuring at some locations. Not that they were ever a problem anyway.
There's no doubt that the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists exploit people by race.
Race was the issue that was embraced by the early communist party USA and has been used to justify all kinds of BS like quotas preferences crime, harassment, violence, murder, the welfare state, work ethic, education and employment discrimination against whites Jews, Catholics and Asians
The failure to speak out against this crap after the civil rights act has been the undoing of America, the quid pro quo was supposed to be that “equal opportunity “ to result in civilized behavior it hasn’t happened.
Even during all the Georgie Floyd incident BLM/Antifa violence, looting and arson, not once was black crime ever mentioned even though it was the same condition precedent for Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, nor did Democrats at anytime decry the destruction wrought by these terrorist groups. They did however, donate to their causes of violence, murder, arson and looting.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The Lamestream Media's agenda has never been more clear. Even before Trump came into the picture, they were struggling with facts, and now we've seen what they can do and WILL DO with their power over the message. Like you, I've not forgotten when thugs were acting out without fear of consequence this past summer.

The largest city closest to me was totally destroyed and people were sequestered due to the violence. There is no way people are going to forget this thuggery, regardless of how twisted Lamestream Media becomes. This is a crucial time for our country, and even more crucial for all to contact their state representatives and to not sit back and expect somebody else to do it. Numbers count...and our reps get going when they hear from large numbers of their constituents. I'm counting on it as people can always be voted out-TG.
Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists
'Riots and invasive protest are the primary means by which the left operates'

Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Michelle Malkin

Is it just me or has the entire universe of establishment media, politics and Hollywood forgotten that this country has endured an entire year of relentless violent anarcho-tyranny?
Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters set businesses and churches ablaze, smashed state capitols and laid siege to federal courthouses. They permanently destroyed precious statues and symbols of America's heritage. They assaulted elderly people, stalked and menaced bystanders, taunted and terrorized law enforcement. And they committed murder – dozens of times – in the name of social justice while the powers that be sat idly by.
How conveniently they have all forgotten the grief of Ann Dorn, widow of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn, who was slain by George Floyd vigilantes looting a pawn shop he was guarding on June 2, 2020. Ann Dorn condemned the violence during a speech to the Republican National Convention last summer and recounted how she relives "that horror in my mind every single day. My hope is that having you relive it with me now will help shake this country from this nightmare we're witnessing in our cities" and "bring about positive, peaceful change."
When they take over government buildings, like 40,000 Democratic union workers did when they stormed Wisconsin's state capitol in 2011 for nearly a month, it's not an insurrection. It's a First Amendment celebration.
When they take over U.S. senators' offices, like they did during the 2018 Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it's not sedition. It's "democracy."
When they feel like blocking traffic and shutting down highways, the police don't arrest them. They protect them.
And when they occupy U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities and vandalize federal courthouses – while obstructing homeland security operations, shining lasers in cops' eyes to blind them and hurling bricks at them to maim them – it's not a crime. It's "peaceful protest.
Maxine Waters has been cribbing Martin Luther King Jr.'s line about riots being the "language of the unheard" ever since she danced on the ashes of the L.A. riots with Bloods and Crips.
Liberal magazine Slate declared just six months ago in defense of Antifa and BLM anarcho-tyrannists that "non-violence is an important tool for protest, but so is violence."
There simply cannot be peace and civil order in such a dysfunctional country of double standards and stifled dissent. It is dishonest and harmful to our republic to pretend otherwise.

A few of us have noticed the limited coverage of ongoing struggle for 'fweedom' still occuring at some locations. Not that they were ever a problem anyway.
There's no doubt that the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists exploit people by race.
Race was the issue that was embraced by the early communist party USA and has been used to justify all kinds of BS like quotas preferences crime, harassment, violence, murder, the welfare state, work ethic, education and employment discrimination against whites Jews, Catholics and Asians
The failure to speak out against this crap after the civil rights act has been the undoing of America, the quid pro quo was supposed to be that “equal opportunity “ to result in civilized behavior it hasn’t happened.
Even during all the Georgie Floyd incident BLM/Antifa violence, looting and arson, not once was black crime ever mentioned even though it was the same condition precedent for Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, nor did Democrats at anytime decry the destruction wrought by these terrorist groups. They did however, donate to their causes of violence, murder, arson and looting.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The Lamestream Media's agenda has never been more clear. Even before Trump came into the picture, they were struggling with facts, and now we've seen what they can do and WILL DO with their power over the message. Like you, I've not forgotten when thugs were acting out without fear of consequence this past summer.

The largest city closest to me was totally destroyed and people were sequestered due to the violence. There is no way people are going to forget this thuggery, regardless of how twisted Lamestream Media becomes. This is a crucial time for our country, and even more crucial for all to contact their state representatives and to not sit back and expect somebody else to do it. Numbers count...and our reps get going when they hear from large numbers of their constituents. I'm counting on it as people can always be voted out-TG.

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the police in areas like yours who did nothing to stop the left wing rioters if the tables are turned.
We didnt have riots in Houston,and the few times they tried they were shut down immediately.
Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists
'Riots and invasive protest are the primary means by which the left operates'

Amnesia of the anarcho-tyrannists (
12 Jan 2021 ~~ By Michelle Malkin

Is it just me or has the entire universe of establishment media, politics and Hollywood forgotten that this country has endured an entire year of relentless violent anarcho-tyranny?
Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters set businesses and churches ablaze, smashed state capitols and laid siege to federal courthouses. They permanently destroyed precious statues and symbols of America's heritage. They assaulted elderly people, stalked and menaced bystanders, taunted and terrorized law enforcement. And they committed murder – dozens of times – in the name of social justice while the powers that be sat idly by.
How conveniently they have all forgotten the grief of Ann Dorn, widow of retired St. Louis police captain David Dorn, who was slain by George Floyd vigilantes looting a pawn shop he was guarding on June 2, 2020. Ann Dorn condemned the violence during a speech to the Republican National Convention last summer and recounted how she relives "that horror in my mind every single day. My hope is that having you relive it with me now will help shake this country from this nightmare we're witnessing in our cities" and "bring about positive, peaceful change."
When they take over government buildings, like 40,000 Democratic union workers did when they stormed Wisconsin's state capitol in 2011 for nearly a month, it's not an insurrection. It's a First Amendment celebration.
When they take over U.S. senators' offices, like they did during the 2018 Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, it's not sedition. It's "democracy."
When they feel like blocking traffic and shutting down highways, the police don't arrest them. They protect them.
And when they occupy U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities and vandalize federal courthouses – while obstructing homeland security operations, shining lasers in cops' eyes to blind them and hurling bricks at them to maim them – it's not a crime. It's "peaceful protest.
Maxine Waters has been cribbing Martin Luther King Jr.'s line about riots being the "language of the unheard" ever since she danced on the ashes of the L.A. riots with Bloods and Crips.
Liberal magazine Slate declared just six months ago in defense of Antifa and BLM anarcho-tyrannists that "non-violence is an important tool for protest, but so is violence."
There simply cannot be peace and civil order in such a dysfunctional country of double standards and stifled dissent. It is dishonest and harmful to our republic to pretend otherwise.

A few of us have noticed the limited coverage of ongoing struggle for 'fweedom' still occuring at some locations. Not that they were ever a problem anyway.
There's no doubt that the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists exploit people by race.
Race was the issue that was embraced by the early communist party USA and has been used to justify all kinds of BS like quotas preferences crime, harassment, violence, murder, the welfare state, work ethic, education and employment discrimination against whites Jews, Catholics and Asians
The failure to speak out against this crap after the civil rights act has been the undoing of America, the quid pro quo was supposed to be that “equal opportunity “ to result in civilized behavior it hasn’t happened.
Even during all the Georgie Floyd incident BLM/Antifa violence, looting and arson, not once was black crime ever mentioned even though it was the same condition precedent for Rodney King, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, nor did Democrats at anytime decry the destruction wrought by these terrorist groups. They did however, donate to their causes of violence, murder, arson and looting.

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The Lamestream Media's agenda has never been more clear. Even before Trump came into the picture, they were struggling with facts, and now we've seen what they can do and WILL DO with their power over the message. Like you, I've not forgotten when thugs were acting out without fear of consequence this past summer.

The largest city closest to me was totally destroyed and people were sequestered due to the violence. There is no way people are going to forget this thuggery, regardless of how twisted Lamestream Media becomes. This is a crucial time for our country, and even more crucial for all to contact their state representatives and to not sit back and expect somebody else to do it. Numbers count...and our reps get going when they hear from large numbers of their constituents. I'm counting on it as people can always be voted out-TG.

It will be interesting to see the reaction of the police in areas like yours who did nothing to stop the left wing rioters if the tables are turned.
We didnt have riots in Houston,and the few times they tried they were shut down immediately.
I should move to Houston-have family there even..maybe one day I will. Exactly right, as it should be when things even start to look like they're headed that way, get out the water hoses and hose them down...peacefully;)

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